Summary of News

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that we have to fight with all our might and win

On 10 July, Union Minister for Education and Health Dr. Zaw Wai Soe remarked in a speech encouraging refugees, “The people have their own People’s Defense Force to protect them. We have to face it. We have to overcome it. We have to fight with all our might and win.”

On 7 September 2021, the National Unity Government declared a state of emergency to launch a nationwide resistance war.

At this time, the military junta troops have suffered heavy casualties in Sagaing, Magway, Karenni, Kayin, and Chin states.

The Los Angeles Spring Revolution family will welcome the Democracy Road Trip Burma team led by Sayadaw Ashin Zawana on July 16

The Los Angeles Spring Revolution family will organize an event to welcome the Democracy Road Trip for Burma team led by Sayadaw Ashin Zawana on July 16.

It is also said that, at the event, Sayadaw Ashin Zawana and the Democracy Road Trip Burma team will explain the objectives of the second Road Trip for Democracy and will sell EOD (End of Dictatorship) shares and Treasury Bonds.

The second Road Trip for Democracy includes touring States and Capitals in the United States to raise awareness of the Spring Revolution with Myanmar-borns.

Moreover, it also includes a petition campaign for the reclamation of USD 1 billion of Myanmar Government funds held in the United States.

Gangaw Township Education Board announces the examination schedule for CDM students in accordance with the plan issued by the NUG Ministry of Education

Gangaw Township Education Board announced the dates for examinations for CDM students in accordance with the plan issued by the NUG Ministry of Education.

According to the announcement, the students, who participated in CDM and those who have attended the old ninth-grade system and passed the age of 17 on 31 August 2022, in Gangaw Township will have to sit the matriculation examination in February 2023.

The second matriculation examination will be held in August 2023.

The exam duration is 2 hours and will include objective-type items.

The students from other grades, who meet all the qualifications, will be transferred to the next grades in October 2022.

Women’s movement in Launglon with a banner saying “A red-covered day, Omen of dictatorial vanishment”

A women’s movement was carried out in Launglon with a banner saying “A red-covered day, Omen of dictatorial vanishment.”

On the morning of 11 July, the Rosy Women’s Union (Dawei) led a Rose-colored Women’s Movement against the military dictatorship in Launglon Township, Dawei District.

They said, “If the people as a whole are as brave as the red rose and united against the military dictatorship, the dictatorial warlords will surely disappear from this land.”

The movement included LGBTs, Basic Education students, and some youth and distributed ‘Social Democrat’ leaflets.

The Rose-colored Women’s Movement was launched on 28 August 2021 in Dawei District to promote the role of women in the anti-military movements and to end discrimination against women.

74 CDM Teachers and staff of UCSY were honored with 50,000 kyats each

On 11 July, The Interim University Council of Computer Studies Yangon reported, “For July, 74 CDM teachers and staff of UCSY (University of Computer Studies Yangon) were honored with a stipend of 50,000 kyats each. The Interim University Council of Computer Studies Yangon expresses its special thanks to all donors.”

University teachers have so far supported the CDM movement against the military dictatorship.

The military junta troops set fire to civilian houses in Taal and Talang Zar villages in Falam

On July 11, the Chin National Organization reported the fire losses.

According to the report, the Joint People’s Defense Force of CNDF, CNA, CDF, and CJDC were defending more than 200 terrorist military troops which departed from Falam to Hakha, Chin State, along the way. A Christian church and the house of a nurse in Talang Rong village were hit and destroyed by artillery shell fired by the affected military council troops. On July 9, 2022, another 29 houses in Taal Village, Falam Township were set on fire for no apparent reason. Taal village is located on Falam-Hakha road and has 36 houses. Last year, it was set on fire by the junta forces, it was set on fire again and the remaining five houses were also raided and destroyed. On the afternoon of July 10, other houses in Talang Zar village were set on fire by the terrorist junta for no apparent reason, and six houses were destroyed by the fire until 5:30 pm.

Evaluations on the completion of basic education will be conducted in February 2023 by the Ministry of Education, the National Unity Government

On July 11, the Chin National Organization reported the fire losses.

According to the report, the Joint People’s Defense Force of CNDF, CNA, CDF, and CJDC were defending more than 200 terrorist military troops which departed from Falam to Hakha, Chin State, along the way. A Christian church and the house of a nurse in Talang Rong village were hit and destroyed by artillery shell fired by the affected military council troops. On July 9, 2022, another 29 houses in Taal Village, Falam Township were set on fire for no apparent reason. Taal village is located on Falam-Hakha road and has 36 houses. Last year, it was set on fire by the junta forces, it was set on fire again and the remaining five houses were also raided and destroyed. On the afternoon of July 10, other houses in Talang Zar village were set on fire by the terrorist junta for no apparent reason, and six houses were destroyed by the fire until 5:30 pm.

In Mawlu area of Indaw Township, 72 lakhs kyats worth of drugs were seized and burned by the local defense forces

Indaw revolutionary forces reported the drug seized news, “At night on 10 July, local defense forces seized 72 lakhs worth of drugs in Mawlu area, Indaw Township, Katha District, Upper Sagaing Region.”

The seized drugs were burned by local defense forces, and drug dealers and buyers were given special warnings and released.

Local defense forces also warned that, in the future, drug dealers and buyers will be arrested abruptly and strong action will be taken.

The ferry boat of military troops, which came up along the river from Mingyunggone village was attacked by Myo Hla KNDF Squadron 1, Bo MoeGyo Team, killing four members of military troops

On 11 July, Myo Hla PDF reported the battle news, “Myo Hla KNDF Squadron 1, Bo MoeGyo Team, attacked the ferry boat which carried 48 military troops led by Commander of LIB 415, Major Thein Myint Aung and coming up along the river from Mingyunggone village. The LIB 415 troops led by Commander Major Thein Myint Aung are operating in the area of Myo Hla KNDF Battalion.”

The attack killed four members of the junta and wounded several others.

Moreover, the ferry boat which serves as a pillar of the military junta in Kyaukgyo village, Shwegu Township, was also blown up.

MEF-Canada and NUG-MOIC jointly organized the “Heal Myanmar” Lucky Draw Campaign with only four days left to sell lottery tickets

The “Heal Myanmar” Lucky Draw Campaign co-organized by MEF-Canada and the NUG Ministry of International Cooperation (NUG-MOIC) was only left four days to sell lottery tickets.

Lottery tickets can be purchased for $10 each, and MEF-Canada Volunteers and other respective cities and countries communities are selling the lottery tickets.

The opening day of the ballot will be broadcast live, and Union Minister Dr. Sa Sa will attend and deliver opening speech. The event will also be attended by singer Benjamin Sum and other famous artists.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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