Summary of News

  • National Unity Government calls for the four powers of the Quad to restrict the sales of arms and jet fuel to the junta
  • Local people welcomed the Cobra Column and the KNDO troops led by Maj. Al-Saywar, regarded as the people’s victory
  • Saw Township Public Administration Board will support the pregnant CDM staff
  • The National Conference of Shan Nationalities League for Democracy will be held
  • Fuel prices rise in Yangon, raising taxi fares
  • Mobile phone and data connections were cut off in many townships in Sagaing Division, leaving people outside Sagaing concerned for their relatives and families

Local PDF News

National Unity Government calls for the four powers of the Quad to restrict the sales of arms and jet fuel to the junta

On May 23, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the National Unity Government announced a statement to call for the four powers of the Quad to restrict the sales of arms and jet fuel to the junta.

The statement includes “We call on the four powers to clearly state that:

(1) Violence should not be tolerated

(2) The perpetrators of abuses against the people of Myanmar must face justice for crimes against humanity that are being committed

(3) The international community must respond strongly to Myanmar’s escalating humanitarian catastrophe, which is entirely political in origin

(4) Australia, India, Japan, and the United States of America will do all in their power to restrict the sales of arms and jet fuel to the junta. These are the means by which they are perpetrating their murderous campaigns

(5) The people of Myanmar have the right to determine their own future, free from military oppression.

It is stated that the National Unity Government calls further that the four powers of the Quad establish without delay a formal working group to develop a coordinated response to the crisis in Myanmar that will promote democracy for the people of Myanmar and security for the region.

Local people welcomed the Cobra Column and the KNDO troops led by Maj. Al-Saywar, regarded as the people’s victory

On the morning of May 24, the Cobra Column, the KNDO led by Maj. Al-Saywar and the coalition, who won victory over Tae’ Baw Boe camp, were welcome and greeted by the local people with victory garlands.

On the afternoon of May 18, the KNLA coalition attacked and seized the Tae Baw Boe camp on the Phalu-Wale road, south of Myawaddy Township, Kayin State.

The Karen National Union (KNU) issued an announcement that five members of the Military Council were killed and six others were captured alive, confiscating large quantities of weapons and ammunition during the clashes.

Saw Township Public Administration Board will support the pregnant CDM staff

On May 24, the Saw township Public Administration Board issued an announcement urging pregnant CDM staff to register as soon as possible for support.

Saw Township Public Administration Board said “Pregnant women and fathers / mothers who have been taking part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and have complied with the information in the announcement should submit their registration by May 31, 2022.”

It is stated that, among the CDMs in Saw Township, mothers/fathers who have been taking part in CDM since October 1 2021; who gave birth after November 2021 and have never received any maternity financial support; and those who will give birth after May 2022 and have never received any maternity financial support can apply for the support.

The National Conference of Shan Nationalities League for Democracy will be held

The Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) has announced that it will hold a national conference on May 24.

It is stated “The Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) will hold its National Conference on May 25-27, 2022, according to the party’s constitution, the party’s Central Committee meeting on April 3, 2022 and the Central Executive Committee meeting on April 20, 2022.”

The Opening Ceremony of the Conference will be held on May 26 from 8:30 am to 11:00 am.

Fuel prices rise in Yangon, raising taxi fares

On May 24, a resident in Thamine Township said “As fuel prices rise, commodity prices, including the price of basic food items also rise. The second thing is that when you rent a car, you have to pay double because of the rise in fuel prices. In the past, from Thamine to the 8th mile was about two thousand kyats or two thousand and five hundred. Now, it is three thousand once you get in the car. You can’t even go to nearby places with five hundred like before.”

On May 24, the market prices of fuel in Yangon are 2,115 kyats per liter for octane(92), 2230 kyats per liter for octane(95), 2180 kyats per liter for premium diesel and 2115 kyats per liter for diesel.

Mobile phone and data connections were cut off in many townships in Sagaing Division, leaving people outside Sagaing concerned for their relatives and families

Ko Soe Win Swe, a local political activist in Monywa, said that internet and telephone lines were cut off from 7 am until around 1 pm on May 24.

A local from Kin-U said that since the early morning of May 24, the internet and telephone signals have been very weak in Kanbalu, Kawlin, Kani, Khin-U, Kyun Hla, Monywa, Pale, Paletwa, Ye-U, Yin Mar Bin townships.

He added that, in Sagaing Division, locals have to depend mainly on the Ooredoo line because it has been a long time since MPT and Telenor lines had not been available.

People in Sagaing Division will face more difficulties if they do not have access to telephone and internet lines, because the internet is mainly used to help war-affected people in Sagaing Division.

A philanthropist said that the continuous rains will make it harder to access the voices and information of people in need in the forests and mountains.

The internet has ever been cut off in more than 20 townships in Sagaing Division, including Chaung-U, Salingyi and Myaung, from 11 pm on March 3.

Before that, the internet has ever been cut off in more than 10 townships, including Kani, Budalin and Yin Mar Bin. Therefore, a total of more than 30 townships has ever been cut off the internet in Sagaing Division.

[PDF] Comrades from Battalion 902, Nat Mauk Township, prepare for the city seized battles

According to a statement issued by the 902 Battalion Nat Mauk People’s Defense Force on May 23, comrades from 902 Battalion, Nat Mauk Township are preparing for the city seized battles.

The statement said “Comrades from 902 Battalion, Nat Mauk Township are doing preparations for the city seized battles. We urge the people to meet our needs as much as they can.”

At present, Nat Mauk Township in Magway Division is not under the full control of the military council.

[PDF] DMO PDF Battalion-A said it could buy another 338 sniper but require bullets

On May 23, The Civil Defense Force Demoso (DMO Local PDF) Battalion-A asked for donations to purchase bullets for 338-sniper.

It is said “The Civil Defense Force Demoso (DMO Local PDF) Battalion-A purchased another Ruger precision rifle 338 sniper. The weapon costs 360 lakh kyats and it costs 55,000 kyats per bullet. In order to fight the Terrorist Council well, we would like to ask the people, local and foreign individual donors and  organizations to donate the bullet.”

#Credit : Radio NUG

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