Summary of News

Meeting between Committee Representing Pyudaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology of the National Unity Government was held

A meeting between the Committee Representing Pyudaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology of the National Unity Government was held on 1 July 2022 via video conferencing.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology H.E. Mr. Htin Linn Aung explained the ministry’s policies, training on telecommunications, cooperation with international partners, the establishment of the United Bond System, implementation of the Home Base Learning System, and other education systems for Interim Education by using IT technology, construction of Radio Data Dashboard, the status of People Voice Television and Radio NUG, and future procedures.

Then, the attended Members of Parliament (MPs) discussed and made suggestions.

The meeting was attended by secretaries and members of CRPH, chairmen and secretaries of affairs committees, and the Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology.

Alliance Relations Committee of the National Unity Government meets and discusses with the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC)

On 1 July, the NUG Alliance Relations Committee met and discussed with the Karenni State Consultative Council (KSCC).

A detailed discussion was made on the current cooperation and further cooperation matters.

The Alliance Relations Committee of the National Unity Government was formed for social and transitional issues, including the overthrow of the military council, the end of dictatorship, and the administration.

Deputy Minister H.E. Mr. Min Zayar Oo states that NUGPay has received over 2.8 million DMMK within 36 hours of inviting support for PDF comrades who fought in the Ukritha battle

On 2 July, the Deputy Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment wrote on social media, “It has been 36 hours since we received trial donations as a testing process of the netpay. So far, we have received over 2.8 million DMMK (Digital Myanmar Kyat). We have something special here. That is, the whole remittance history is attached. During this revolution, our right to self-manage our own money had limited, and now we can display NUGPay account names openly. We can post our NUGPay QR Code on all social media. We don’t need to worry about leakage of our data and account closure. We can remit our own money safely and securely.”

The Capture Battle of the Ukritha outpost in Kayin State has resulted in heavy casualties and the loss of an entire military council battalion.

The Capture Battle of the Ukritha outpost continued, and the military council used excessive air raids.

The earnings of the NUGPay testing process will be sent to the defense comrades for the Capture Battle of the Ukritha outpost within 24 hours.

Deputy Minister H.E. Ms. Ei Thinzar Maung says that the Spring Revolution has made it clear that women are not a weak class

At the Talk Show “Ladies rebel, the Salmon return” held by NST (National Support Team) on 1 July, Deputy Minister H.E. Ms. Ei Thinzar Maung said, “Throughout the revolution, women took part in strikes and battles mandatorily. It was not just ordinary participation but as the leading role. This revolution has made it clear that women are not a weak class as seen in Myanmar’s society.”

On 1 February 2021, the military unjustly seized power.

That was followed by anti-dictatorship protests, and women took the lead in the protests.

Ye-U MP says that people’s defense force fire brigade has been formed in Yae-U Township

On 1 July, Mr. Myint Htwe, a Member of Parliament (MP) from Ye-U, wrote on social media, “People have been left homeless by the military council troops’ unruly arson attacks. Therefore, a fire brigade (people’s defense force) has been formed and is training to help people from the people.”

In Yae-U Township, military council troops marched and set fire to civilian houses.

Over 80 people’s education schools have been set up in Yin Mar Bin Township, Sagaing Division, and the rainy season sports competitions are being held

There was a report on 29 June that a school in Yin Mar Bin Township held a rainy season sports competition with 10 sports during the interim academic year.

At present, a series of sports events are being held in people’s schools in Sagaing Division.

At a front line near Hpapun, the KNLA and the BPLA joined forces to attack an overstepped military vehicle, killing five military soldiers and seizing weapons

BPLA released a battle report that since a vehicle driven by the military soldiers overstepped a front line near Hpapun on 1 July, a clash broke out and lasted about 20 minutes.

BPLA stated, “A clash broke out for about 20 minutes because a vehicle driven by the military soldiers overstepped a front line near Hpapun, controlled territory of KNU/KNLA Brigade 5, at around 1 am this morning when the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the Burmese People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) were patrolling.”

The military vehicle was damaged and all five enemies in the vehicle were killed. One 40mm pistol, two AKs, one M4 carbine, one G3, three grenades, bullets, and some rations were seized.

The military has set fire to Thantlang city, Chin State, 28 times since the military coup, destroying 70 percent of the city

According to the Thantlang Placement Affairs Committee-IDPs help (TPAC), since the military coup, there have been 28 arson attacks in Thantlang city, Chin State, and over 1,300 civilian houses have been destroyed by the military as of 31 May 2022.

There are about 2,000 houses in Thantlang city, and seventy percent of the city was set on fire.

In addition to civilian houses, eleven churches, including the over 60-year-old Thantlang Baptist Church, were burned down by the military council.

Byatta Nyi Naung guerrilla force in Yin Mar Bin Township successfully develops handmade firearms

On 2 July, the Yin Mar Bin Byatta Nyi Naung guerrilla force informed that handmade firearms were successfully developed.

It also said, “We are trying to get the full number of 9 mm rifle, semi-auto rifle, and full-auto rifle for the team.”

The Byatta Nyi Naung guerrilla force is a revolutionary force fighting against the military dictatorship.

Three military soldiers hiding near the western part of Byuhar road in Yedashe Lay village in Yedashe Township were killed in a mine attack by people’s defense forces

On 2 July, Yedashe-PDF2 released a war report that the allied forces mine attacked the three soldiers hiding near the western part of Byuhar road, Yedashe Lay Village, Yedashe Township, killing three of them.

The operation was carried out by the North Thandaung Defense Force (NTDF), Nay Pyi Taw Battalion 801 (NPT 801), and Yedashe People Defense Force (YPDF).

#Credit : Radio NUG


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