Summary of News

1. The U.N. Security Council approved a resolution urging the immediate release of all political prisoners, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint

On December 21, the U.N. Security Council voted on a draft resolution on the Myanmar issue.

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights, remarked the following regarding the resolution:

“The resolution adopted today demands an immediate end to all forms of violence committed by the terrorist military council, immediately releases all arbitrarily detained people, including political prisoners, and asks for all parties to respect human rights.

It was the first ever resolution on Myanmar in 74 years adopted by the United Nations Security Council, which can be said to be the most powerful organ of the United Nations. Regarding Myanmar, only the Human Rights Council and the General Assembly have ever made resolutions before. The Security Council has also issued statements, but this release is the resolution which needs to be complied with and respected.”

The minister also said the following:

“The resolution was approved by 15-member Security Council, with 5 permanent members and 10 rotating members, and it was able to approved since there was no vetoing members. The resolution passed with 12-0 votes and three abstentions.”

China, Russia, and India were abstentions in the resolution.

The Union Minster continued the following:

“This resolution can be said to be a historic and progressive step for Myanmar at the U.N. Security Council and it includes the demands of the terrorist military council and international community. Issues like stopping the export of armaments to the junta were left out of the resolution; it did not specify what action would be taken if it was not complied with. However, this resolution has a significant impact on the international community’s ongoing efforts.”

2. CRPH sends a message on Karen New Year, wishing to eradicate the evil dictatorship system and build a peaceful new federal democratic country

The CRPH wishes the following in its message on Karen’s New Year, which took place on December 22:

“On the occasion of the excellent Karen National New Year Day, the CRPH would like to pray that, in this new year, all the Karen people and all citizens of the country will be filled with new strength, eradicate the evil dictatorship, and build a peaceful new federal democratic union as soon as possible.”

The message also stated:

“The Karen People, together with their brothers and sisters ethnic groups, have fulfilled their historical responsibilities in the political sector for all ages, and with their courage, leadership, and cooperation skills, they have been an important force throughout Myanmar’s political history. Karen New Year was established and government-recognized as the first public holiday on 1st January 1938 (1st Waxing day of Pyartho, 1229) and the year 2677 on the Karen calendar, and has been celebrated for 85 years. “

“Throughout history, the Karen people have resisted the military dictatorship for equal rights, self-determination, the right to create their own destiny, and self-freedom, and in this Spring Revolution, they are also a leading revolutionary force fighting against the terrorist military dictators. Only if we can establish a new federal democratic union will our generation and the future’s youth be able to enjoy democracy and the essence of different cultures. It is our historical responsibility to ensure that our present and future generations have the skills to better maintain our country.”

The CRPH concluded the message by saying, “On this special day, the CRPH would like to reiterate that everyone should continue to strive for the emergence of an inclusive federal democratic system in the country that all ethnic groups are attempting to create and build with the unity that has already been established.”

3. The National Unity Government thanks the United Kingdom and other countries for supporting the U.N. Security Council’s adoption of the draft resolution on Myanmar

On December 22, the National Unity Government made an official statement on the adoption of the United Nations Security Council resolution regarding Myanmar.

The statement said, “The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, as represented by the National Unity Government, welcomes the adoption of the United Nations Security Council Resolution on the situation in Myanmar. Myanmar offers its deep gratitude to the United Kingdom for its leadership in the process of drafting and adopting the resolution and to all others who support the resolution.”

The National Unity Government declared its support for the resolution and asked all concerned parties—including member states—to swiftly put it into effect in order to promote the restoration of democracy in Myanmar. The National Unity Government also demanded greater international support for the collective efforts of the National Unity Government, allied organizations, and the people of Myanmar to form a federal democratic union, provide an enabling climate for the Rohingya people to repatriate, deliver humanitarian assistance to those in actual need, and ensure accountability for crimes of international criminal law.

4. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng warns the public against social media accounts posing as members of the general public and propagating disinformation

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng warned against social accounts that are propagating disinformation, as follows:

“Keep in mind that not all comments are written by members of the general public. Regarding the Pale case, not all comments made under the post about the case or even under mine were from the members of general people; they were dishonest, and I encourage everyone to give it careful thought. Hundreds of technically skilled officers in the junta’s psychological operations department created several fake accounts, such as a lady from Vietnam, a lady from Cambodia, and a young boy, and they often used the profile pictures of the CRPH, the NLD, and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi to incite enmity between the two sides. Be cautious.”

In addition to using fake accounts to attack, the members of the junta are reportedly conducting technical detection. The Union Minister continued, “The enemy is not as stupid as we think. They have the ability to seize the opportunity. They may even be inside [the groups]. The real revolution only looks at the common goal and common enemy, the rest are just arguments at the family dinner, not thinking to get up but finishing the dinner. Even soldiers who were hostile before are now joining the ethnic resistance organizations (EROs) to take part in the revolution. Only the spirit of revolution unites us.”

5. The NUG Minister of Justice says that only through the rule of law will the people enjoy the country’s stability and security

On December 21, U Thein Oo, Union Minister of Justice of the National Unity Government, attended the Township Judges’ Professional Training Batch 1 completion ceremony and stated that he was very happy and proud to be able to conduct this Township Judges’ Professional Training Batch 1. The Union Minister also stated that the role of judges is very important in implementing the rule of law despite difficulties and in the development of a future law-governed country because only through the judicial system can the rule of law be implemented. The Union Minister reiterated that he was also very happy to conduct this kind of professional training, despite the difficulties and imperfections.

The Ministry of Justice of the National Unity Government offered the 1st training session of Professional Training Batch 1 for the judges empowered by 25 townships from December 15 to 17, 2022, and the 2nd training session from December 19 to 21. The training was attended by 83 judges from various regions of the country.

6. The youth of Myanmar, who are the gems of Asia, are wandering outside the country because they are not valued in the country

Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung remarked regarding the youth of Myanmar on December 22 as, “The precious gems of the country, the precious gems of Asia, are not valued in their own country, and so they are wandering [outside the country].”

Among the more than 10,000 people detained after the military coup, most of them are educated young people, and most of the more than 2,000 people killed by the terrorist military group were young people.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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