Summary of News

The delegation of the National Unity Government arrives in Norway at the invitation of the Norwegian government

On 10 June 2022, Union Minister for Health Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, and Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology U Htin Linn Aung arrived in Norway at the invitation of the Norwegian government. The NUG delegation was expected to meet with senior Norwegian government officials, and it is known that the delegation met with Myanmar families in Norway on the evening of 10 June.

Norway is ‌a country that is cooperating in restoring democracy in Myanmar.

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye says ASEAN and the UN themselves could fall into the trap of the military regime if there is no ingenuity in the face of the military regime’s superficial actions

In talking at the “From NUG to people” program, Union Minister for Humanitarian and Disaster Management Dr. Win Myat Aye said, “The military regime is trying to show that people are living a normal life, but they are failing because of the opposition of the people. They are showing the international community that they could hold peace talks. They are trying to carry out superficial activities, such as providing humanitarian assistance and inviting the ASEAN representative to Myanmar. The ASEAN and UN need to understand this wisely. Otherwise, they may find themselves trapped in a prearranged trap of the military regime.”

Kaung For You Federal Private School will accept up to 30,000 students because the number of applications has reached over 200,000

On 1 June 2022, when Kaung For You Federal Private School began accepting online applications, the number of applications reached 100,000.

It is learned that Kaung For You Federal Private School will teach according to the education system of the National Unity Government.

The total number of applicants to Kaung For You Federal Private School has reached 200,126.

A white Hijet car carrying the military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee was hit by a landmine on the Pakokku-Yesagyo road, killing two and seriously injuring five others

Yesagyo PDF said, “On 11 June around 9:30 am, Yesagyo PDF attacked a white Hijet car carrying the military junta troops, and Pyu Saw Htee by using landmines near Kyikan village on Pakokku-Yesagyo road.”

It is also stated that two out of seven of them were killed, and the other five were seriously injured.

The attack included Yesagyo PDF, Northern Yesagyo (N-YSO) guerrilla force, Myaing Rural Guerilla Force, and Steel Hawk PDF – Myaing Township.

The Wild Snake Run force successfully develops strong explosive weapons

On 10 January 2022, the Wild Snake Run force unveiled the heavy weapons and stated, “We, the Wild Snake Run force, would like to inform the public that we have successfully developed the largest and most powerful ROCKET 500mm weapon in the production of PDFs.”

The Wild Snake Run force is one of the revolutionary forces resisting the military junta in Sagaing Division.

Analysts review that the fact that World Bank does not continue to predict Myanmar’s Economic Prospects may be due to the lack of recognition of the military regime

The World Bank released a report outlining Myanmar’s economic prospects until 2021 on 10 June, leaving it without predicting the prospects after 2021. Myanmar’s Economic Index for 2021 dropped to -18, and it was found that the World Bank stopped the predicting of prospects for the coming years.

U Than Soe Naing, a political analyst

To sum up, to the World Bank report, the military regime is not accepted by the rest of the world economically, and it is no longer possible to work together because of the lack of economic prospects. Analysts review that the reason why the World Bank had stop predicting may be due to unaware of the situation after telecom operators, energy companies, and the international businesses had left the country.

An activist for the poor

The grassroots population has been struggling due to unemployment since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020. After the military coup on 1 February 2021, Myanmar has been in disarray, and its people are facing the worst of times.

Ethnic revolution youths say that since the World Bank can no longer predict Myanmar’s Economic Prospects, people need to think ahead about their future living conditions

A Chin State revolutionary youth said that since Chin State has always been the poorest state in Myanmar, with poor transportation and lack of natural resources, local people had been struggling.

A Chin State revolutionary youth

There  are millions of war-affected people in Sagaing, Chin, Magway, and Karenni areas, who suffer the worst violence by the military junta. A Karenni human activist said that currently, refugee camps are assisting by the support of donors, but in the long run, they will suffer from famine.

A Karenni human activist

After the military coup, people across the country protested in various ways against the coup. At present, the revolution has reached the final stage, the armed resistance, and facing the worst situation in the country’s history.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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