Military News July 25 Evening (PM) 1. Defense Minister U Yee Mon released photographs of the battalion inspecting the front line battlefield. On July 25th,
Category: Spring Revolution

Summary of News 1. Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung stresses the need for philosophy and ethics in upholding truth and revolution Union Minister Daw

Military News July 25 Evening (PM) 1. TNLA captures all military council camps in Mogok Town Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) announced that they have

Military News July 24 Evening (PM) 1. More than 30 houses were destroyed due to the army’s burning down of Minkon area, where there are

Military News July 24 Evening (AM) 1. 1 lieutenant colonel 2 majors A total of 317 soldiers, including 5 captains, surrendered to the MNDAA army

Written by Captain Seagull This is written by captain seagull and translated by google. Credit #ZinyawCaption

Military News July 21 Morning (PM) 1. The military council is attacking the city of Singu by air and sea Local news sources said that

Military News July 21 Morning (AM) 1. Loikaw Local Defense Force Loikaw LPDF basic military training ceremony July 20th. Karenni land Loikaw Township, The Loikaw

Union Prime Minister, Mahn Winn Khaing Thann says everyone has to work together to successfully end the revolution as soon as possible

Military News June 27 Morning (AM) 1.The terrorist military council’s army is just a mercenary force to protect a certain group of people Comrade Kyaw