Summary of News

Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarks that the issue of the ethnic groups cannot be left behind in the revolution

At the meeting No. (15/2022) of the Central Committee on Implementation of Interim Local Public Administration, Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann remarked, “The issue of the ethnic groups cannot be left behind in the revolution. The previous day, we also had a meeting between Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) and Central Committee on Implementation Interim Local Public Administration and cordially discussed the issues to be addressed for the ethnic areas.”

The Prime Minister added that he was very pleased to be able to carry out the ground administration effectively due to the successful weekly meeting of the Central Committee on Implementation of Interim Local Public Administration.

The meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Central Committee on Implementing Interim Local Public Administration,​Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann; Vice-Chairman (1), Union Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration U Lwin Ko Latt; members, Union Ministers; and secretaries, Deputy Ministers.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe says that there is no way the terrorist military council can crush the people’s defense forces that are located everywhere

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said, “There are local people’s defense forces in every Township and more than 250 PDF battalions, a total of 997 forces in the whole country. The people have their own army, in everywhere, in every village. There has never been such a situation. There is no way they (the terrorist military) can crush the force that is located everywhere.”

The National Unity Government (NUG) formed the People’s Defense Force (PDF) on 5 May 2021, and currently, a total of 258 forces (PDF and allied forces) have been formed.

Union Minister added, “In that case, we will win. There is no reason to breakdown, no reason for NUCC, NUG, and PDF to collapse. The revolution will definitely win.”

Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic meets with NUG’s Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min

On 9 June 2022, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and relevant officials met the Union Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government U Aung Myo Min and NUG Representative in Czech Republic U Linn Thant.

Czech Deputy Minister said that the Czech Republic will work diligently to bring about positive results for democracy and human rights in Myanmar at the fastest as Myanmar stays the priority country of the Czech human rights and democracy support programming for the upcoming UN Human Rights Council meeting and recent serious human rights violations in Myanmar including war crimes, and that the Czech Republic stands with the people of Myanmar, taking Myanmar as seriously as Ukraine.

More than a thousand basic, middle, and high school students are studying at Mogok Federal School

It is learned that the Mogok Federal School is working to provide honorary allowance and subsidies for data usage to volunteer teachers and staff based on the funding availability.

Mogok Federal School was opened on 18 April 2022 and has taught for one month successfully.

At the moment, about 100 teachers are teaching about 1,000 students at basic, middle, and high school levels.

It is also learned that, as there are still many students who want to enroll although it has been more than one month since the opening of the school, new sub-classes will be added to ensure that school-age children do not lose their rights to Education during the interim period.

On the west bank of Katha Township, there were three clashes between the military council troops and the defense forces in one day, resulting in heavy casualties from the military side

Katha Township people’s defense force announced that there were three clashes on the west bank of Katha Township on 9 June 2022.

In the first incident, although Katha PDF subdivision led by Bo Zarmani, Katha Township PDF battalion (1), and its allied forces tried to mine the three military council troops’ vehicles departing Katha Town, the mines did not explode, and, therefore, weapons were used to attack.

In the second incident, Katha Township PDF battalion (1) Special Subdivision hit the military council troops’ vehicles departing PinmaLutt village from both sides of the road using two RPGs, crashing one vehicle with the casualties of 30 members of the military council.

In the third incident, Moetar subdivision led by Bo Kan, Katha Township PDF battalion (1), and its allied forces minded a group of military council troops who entered the minefield near Kyaukphyu creek in Upper Wegyi Tract, Katha Township, causing casualties.

CDM police officers say although they have faced various difficulties, they have not regretted their participation in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM)

After 15 months of the coup, civil servants participating in CDM continue to participate in CDM against the military dictatorship. A police officer from Mingalardon Township in Yangon, who participated in CDM since the early revolution, said that despite facing many difficulties in living matters, family affairs, and safety, he has no regrets about participating in CDM.

A CDM police officer

A police officer participating in CDM with fully armed from a police outpost in Kam Ma Township, Pakokku District, Magway Division urged the soldiers and police to join the CDM as soon as possible. He was awarded 100 lakhs of allowance by the local PDF in exchange for the CDM participation with fully armed.

A CDM police officer

Myaing Township people’s defense force announced in May that the people’s soldiers and polices who join the Myaing Township people’s defense force in Magway Division to participate in CDM will be awarded 70 lakhs allowance and will be sent to the liberated area.

Data For Myanmar reports that the junta troops burned down more than seven thousand houses across the country in May

Data For Myanmar stated on 7 June 2022 that the junta and its affiliates groups burned down approximately 18,886 civilian houses at 435 locations, from 1 February 2021 to 31 May 2022. For the atrocity of the military junta, local people’s defense forces in Sagaing said that they will soon attack the military junta bases.

Ko Khant (North Yama people’s defense force – Yin Mar Pin)

According to Data for Myanmar, more than 11,000 houses have been set on fire as of April 2022, and more than 7,000 houses were burned down by the military junta in May. In response to these arson attacks, a female PDF leader from Sagaing appealed to the people and donors to provide enough weapons.

A female PDF leader from Sagaing

Data For Myanmar reported that the military junta and its affiliated groups burned down a total of 18,886 houses across the country from 1 February 2021 to 31 May 2022: 13840 in Sagaing Division, 3,055 in Magway Division, 1,316 in Chin State, 411 in Karenni State, 124 in Southern Shan State, 53 in Taninthharyi Division, 51 in Mandalay Division, 24 in the western region of Bago Division, 7 in Kayin State and 5 in Kachin State.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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