Summary of News

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that the military dictatorship is shaking day by day

It was stated in the message sent by Dr. Tu Hkawng, Union Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation of the National Unity Government, to the ceremony of International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer held on September 16.

“In order to free the country of Myanmar from the life of military slavery, which is currently under the belt of military dictatorship and wickedness, and for all ethnic people to enjoy federal democracy and full human rights and prosperity, ethnic people are joining hands to root out the military dictators. And we all know that the military dictatorship is shaking day by day.” —the Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said.

Currently, more than 20,000 soldiers of the military council have died, and there is only 17 percent of the area of the country that is under the stable control of the military council.

Human Rights Minster says that the Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM) awakens the international community, which has delayed taking action against the military council that is committing crimes

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights, said this during an interview with a media agency regarding the report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM).

“It happens as if it awakens the international community, which had been delaying taking action against the military council that has been committing not only serious human rights violations but also various crimes. It is mainly about the crimes committed against the Rohingya in 2017, and cases that have not yet been brought to justice. But it is stated that it has collected three million information items and prepared over 67 legal cases with supporting information and analysis.” —the Union Minister U Aung Myo Min said.

In the Report of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM), the specific war crimes committed by the terrorist military that were not committed internationally were revealed.

Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo says that the preservation of the environment can be done only after the dictator is overthrown

Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo, Union Minister of Commerce, discussed at the Ceremony of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer with the theme, “Cooperate to Protect the Ozone Layer for the Survival of the Living on Earth,” held on September 16.

“If we can overthrow the dictator, if we can stop the military regime, we will be able to preserve the environment more. When we can preserve it, climate change will decrease.” — the Union Minister Daw Khin Ma Ma Myo said.

After the coup d’état, the terrorist military regime resumed all activities that had been banned during the People’s Government for fear of harming the environment. Currently, Myanmar is facing excessive gem mining as well as illegal logging.

The election to be held by the military council will not be successful, and the final victory of the Spring Revolution will be achieved soon

U Kyaw Zaw, the Spokesperson of the Acting President’s Office, told radio NUG on September 17 that the election to be held by the military council would not be successful, and that the final victory of the Spring Revolution would be achieved soon.

“Our National Unity Government is working on a strategy to step up the pace of the defensive war in the coming year and to achieve the victory of the people’s spring revolution as soon as possible. The People’s Spring Revolution began on February 1, 2021, when a terrorist group tried to seize power, and the people did not accept it and fought against the dictatorship from all sides. People peacefully protested on the streets throughout the country, and most of the civil servants carried out Civil Disobedience Movements (CDM). When the people who were peacefully protesting and asking for peace were brutally killed with weapons, the people couldn’t stand it and resisted by using whatever weapons they had.

On September 7 last year, our Acting President officially declared a defensive war, and the armed revolution began. During this period of more than a year, everyone will find that, with the strength of the people, our armed revolution has gained momentum and reached a position where we can dominate more than half of the territory of Myanmar. International experts and observers have also accepted it. The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar also made a clear review in their report released on September 5th. International military experts, military analysts, and critics have now come together to say that the Terrorist Military Council cannot defeat the People’s Defense Forces and the ethnic armed resistance forces. We can also find some reviews saying that our people’s revolution armed revolution is winning over the Terrorist Military Council.

Our armed revolution has now entered its second year. In the second year, the NUG government is planning to work together with the allied organizations and allied ethnic resistance forces to develop a one-year strategy to increase the speed of the armed revolution from all sides and eliminate the terrorist group from Myanmar. The Acting President also included this in his speech on September 7. It has already been said that during this second year, our revolutionary forces will gain a lot of territory and will be able to rule more firmly. We have already made it clear that our revolutionary war will be to upgrade our offensive war in the second year. Therefore, during this second year, the fruits of our revolutionary success should be seen more and more.

Not only the armed revolution but also the people’s revolution that is being carried out by all sectors, is very important. The balance of the military, political, diplomacy, and, domestically, civil disobedience movements, as well as the manpower and financial support of people in all sectors, has a really important role. This is also why it is successful. And the unity among all the revolutionary forces, the ethnic armed groups, also has a very important role in the success.

The entire Myanmar public already knows that the 2023 election to be held by the Military Council is an illegal and fake election. And we see more and more international communities saying that it is illegal and not recognized. Therefore, there is no reason for the illegal election of this Military Council to be successful. I believe that with the strength of the people and our united strength, the final victory of the Spring Revolution will be achieved soon.”

