Summary of News

Union Prime Minister remarks that the military junta is facing failures in military, administrative and diplomatic affairs

At the (18/2022) meeting of the Central Committee for Local People’s Administration held on 30 June, Union Prime Minister H.E. Mahn Winn Khine Thann remarked, “As the momentum of the revolution intensifies, the military junta is facing many failures in military, administrative and diplomatic affairs, more coordination between relevant ministries is needed.”

The National Unity Government declared the start of the people’s resistance on 7 September 2021.

At present, on-ground anti-military dictatorship strikes are being carried out on a daily basis.

NUGPay account holders can provide support for Ukritha battle

On 30 June, Deputy Minister for Planning, Finance and Investment H.E. U Min Zayar Oo wrote on social media, “Let’s support Ukritha’s victory by testing a transfer with net pay within 24 hours.”

NUGPay stated that those who have opened a NUGPay account can transfer money for trials and support for Ukritha’s victory.

The battle in Ukritha in Waw Lay, Kachin State has been going on for days, with heavy casualties on the military junta side.

GTR MMU and MMDF provide support to NUG education in a village in Myinmu Township

Ghost Team Ranger Myinmu (GTR MMU) announced that GTR MMU and MMDF jointly contributed and donated to a school of NUG education in a village in Myinmu Township.

There are a total of 51 online schools that provide people’s education in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government. As for on-ground teaching, community-based schools are being set up in Yangon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Magway, Bago, Irrawaddy, Tanintharyi, Kachin, Kayah (Karreni), Kayin, Chin, and Mon regions.

Two military junta soldiers died, and eleven others injured in the two clashes between the Cobra Column and the military junta when its troops stormed a hill in the Lay Kay Kaw region

On 1 July, the Cobra Column released a war report, “At around 6:30 pm on 29 June 2022, a column of the terrorist military junta tried to invade a hill in Lay Kay Kaw region controlled by the Karen National Union (KNU) Brigade 6 with the aid of 40 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm artillery shell. Clashes broke out with the Cobra soldiers on security duty, and the terrorist military junta troops retreated at around 10:30 pm. At about 11:00 pm, as the junta troops regrouped and tried to invade again, the clashes broke out with the Cobra forces, forcing the junta troops to retreat again. After that, at 1:00 am, another 120 mm artillery shell was fired from Kyat Kin Kone, Shwe Nyaung Pin, killing one Cobra soldier and wounding two others (non-serious). Two soldiers of the military junta died, and seven others wounded in the attack.”

The Cobra Column also stated that the Cobra soldiers then cleared the area and seized four 60 mm grenades, a 40 mm grenade, an RPG grenade, and a cartridge.

People’s Defense Force – Nay Pyi Taw releases a report that two long-range weapons (60mm and 81mm) were developed and used in the battle

People’s Defense Force-Nay Pyi Taw released a report that two long-range weapons (60mm and 81mm) were developed and used in the three battles.

It stated, “Our long-range artilleries were able to respond well to the enemy while the enemy was armed with a complete set of large and small weapons.”

It also stated, “During the initial experiment, we had to deal with difficulties such as funds, time, and injuries. At this time, we are working to share technology with the other revolutionary forces, and launching our own weapon production workshop and a small technology sharing site.”

Seven soldiers of the military junta died when the Sniper team of the Central Division Special Operations Command and the allied forces jointly attacked the military junta troops stationed at Loi Maku Ywa Taung and Loi He villages

The Central Division Special Operations Command reported on 1 July, “Sniper team and Fighter team of the Central Division Special Operations Command joined forces to attack the enemy military junta troops stationed in Loi Maku Taung and Loi He villages, Pekhon Township, eliminating seven junta troops.”

Previously, during a joint operation by the Sniper team and the Fighter team in Loi He village on 29 June, five junta troops were killed.

EOD Team will send ‘Certificates of Appreciation’ to those who bought 100 or more EOD shares of 14/Inya

It has been almost two months since the start of the first project of the End of Dictatorship (EOD), “14/Inya”.

At present, 80% of 14/Inya shares have been sold for almost USD 8 million.

EOD stated, “EOD Team pays tribute to all buyers, from one EOD share to a maximum of 2,174 shares. The revolution needs funds, and the funding is an important support for winning major battles. EOD Team will send ‘Certificates of Appreciation’ to those who bought 100 or more EOD shares.”

The land and building of Plot No.14, Inya Road, Kamaryt Township, Yangon Division, a state-owned plot that was illegally acquired by the terrorist leader Min Aung Hlaing, was priced at USD 10 million and sold for USD 100 per share. The plot has a net worth of over USD 30 million.

A truck carrying beer, which is terrorist junta’s product, was asked to destroy the products by the Seik Phyu Bamathi People’s Defense Force

On 1 July, the Seik Phyu Bamathi People’s Defense Force released a report, “A truck carrying, beer, which is terrorist junta’s product, for the second time, was asked to destroy the products by the Seik Phyu Bamathi People’s Defense Force.”

Seik Phyu Bamathi People’s Defense Force said that junta’s products and other products that paid taxes to the junta were banned from being transported, but they fail to obey, and therefore was asked to destroyed.”

#Credit : Radio NUG

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