Summary of News

1. The Acting President says that removing the old behaviours that will revive the evil dictatorship system is taken seriously as the educational goal of the NUG

At the Mogok Federal School Education Assembly held on December 23, Acting President Duwa Lashi La remarked the following:

“Due to the development of a military dictatorship in our country, military expenditure was extremely high while education expenditure was extremely low. As a result, the Myanmar’s education sector has reached its poorest state. The NUG takes seriously its educational goal of removing old behaviours that will revive the evil dictatorship system.”

Moreover, the Acting President emphasized that education reform must be carried out along with Myanmar’s current spring revolution and that education is the foundation for the development of society.

2. NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min says that the Security Council’s resolution may strengthen ASEAN’s capacity

On December 22, U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, expressed his remarks regarding the U.N. Security Council’s resolution on Myanmar as follows:

“It was the first ever resolution on Myanmar in 74 years adopted by the United Nations Security Council, which can be said to be the most powerful organ of the United Nations. It may strengthen the capacity of ASEAN. It has given the responsibility to the U.N. member states who closes their eyes to Myanmar issue under the pretext that it is an internal matter. This move reassures the people of Myanmar that the world is still concerned about the Myanmar issue. We will keep working hard.”

On December 22, the U.N. Security Council adopted the resolution on the Myanmar issue with no opposition.

3. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung says that the military council is no longer able to recuperate in international affairs

U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister of Communications, Information and Technology, said that the military council is no longer able to recuperate in international affairs.

“The resolution of the U.N. Security Council is very important because it was adopted by opting not to wield vetoes by the superpower members that the military council relies on following months of discussion among member states. We will have to wait and see what the Security Council does next if no country stands up for the terrorist military and the terrorist military fails to comply with these resolutions. What is certain is that, during this month, the military council is no longer able to recuperate international affairs, such as those with the U.S., E.U., U.N., and ASEAN.”

On December 22, the U.N. Security Council adopted a resolution on Myanmar without any opposition from China or Russia.

At present, the diplomats’ relations with the military council are downgraded without sending ambassadors to Myanmar, and they are prohibited from attending international summits, including ASEAN meetings.

4. In accordance with international law, the units of the People’s Defence Force do not employ child soldiers

U Kyaw Zaw, spokesperson of the office of the Acting President, told Radio NUG on December 23 that the units of the People’s Defence Force are complying with international law without employing child soldiers.

“The NUG is complying with international law despite the difficulties of the revolution,” he said.

At present, pro-military groups are making false statements about the battalions of the People’s Defence Force and using technology to spread false propaganda through photos on social media.

“We are doing our best to meet the needs of our fellow comrades. I declare that we are doing our best despite the various difficulties encountered during the revolution,” U Kyaw Zaw said.

At present, the Ministry of Defence has established nearly 300 units of the People’s Defence Force and over 250 Township PaKaHpa, as well as clearly announced the codes of conduct to be observed by the defence forces

5. Almost a third of Myanmar’s population, including 5.6 million children, are in need of humanitarian assistance

On December 23, UNICEF Myanmar said that almost a third of the population, including 5.6 million children, are in need of humanitarian assistance. The statement is as follows:

“Children and their families continue to suffer due to widespread and deepening conflict in Myanmar. Almost one-third of the population, including 5.6 million children, is in need of humanitarian assistance.”

Over one hundred thousand people in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, Karenni State, Karen State, and Chin State are displaced because of the invasion and destruction of their villages by the terrorist military.

6. Residents are urged to be cautious because military council forces are deployed in Indaw Township and may conduct raids on the villages

On the morning of December 23, the Indaw Revolution (IR) team reported that the military council troops were deployed in Indaw Township, Sagaing Division, and that they could raid the villages, as follows:

“There are 77 troops of the military council at Set Kone Monastery. About 80 troops from Myo Ma Monastery are arriving at Nat Ma Hote Gyi Village, and about another 100 from Sint Hout Monastery have also been divided into two groups—one near Lel Pyin Village and another near Indaw Cemetery.”

Residents have been advised to stay away from the military columns to prevent being drugged and forced to serve as porters.

7. Four junta soldiers were hurt when mines targeted a group of soldiers stationed between B.E.H.S. (2) Kawlin and the park

The Kawlin Revolution (KR) team reported on the morning of December 23 that a group of junta soldiers stationed between B.E.H.S. (2) Kawlin and the park were attacked by mines, and four of them were wounded.

It stated, “Kawlin PaKaHpa detonated mines near the military council troops stationed between B.E.H.S. (2) Kawlin and the park. One of the four military council troops who were struck was seriously wounded.”

To take control of Kawlin Township, the military council has deployed an excessive number of troops.

8. The People’s Security Force (Southern Pauk) and the local defence forces cooperate and provide free medical care to about 93 IDPs

On December 20, the People’s Security Force (Southern Pauk) claimed that it had cooperated with local defence forces to provide free medical care to about 93 IDPs, as follows: “During this week, the People’s Security Force (Southern Pauk) has cooperated with the Headquarters and Squadron 3 of the Southern Pauk Guerrilla Force (SPGF), Pwint Phyu PDF, and the Southern Pauk Medical Nurse Force (SPMNF) to provide free medical care to about 93 IDPs. The revolutionary brothers and sisters are working hard in their respective roles in the revolution, and if we all work in harmony and coordination like this, we believe we may achieve our goal in the near future.”

#Credit : Radio NUG


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