On September 7 last year, our Acting President officially declared a defensive war, and the armed revolution began. During this period of more than a year, everyone will find that, with the strength of the people, our armed revolution has gained momentum and reached a position where we can dominate more than half of the territory of Myanmar. International experts and observers have also accepted it. The Special Advisory Council for Myanmar also made a clear review in their report released on September 5th. International military experts, military analysts, and critics have now come together to say that the Terrorist Military Council cannot defeat the People’s Defense Forces and the ethnic armed resistance forces. We can also find some reviews saying that our people’s revolution armed revolution is winning over the Terrorist Military Council.

Our armed revolution has now entered its second year. In the second year, the NUG government is planning to work together with the allied organizations and allied ethnic resistance forces to develop a one-year strategy to increase the speed of the armed revolution from all sides and eliminate the terrorist group from Myanmar. The Acting President also included this in his speech on September 7. It has already been said that during this second year, our revolutionary forces will gain a lot of territory and will be able to rule more firmly. We have already made it clear that our revolutionary war will be to upgrade our offensive war in the second year. Therefore, during this second year, the fruits of our revolutionary success should be seen more and more.

Not only the armed revolution but also the people’s revolution that is being carried out by all sectors, is very important. The balance of the military, political, diplomacy, and, domestically, civil disobedience movements, as well as the manpower and financial support of people in all sectors, has a really important role. This is also why it is successful. And the unity among all the revolutionary forces, the ethnic armed groups, also has a very important role in the success.

The entire Myanmar public already knows that the 2023 election to be held by the Military Council is an illegal and fake election. And we see more and more international communities saying that it is illegal and not recognized. Therefore, there is no reason for the illegal election of this Military Council to be successful. I believe that with the strength of the people and our united strength, the final victory of the Spring Revolution will be achieved soon.”

(((((((U Kyaw Zaw, Spokesperson of the office of the Acting President)))))))

On February 1, 2021, the military seized power unjustly. After that, the Spring Revolution emerged along with the public movement against the military dictatorship.

A 5-year-old child was arbitrarily shot and killed by the terrorist military troops that came out of Chatkone Village, Kanbalu Township

On the morning of September 17, the Kotaungbo Revolution (KTB-R) said, “It is reported that a 5-year-old child named Maung Aung Myint Myat, son of U Win Cho from Meikthalinkone Village, was hit and killed by the arbitrary firing of the military council troops that left Chatkone Village this morning.”

KTB-R said further details are still being investigated.

The Black Leopard Army (BLPA) Guerrilla Force is recruiting new comrades

On September 17, the Black Leopard Army (BLPA) Guerrilla Force, the Pale Battalion-5 of the No. 11 Yinmabin District, announced that new comrades are being recruited.

The eligibility requirements are that the applicant must be at least 18 years old and not older than 50; there is no gender discrimination and LGBT can apply; and the applicant must be in good health. Those who are from the far states and divisions are not recommended to apply because of the safety of the new comrades. The basic military training system is not a short-day but a full-time training system until the revolution is over, said the Black Leopard Army (BLPA) Guerrilla Force.

It is also said that those who want to apply can register through the Facebook Page of the Black Leopard Army (BLPA) Guerrilla Force.

Only 12 out of 100 plots in the Spring Villa housing project are left to be sold

On the evening of September 16, the End of Dictatorship initiative announced, “Out of the total of 100 plots of land sold for the Spring Villa housing project of the Spring Yangon Investment, only 12 plots are left to be sold. Not only the EOD project, but every kyat of revolutionary funds is a step towards the end of the dictator. We respectfully bow and congratulate the people who are marching together.”

EOD also said, “Currently, InyaView@6.5 Mile has also sold more than 30,000 (worth 3 million dollars) of the 7,000 shares. When the first projects of the Spring Yangon Investment are about to be successful, everyone will soon know what the Royal Entry Project of Mandalay will be and what plans will be included in the Spring Mandalay Investment.”

The proceeds from the Spring Lottery have already been awarded to CDM heroes without wastage, and people are encouraged to buy the Spring Lottery more

On September 17, the Spring Lottery family said, “The Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) is the vanguard of the Spring Revolution that was able to hit the ground running so that the military council’s administrative mechanism could not be established. The Spring Lottery emerged with the aim of helping to support the CDM heroes who are a pillar of the Spring Revolution. Let us get involved in the Spring Revolution by buying the Spring Lottery and testing your luck.”

The Spring Lottery tickets can be purchased with NUGPay, and a lottery ticket is sold for two thousand kyats. Those who want to try the Spring Lottery can contact and inquire about purchasing at the message box of the Spring Lottery Facebook Page with a blue verified badge.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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