Summary of News

1. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann says that preparations are being made according to the major military regions in order to meet the needs of the battlefield

Union Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than said at the training completion ceremony of the People’s Defence Force (MOD-NUG) Daw Na Column in January that preparations are being made according to the major military regions in order to meet the needs of the battlefield, as follows:

“In order to meet the needs of the battlefield, preparations are being made according to the major military regions, and the NUG is working together in unity and coordination with the ethnic alliance revolutionary organizations.”

Under the National Unity Government, the People’s Defence Forces’ military headquarters has been established, and the needs of its battalions are also being handled according to their priority level.

2. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that the terrorist army’s aerial bombardment of civilians in Moe Tarr Lay Village, Katha Township, is an act of cowardice

On January 19, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng posted photos of the aftermath of the bombing and claimed that the terrorist army’s aerial bombardment of civilians in Moe Tarr Layy Village, Katha Township, Sagaing Division, was an act of cowardice, as follows:

“This is the scene of the brutal bombing by the terrorist military on Moe Tarr Lay Village, Katha Township, with military helicopters, which includes the photos of people who were killed brutally while staying at their home. A house where a donation ceremony was taking place was bombed, and seven people died instantly and many injured. When people ran into their houses, their houses were bombed. There was a battle somewhere in the forest of Katha Township, and many soldiers of terrorist military were killed there, but it was not in the village. If there were a fight [in the village], where would there be a donation event? This is a wanton act of cowardice.”

At least 7 civilians were killed and many injured when the terrorist military used two military planes to drop at least five bombs on the lower part of Moe Tarr Lay Village, Katha township, and Sagaing region at 4:15 p.m. on January 18, according to the Katha Township People’s Administration (PaKaHpa).

Then, at 12:40 p.m. on January 19, three military airplanes believed to have come from the direction of Lashio reportedly dropped three bombs on Tike Kone Ward of Moe Tarr Village in Katha Township and were constantly shooting with machine guns.

3. The Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs had a meeting with the Department of Law Enforcement and Transitional Justice of the Ministry of Justice

On January 18, the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs had the first meeting to introduce and develop joint activities with the Department of Law Enforcement and Transitional Justice of the Ministry of Justice through video conference.

In the meeting, the two sides extensively discussed the issues of legal redress for the rights of women, youth, and children who suffered during the revolution, the issues of women, youth, and children that must be addressed during the transition period, and the future work to be carried out together between the two ministries.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung and officials from the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children Affairs, Deputy Director General U Tin Tun Thein, Advisor and department staff from the Department of Law Enforcement and Transitional Justice of the Ministry of Justice.

4. Myaing Township People’s Defence Force (Myaing PaKaHpa) and Earthuake People’s Defence Force cooperated to collaborated to provide refresher training for comrades and equip weapons in order to make the best of the camp captured battles and urban operations

On January 17, the Earthquake People’s Defence Force, a revolutionary force in Magway Division, said that the completion ceremony of a military refresher training was held in cooperation with Myaing Township People’s Defence as follows:

“Myaing Township People’s Defence Force (PaKaHpa) and the Earthquake People’s Defence Force jointly held a refresher training completion ceremony on January 17 somewhere in Myaing Township. The main purpose of the refresher training is to make the most of camp capture battles and urban operations, and to maintain order and unity on the battle field. The comrades of Myaing Township People’s Defence Force (Myaing PaKaHpa) and Earthuake People’s Defence Force have intensively trained in combat drills during the 45-day refresher course and learned psychological warfare. After the refresher training, the comrades are equipped with full weapons. and we are trying to visually show what people want to see soon.”

5. Ye Bhilu Defence force has full control over the former Kyonlaung Village in Ye Township, Mon State, and the area clearance is carried out

The leader of Ye Bhilu, a revolutionary force active in Ye Township, revealed on January 17 that the force has gained full control over the former Kyonlaung Village in Ye Township, Mon State, and the area clearance was carried out as follows:

“Ye Bhilu has carried out area clearance in the former Kyonlaung Village, which is under Ye Bhilu’s full control.”

Ye Bhilu group has recently demolished the Mytel mobile tower and the flagpole in front of the military council-run village administration office in the former Kyonlaung Village. Ye Bhilu group had also attacked the gate of the 586th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-586) based in Ye Township on December 20, 2022, with an RPG, killing 4 soldiers in the bunker. The group had also ambushed and attacked a military convoy carrying junta soldiers under the 591st Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-591) on December 20, 2022, killing 2 soldiers.

6. In Katha Township, fierce fightings is going on between ABSDF, its allies and military council forces in three locations east and west of the river

On January 19, the Katha PaKaHpa (Katha Township People’s Defence Force) told Radio NUG that fierce fightings was going on between the ABSDF, its allies, and military council forces in three locations east and west of the river in Katha Township:

“In Katha, there are clashes going on in three locations east and west of the river. It is still in the middle of battle, so the casualties and injuries [on the enemy’s side] for yesterday’s Moe Tarr Lay battle are a bit difficult to confirm.  Civilian patients also went to hospital in Katha, so the enumerators had to take some time. This morning, the ASBDF attacked the military council forces from three places: Aitalu pagoda hill, Seik Thar Village, and 3 miles away from Moe Tarr Lay Village. The ASBDF and local defence forces are defending civilians in Moe Tarr Lay Village, who were attacked yesterday, from being attacked again by the military council forces.”

The allied forces are also reportedly joining forces with the ASBDF in the clashes and helping civilians in Moe Tarr Lay Village to be able to avoid the recent clashes.

7. Over 300 advanced orders in the EOD’s Spring Valour condominium project

The End of Dictatorship (EOD) announced on January 18 that its Spring Valour condominium has secured over 300 advanced orders, as follows:

“The advanced orders registered at the EOD agents to purchase the Spring Valour condominium rooms exceed 300. People matter first. There are people who have entrusted their lives and bodies; there are people who are marching by while scarfing their lives; and there are people who are supporting the revolution with their wealth and prosperity. This is because they believe in their blood that this revolution will only be won by the people.”

The sale of the Spring Valour condominium rooms will start on January 21, 2023, and it will be the first project of the EOD in 2023. The Spring Valour condominium will be built on Kabaraye 106, the land owned by the terrorist military and located on Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Yangon.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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