Summary of News

1. The campaign to boycott PTT started on the social media network Twitter

There will be a mass trending party on Twitter on December 26 at 8:00 p.m. to let the international community know about boycotting the PTT company, which provides about 500 million dollars a year to the terrorist regime. The Blood Money Campaign group that is driving the Twitter campaign to boycott PTT urged those who use Twitter to take part in Twitter mass trending. #PTT_MustStopPaymentToJunta #BoycottPTT #2022Dec26Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar are the hashtags to use. 

The reason for boycotting PTT is that it is funding the Myanmar junta’s atrocities such as murder, burning villages, and bombardments. The junta’s largest source of income is Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), which generates approximately 1800 million U.S. dollars (the updated income is still being calculated because the global price of crude oil increased in 2022, and experts estimate that the income may be increased by 1,000 million U.S. dollars). Here, PTT, which is owned by the Thai government, holds the largest position in funding junta leader Min Aung Hlaing and a bunch of murderers. PTT alone provided 458.9 million dollars for the military group in 2021, and observers and experts believe that it is possible to provide 1,000 million dollars this year, 2022, according to the Blood Money Campaign group.

Three PTT petrol stations in Myawaddy, in Karen State, eight Café Amazon outlets in Myanmar, and several engine oils bearing the PTT mark are among the products to be boycotted.

The Blood Money Campaign group urged everyone as follows:

“This matter concerns all of us. It can’t be indecisive. A revolution is not about holding a gun or protesting on the streets. It is about playing whatever role we can afford in a balanced manner. We can revolt against the dictator just by boycotting these products while doing the normal activities of our daily lives.”

2. Seven NCA signatories will not attend the meeting with the military council

The December 19 invitation of the Military Council’s National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC), established by the military council, to hold talks with the seven NCA signatories was rejected.

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson for the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), told the media that the PPST had responded to the military council’s invitation by saying that the 7 NCA signatories would accept the invitation only after an informal meeting.

The terrorist military council, which is facing a confrontation with the people’s defensive wars due to the coup, has offered to meet with the chairmen of 7 ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) who signed the National Ceasefire Agreement from December 27 to December 29 in Nay Pyi Taw.

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt said that the topic of the invitation was Peace Talks, and that the military council had offered to meet and discuss the points that the 7 NCA signatories wanted to amend in the 2008 constitution.

After the discussion among the PPST members on December 23, the PPST replied to continue to make an informal, pre-negotiated transit with an agenda that will be convenient for both sides before holding such talks, said Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt on December 24.

The 7 NCA signatories that were invited by the military council include the Rakhine State Liberation Party (ALP), the New Mon State Party (NMSP), the Reconstruction Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA), the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC), the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), and the Lahu Democratic Union (LDU).

3. The people’s defence forces arrested military council officers

Moe Kaung People’s Defence Force (UG BLACK K) announced that it has arrested Kai Zar Lian, Prison Warden of Dun Bang Prison, who was a former Captain serving under the Light Infantry Battalion 282 (LIB-282), at his home on December 24 at 11:15 a.m. The arrest was publicized by the Moe Kaung People’s Defence Force (UG BLACK K) as a Christmas gift for the people.

Similarly, the Palaw Regional Defence Force (PRDF) announced that it and its allies managed to arrest Thiha Soe, Prison Warden of Kawthaung Prison, who was traveling by bus, at around 1:30 p.m. on December 24, while conducting inspections on the side of the Myeik-Dawe road in Tanintharyi Division.

The PRDF and its allies arrested the prison warden along with 170,000 kyats in cash and a phone, and the prison warden was said to be continuing to be detained by the PRDF in a safe place.

The local people’s defense forces have urged the people to cooperate when they conduct roadside inspections in areas under their control to inspect the pillars of the terrorist military.

4. Over 20 members of junta forces including a major were killed in Bago Yoma battles

In Bago Yoma, Taungoo District, Bago Division, at least 11 battles broke out between the terrorist military council troops and the Taungoo District People’s Defence Force Battalion 3501 starting on December 15, at least 20 junta forces members, including a major, were killed and many others were injured in those battles, according to a statement made by the battalion on December 24.

Three comrades of the Taungoo District People’s Defence Force Battalion 3501 died in battle for the country, and one was injured (but not critically).

In the battles, one MA-2 machine gun, two MA-1 assault rifles, two MA-3 assault rifles, one 60-mm grenade, one RPG grenade, and various ammunition were seized from the military council, the Taungoo District People’s Defence Force Battalion 3501 announced.

In the statement of the Taungoo District People’s Defence Force Battalion 3501, it is stated that, until now, the military council troops are still marching in Bago Yoma, where fighting is intense and more than 1,000 local people are fleeing.

5. Military junta troops are still marching on after torching the whole Pyan Kya village, which has over 500 houses

According to the local residents, the column that returned to Tabayin Town after torching Pyan Kya Village in the southwestern part of Tabayin Township, Sagaing Division, for two days in a row, again marched into villages this morning, causing villagers to flee. In the early morning of December 25, due to the marching of the military council’s arson attack, local people from about five villages, including Khun Taung Village, Bagan Village, Yin Twae Village, and Nat Gyi Village, were reportedly fleeing.

“After two days of torching Pyan Kya Village, they are marching into villages again, and it is not yet known exactly which villages they are marching into,” a local said.

Pyan Kya Village, which has between 500 and 700 houses, was torched for the first time on July 7, destroying 27 houses by fire. Five months after the first arson attack, almost the whole village was destroyed by fire in this arson attack, said a resident of Pyan Kya Village.

The junta’s Mawlaik-based Light Infantry Battalion 364 (LIB-364) and Infantry Battalion 701 (IB-701) have been reportedly marching into the villages of Tabayin Township and Ye-U Township with a force of between 150 and 180 troops since December 1.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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