Summary of News

1. NUG Acting President Duwa Lashi La expresses his gratitude for the U.S. Congress’s approval of the NDAA draft

On December 16, Acting President Duwa Lashi La issued a statement expressing gratitude for the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes the Burma Act, by the U.S. Congress.

The Acting President said in his statement that since the Burma Act will soon be signed into law by U.S. President Biden, this matter is encouraging for all those who defend democracy, human rights, and justice, such as the NUCC, CRPH, and CDM, etc. Moreover, the Acting President also stated that the bill broadened the US government’s authority to sanction the military junta and those businesses that support the junta. Therefore, the Acting President expressed his thank to the US Congress and all those who worked to get the Burma Act approved.

In the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (2023 NDAA), the Burma Act was included as part of it and authorizes U.S.’s technical support and non-lethal assistance to Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs), and People’s Defence Forces (PDFs), and pro-democracy movement organizations in Myanmar.

2. NUG Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann instructs that regulations, orders, and instructions be issued as needed to benefit the people.

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked at a meeting of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held on December 15 that if there are requirements in the laws that have been enacted, the corresponding regulations, orders, and instructions must be issued and worked for the people’s benefit.

The Union Prime Minister stated the following during the meeting:

“In working for the benefit of the country, a government has a responsibility to draft and implement the necessary laws, and make strict controls. If there are requirements in the laws that have been enacted, the corresponding regulations, orders, and instructions must be issued and worked for the people’s benefit. It is necessary to consider this revolution as an opportunity for all of us to make rapid changes in the future of Myanmar and to do our best to do so.”

In addition to the Taxation Law, the National Unity Government is working on the laws that needed to be amended, drafted, and enacted by approaching and reviewing them with a people-centered system.

3. The CRPH Chairman as well as the NUG Union Ministers will hold an online meeting with the public

The CRPH Chairman as well as the NUG Union Ministers will hold an online meeting with the public on December 22 (Thursday), and the public has been invited to register for the meeting.

The meeting will be attended by U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the CRPH; Daw Zin Mar Aung, NUG Union Minister of Foreign Affairs; U Yee Mon, NUG Union Minister of Defense; and U Tin Tun Naing, NUG Union Minister of Planning, Finance, and Investment.

The CRPH Chairman and NUG Union Ministers will respond to questions from the public during the meeting.

4. The NUG Human Rights Minister calls on the EU to put an end to all atrocities committed by Myanmar’s military

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister for Human Rights, called for the EU to put an end to the atrocities committed by the Myanmar military.

The Union Minister said the following during a video interview with Sky Video in December:

“My message to the EU is very clear. In order to stop all the atrocities committed by the military, and then to support the people’s call for democracy and human rights, it’s very important to first recognize the NUG, which has been a legitimate government, and to make engagements with us to provide diplomatic support, humanitarian support, and other technical support.”

The Union Minister also emphasized that it is insufficient simply to not invite military representatives since the NUG members elected by the people should fill the seats.

5. NUG Deputy Minister Ja Htoi Pan says that the revolution will gain more momentum due to the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (2023 NDAA) of the United States

On December 16, Ja Htoi Pan, Deputy Minister of Education of the National Unity Government, made the following remarks regarding the United States’ passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (2023 NDAA):

“The revolution is about to gain momentum. Let us keep pushing.”

The United States’ National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (2023 NDAA) was passed by a vote of 83–11 today. The Burma Act was included in the NDAA of the United States, which authorizes U.S.’s technical assistance to strengthen communication and command and control among the People’s Defence Force (PDF), Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs), and pro-democracy movement organizations in Myanmar.

6. After the junta column left the village, the members of the Shwebo Justice Force cleared the 80-mm grenades that had not yet exploded

On December 16, the Shwebo Justice Force said this: “To ensure the safety and security of the people, the first thing to do is risk our own lives. Members of the Shwebo Justice Force cleared the 80-mm grenades that had not yet exploded after the military column left the village.”

The Shwebo Justice Force is a revolutionary group that produces homemade weaponry while resisting the military dictatorship.

7. The terrorist military went on rampage and indiscriminately fired heavy weapons in Ye-U Township this morning

According to local news sources, on the morning of December 16, the military troops fired heavy weapons indiscriminately towards the villages on the western side of Ye-U Township from near the Shwe Kyee Min gas station at the exit of Than The Village.

“Early this morning, a vehicle full of military troops fired heavy weapons indiscriminately and continuously towards the villages on the western side of Ye-U Township when they arrived near the Shwe Kyee Min gas station at the exit of Than The Village,” a local said.

Therefore, warnings were issued for people to stay away from villages where heavy weapons may fall.

The military troops who set fire to Than The Village yesterday evening, according to reports, are still present. 

8. As the military forces suffered heavy losses during clashes near the military council’s Tadarkyoe checkpoint on the Myawaddy-Kawkareik Asia Road, the military launched airstrikes

The military reportedly conducted airstrikes after suffering significant casualties following clashes near the military council’s Tadarkyoe checkpoint on the Myawaddy-Kawkareik Asia Road.

Starting on the morning of December 16, according to the local news sources, there have been clashes between revolutionary forces and the military junta troops.

Recently, the Tadarkyoe checkpoint was temporarily closed following the clashes, and various vehicles and trucks were reportedly stranded on the road.

The casualties of the military troops during the clashes are still yet to be confirmed and there was also air strikes using military helicopters.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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