Summary of News

Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing said that the enemy has already fallen heavily on the financial front

At the Global Virtual Meeting in July,

“How close the revolution is to victory, it is clear from the steps taken by the enemy. On the other hand, the enemy has already fallen heavily on the financial front. These days, there are announcements about things related to the dollar and stopping and leaving of foreign-invested factories saying that there is a shortage of raw materials. Similarly, we can see that they are doing everything they can to get dollars and trying hard to sustain their last breath. All the people have also seen this.”

U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment said,

The military council is completely unable to control the rising value of the dollar in the foreign exchange market and the falling value of the kyat and is only issuing mismanagement and misleading instructions statements.

Education Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that the National Unity Government has not prohibited the rights to freedom of education

Union Minister for Education Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that the National Unity Government has not prohibited the rights to freedom of education.

During the Global Virtual Meeting held in July,

“In education, we never told anyone not to study. We just said that military slavery education is useless, and we do not recognize military slavery education. We do not accept the brain taught by military education, and the military slavery education. That’s why we are saying that our government does not recognize the certificates and degrees they are issuing and their teaching. There is no violation of the rights to education by the National Unity Government.”

the Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said

Currently, the people’s education system has started to implement in Sagaing Division, Magway Division, and liberated areas in accordance with the guidelines of the NUG Ministry of Education.

A civilian was killed when the artillery shell fired at Peinne Taung Village in Palaw Township by the 285th Battalion of the military landed on a house

At around 2 AM on July 19, No. 285 Battalion based in Palaw fired with heavy weaponry at Peinne Taung Village, Palaw Township, Tanintharyi Region. One of the artillery shells landed on a house and killed a local named Ko Zin Wine.

The military troops are not only firing artillery shells in the towns arbitrarily, they are also destroying religious buildings.

According to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), since the 1 February 2021 military coup and the emergence of the Spring Revolution, a total of 2099 people, pro-democracy activists and other civilians have been killed through military crackdown following pro-democracy movements.

A donor brought a Treasury Bond for Ye Thiha, a People’s Comrade from the 3rd Battalion of Kawlin District, Sagaing Division, who fall in the battle

Our Spring Heroes posted on 21 July, “The hero Maung Ye Thiha, who gave his life while fighting, was saluted by all the people of Nway Oo, and a donor, in order to help the bereaved family, honored with ‘The Treasury Bond for the Spring Hero’.”

People’s Comrade Ye Thiha sacrificed his life during the battle between the terrorist military and the 3rd Battalion of People Defence Force, Kawlin District, Sagaing Region, on 7 December 2021.

The eldest son of martyred leader U Razat passed away

On the morning of 21 July, those close to the family members posted that U Tin Myint, the eldest son of martyred leader U Razat, had passed away.

U Tin Myint was 82 years old when he died.

There are only a few children of martyr leaders left at present.

Myanmar is at the top of seven countries on the Do Not Travel list

US Department of State – Bureau of Consular Affairs released the updated list of Level 4: Do Not Travel countries in July.

In the updated list, Myanmar was in the first place, followed by Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Russia, and Venezuela.

In Myanmar, there has been over a year since the military seized the power, and all sectors, such as the rules of law, economy, and social sectors are deteriorating.

A policeman serving at the Kanpetlet Police Station defected to his force and sided with the people, with a full weapon, and hence, CDF-Kanpetlet awarded him 60 lakh kyats

Chin Defence Force -Kanpetlet announced on 20 July, “Police private Pyae San Naung, who defected his force and sided with people, with G-3 weapon was given 60 lakh kyats as a reward money by the CDF-Kanpelet, and according to his consent, he has been sent to the liberated area.”

On 23 June, CDF-Kanpetlet took the police private Pyae San Naung from the Kanpetlet Police Station, Chin State, after he contacted the CDF-Kanpetlet to defect to his force.

Chin Defence Force – Kanpetlet had announced that any police and military personnel who want to side with people are warmly welcomed.

The number of NUGPay users has reached over 3,000

NUGPay announced on 19 July that it has reached over 3,000 users.

It stated, “To date, there are over 3.000 NUGPay users. NUGPay is a system that facilitates the flow of money during the revolution.”

NUGPay is a payment system that is independent of the financial mechanism of the terrorist Military Council.

NUGPay’s Pilot Project started with only “ten thousand” wallets, and NUGPay will gradually cover the entire country.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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