Summary of News

Family members of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi filed a complaint before a UN watchdog against her detention that her arrest was illegal

“Her arrest was illegal, her detention is devoid of any legal basis, and her different trials violate the basic rules governing any legal procedure,” reads the complaint, seen by AFP.

In the last week of May, two human rights lawyers filed a complaint on behalf of her relatives with the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention.

The complaint described Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s arrest as “judicial kidnapping”.

Since the military coup in February 2021, the 76-year-old State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been in military custody for more than a year.

Currently, she has been charged in more than 10 cases, including corruption cases, by the military junta, without justice.

CLICK2DONATE will use 80% of its earnings this month for counter-attacks against the military forces that have been setting fire in Sagaing and Magway divisions

It is said, “Let us show our sympathy, our unity and our strength through clicks instead of words. As I used to say, if 5500,000 people click, there will be two million kyats earning a day. This month, 80% of the earnings will be used for a project to counter-attack the military forces that have been setting fire in Sagaing and Magway divisions.

CLICK2DONATE is a click-through process to raise funds for the Revolutionary Forces by using the C2D App.

Clashes broke out between AA and the Military Council troops in Paletwa

According to the BBC, clashes between the Military Council troops and the Arakan Army (AA) began at 10 am on May 26 in Paletwa Township, Chin State, bordering Rakhine State.

A local from Paletwa said that clashes took place near ApaungSa village in Palatwa Township.

He said he learned of the clashes near the ApaungSa village when he contacted the village upon hearing the sound of artillery fire from Palatwa.

AA said that the activities of the military council in Rakhine State were worse than those during the period of intense fighting before November 2020.

The clashes erupted after AA warned locals that there could be further clashes between the two sides and the military council said that AA was calling for a battle.

Mindat Township People’s Administration announced that it will take action against Non-CDM and those who are going to work in the schools to be run by the junta

Mindat Township People’s Administration announced on May 26, “Non-CDM education staff who will be teaching in schools to be run by the junta, and those who help run the junta’s education system, will be regarded as betrayal of the people and be punished.”

In addition, Mindat Township People’s Administration urged the public not to enroll in the schools to be run by the military council and to enroll in the People’s schools run by Mindat Township People’s Administration.

At least 29 dead in a land mine attack on two vehicles with protective covers carrying soldiers on the ChaungU-Myinmu road

It is reported that, at around 8 am on May 26, there were at least 29 dead in a land mine attack on two vehicles with protective covers carrying soldiers on the ChaungU-Myinmu road in Sagaing Region.

The attack was carried out by the Farmers Revolution Force FRF (CHU) battalion and its fraternal allies: the ChaungU Revolution Army (CRA), Black Eagle Defense Force and Zarmini MMU.

Members of the Military Council sealed off Bhamo NLD MPs’ homes

It is learned that, on May 25, members of the Military Council sealed off Bhamo NLD MPs’ homes and posted a notice to relocate within a month.

It is reported that Kachin Hluttaw member U Zaw Thin’s home was sealed off the day before, and Pyithu Hluttaw member U Aung Thein’s home was posted a notice to relocate.

The Central Working Committee of the National League for Democracy (NLD) released a statement on March 18 that, according to the data collected by the Human Rights Violation Documentation Team of NLD, the houses and other properties of 155 party members, including 93 members of parliament, have been sealed off.

A soldier from LIB 361 deserted the military and joined KLG PDF

It is reported that private soldier Naing Win from LIB 361 deserted from the front line without weapons and joined KLG PDF.

According to KLG PDF, private Naing Win is currently in good condition and will be sent to the liberated areas.

It is learned that the People’s Defense Forces are welcoming the newcomers who deserted the military, and if they come in with weapons, they will be awarded between 300,000 and 600,000 kyats.

Six villages in Depeyin were set on fire by the military council in five days, leaving local people homeless

A villager in Nagadwin said that the military council violently raided and set fire to six villages in Depayin Township, Sagaing Division, within five days from May 19 to 23, burning 45 houses among more than 500 houses in Nagadwin village, 22 houses in Thayattaw village, 3 houses in Kwinttaung village, 39 houses in Pinsi village, and unconfirmed number of houses in Inpin and Yadin villages.

She also added that, since the end of April, the military council had set fire to villages in Depeyin, Ye-U, Khin-U, Taze, Wetlet and Shwebo townships and blocking the food supply routes of the local people and trying to control the territory.

The small storm Arseni, which has been raging in the Bay of Bengal since early May, has been sending torrential rains to the northwestern region and causing urgent requirements for food, shelter and medicine for war-affected people.

With more and more people affected by the war, charity organizations are finding it difficult to meet their needs.

Chinese companies Wanbao and Ransi in Letpadaung Mountain in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Division are assisting the military council, leaving locals nowhere to run

A local from Salingyi said that Chinese companies were assisting the military troops with transportation, providing local information and providing food supplies.

A local from Khin-U said that, on May 24 and 25, Chinese companies are assisting the military council in committing acts of violence against Yekyipin, Htantawgyi, Pyaythakya, Gondaw, Dontaw, Kankone, Waram villages in Salingyi Township,

Despite the military junta’s use of various means to control Sagaing Division, local PDFs have been resisting the coup for more than a year. The military council is also blocking access to aid to the people.

#Credit : Radio NUG

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