Summary of News

The National Unity Government sends a message to the 147th Karenni National Day, wishing the efforts of the Karenni people in building a federal democratic union should be completed as soon as possible

On 21 June 2022, the National Unity Government sent a message to the 147th Karenni National Day stating “Since the independence of Myanmar, the Karenni people have lost national equality and self-determination under the oppression of successive military dictators. Similarly, Karenni people who are now suffering from the inhumane atrocities of the military junta and are leaving their ancestral lands and suffering as refugees, and the National Unity Government would like to express its sympathy to them.”

The message also states, “At the same time, the National Unity Government would like to express its deepest admiration to the entire Karenni people who have been resisting the terrorist military coup by all means with their relentless and adventurous enthusiasm.”

The message expressed, “May the efforts of the Karenni people succeed in building a federal democratic union with political equality and full self-determination with the termination of the military dictatorship, and the National Unity Government will stand firm with the entire Karenni people and work together until the successful completion of the ongoing Spring Revolution.”

Union Minister for Human Rights says that impunity is not what criminals can enjoy

Union Minister for Human Rights said, referring to the military junta, “Impunity is not what criminals can enjoy. It is a punishment they deserve.”

The subordinates of the terrorist military have carried out massacres of 170 people in rural areas by setting on fire to them.

In addition, the members of the terrorist junta carry out repeated sexual assaults against over 50 innocent civilians in interrogations, prisons, and civilian areas, individually or collectively.

Ministry of Communications, Information and Technology of NUG is working to set up communication networks in the places where access to telecommunications and the internet were cut off by the military junta

Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology of NUG U Htin Linn Aung said, “The most important thing in the revolution is communication. Without communication, villages and forces cannot connect with each other. If they cannot connect with each other, attacks cannot be made. That is why we are urgently advancing the telecommunication sector.”

Telecommunications and internet lines have been cut off in Sagaing, Magway, and Karenni areas where the military junta troops are committing violence and setting the fire.

Union Minister also said, “We are trying to set up communications by other means of technologies. For security reasons, what technology we are using will not be disclosed, but we are working to make it connected.”

NUG Central Special Operation Force needs USD 30,000 for the operation

CDM Captain Nyi Thuta said, “Let’s support the brilliant Special Operation Force. You can now fund the NUG Central Special Operation Force. The need is USD 30,000. This time, we mainly rely on foreign support. It can be achieved with 60 people contributing USD 500 each.”

The funding will be accepted and managed directly by the Central Special Operation Force, and a certificate will be issued for each fund supporter.

NUG Central Special Operation Force is a revolutionary force resisting the military junta.

UG Campaign set the target to 75 million kyats but received up to 78 million kyats

According to People of Evolving Myanmar, 78 million kyats are divided into 25 million kyats for Yangon UG, 25 million kyats for Sagaing and Mandalay, and the rest for upcountry regions PDFs.

Among 75 million kyats, most of it has already been sent to the ground.

People of Evolving Myanmar stated, “The reason, why the campaigns organized by POEM have never failed, is thanks to all the donors, those who help in fundraising, and volunteers of POEM.”

At present, the urban guerrillas are hard-hitting the military troops.

Generation Z Power -GZP (Mandalay) shot dead a sergeant of the military junta

Generation Z Power -ZGP (Mandalay) said, “Myo Htwe, a sergeant of the military junta returning from Yangon was shot at 7:30 am on 21 June by Generation Z Power -ZGP (Mandalay) people’s defense guerrillas.”

Sergeant Myo Htwe, who was shot, died on the spot.

It is known that the operation was carried out by a Mandalay people’s defense guerrillas and fired five bullets.

As the Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridges, connecting Myawaddy and Mae Sot, have not reopened, small freight forwarders have to pay exorbitant tolls to transport goods through the boat crossing gates

According to a freight forwarder, the flow of goods is almost stopped since Myanmar authorities have not reopened the Thai-Myanmar crossings despite seventeen border crossings including Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge-1 (Myawaddy-Mae Sot) being reopened by Thai authorities. Although emergency trucks are being transported under a bilateral agreement, the ordinary traders are not allowed to cross the bridge.

A Myawaddy-Mae Sot freight forwarder

There were a series of discussions between Thai authorities and the military council to reopen the friendship bridges, which have been closed for more than two years due to the outspread of coronavirus, but it has been delayed and has not been reopened yet. Although some Thai products are imported through friendship bridges, there is almost no export from Myanmar to Thailand.

A Myawaddy-Mae Sot freight forwarder

In the past, traders traded goods not only with Thailand but also with products from Malaysia, and Indonesia through the Thai-Myanmar (Myawaddy-Mae Sot) friendship bridges. Due to the military coup in Myanmar and the lack of security guarantees in the region, even if the gates were reopened, it would still be difficult for traders to export goods.

Refugees in Pale, Yin Mar Bin, Salingyi, and Kani townships have almost no access to local and foreign aid and are facing serious situations

According to a Yin Mar Bin local PDF leader, residents in Pale, Yin Mar Bin, Salingyi, and Kani townships in Sagaing Division have to flee their homes due to a series of arson attacks by the military junta. The military junta troops have been carrying out a series of acts of violence in Sagaing since May 2021, and over time it has become difficult for local people to survive.

A local PDF leader from Yin Mar Bin

The military junta has continued to use violence against the people to gain power despite international and domestic opposition. A resident from Chaung Yoe village in Taze Township, whose house had been set on fire on 20 May, said that there is no other way but to fight against this inhumane military junta.

A resident from Chaung Yoe village

The military junta troops set fire to 7,430 civilian houses in the northwestern war zone of Sagaing Division, Chin State, and Magway Division in May. According to Data Myanmar’s statement in June, from the time of the military coup until the end of May 2022, over 18,200 civilian houses were set on fire in the northwestern war zone. According to UN estimates, there are millions of war-affected people across Myanmar so far, and Sagaing Division is facing the worst situation.

This news was reported by Spring K.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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