Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2022 October 24

  1. Meeting with the National Unity Government, Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and Public Administration Bodies of Special Administrative Region
  2. The IPU Executive Council meeting requested that the relevant governments are urged to prosecute for crimes against humanity if military officials visit the territory area
  3. Minister of Federal Union Affairs says the 2008 constitution has been canceled by the public, and nothing left the contract’s purpose
  4. NUG, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, attended the fundraising event for people fleeing the war in Karenni State
  5. UNHCR issue a statement to immediately stop the forced repatriation of Myanmar nationals
  6. A comrade from the KhaLaYa-1 has defected from the military and joined the Pekon township 2nd battalion of the people defense force
  7. A 4th-grade young girl was hit and killed with a heavy weapon when seven vessels of the military council opened fire near Sinkontaing village
  8. The military council troops were attacked with landmines, and two inspection soldiers dead on the spot
  9. Four members of the military council were killed in the battle between the cobra column and the military council troops
  10. The terrorist army that has arrived in the Hanlin PYU ancient city, Wetlet township, Shwebo district, burned down houses of the people in the village

Meeting with the National Unity Government, Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and Public Administration Bodies of Special Administrative Region

On October 23, a meeting was held between the National Unity Government, the Interim Local Administration Central Committee, and the public administration bodies of the Special Administrative Regions. Dr. Win Myat Aye, a member of the Interim Local Administration central committee, Union Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management, gave opening remarks at the meeting. After that, departments clarified activities by each sector within the special administrative region such as finance, electricity, communication, tax collection, defense, health, education, and judiciary, including natural resources and environmental conservation. Public Administration Bodies of special administrative regions mutually discussed the difficulties they are facing on the ground and what they want to know.

Then, Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister of Education and Health gave a closing speech, and the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. In the meeting, leaders from the Public Administration Bodies of special administrative regions, members and ministers from relevant Ministries, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Director Generals, and Directors attended.

The IPU Executive Council meeting requested that the relevant governments are urged to prosecute for crimes against humanity if military officials visit the territory area

The IPU Executive Council meeting requested that the relevant governments are urged to prosecute for crimes against humanity if military officials visit the territory area. On October 23, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) described that.

The 210th Session of the IPU Governing Council, which was held in Rwanda on October 15, stated the request that it is the responsibility of all countries to exercise criminal justice against those responsible for international crimes by following the rules of international justice, which is consistent with the Rome Statute. Also, member parliaments strongly encourage the relevant authorities to exercise their jurisdiction by prosecuting anyone responsible for crimes against humanity by the military, if they come to their territory. From that meeting, in the report of the Committee on Human Rights Violations of Members of Parliament, nine requests were included in the approval of the resolution regarding gross human rights violations committed by the terrorist army against Myanmar Hluttaw representatives.

Since the coup, there have been 37 members of the Pyihtaungsu Hluttaw who have been detained without reason, including State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and 30 people are still in detention. We have called on the military authorities to immediately release all the parliamentarians as there is no credible evidence that the parliamentarians have committed any crimes other than exercising their basic human rights.

The resolution also includes compliance with international humanitarian law and international human rights regulations, to stop the intimidation of 20 CRPH members and other elected representatives of the 2020 election, also not to block the exercise of their rights, not to oppress either physically or through lawsuits, and to immediately stop the military’s use of excessive force.

Minister of Federal Union Affairs says the 2008 constitution has been canceled by the public, and nothing left the contract’s purpose

Minister of Federal Union Affairs said that the 2008 constitution, which is being amended from the NCA contract, has been canceled by the public and nothing left the contract’s purpose. Union Minister said at the meeting program between Myanmar siblings in South Korea and Dr. Lian Hmung Sakhong, Union Minister of Federal Union Affairs.

“The purpose of signing the NCA contract is to amend and cancel the 2008 constitution through the NCA. Now, where is the 2008 constitution that was amended from the NCA treaty? It has already canceled by the public. Min Aung Hlaing has been using the 2008 constitution for a long time, but their mechanism has already collapsed, so the purpose of the NCA contract is no longer there,” he said. Currently, the National Unity Government is conducting to draft an interim constitution with the NUCC and those who should be involved.

NUG, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, attended the fundraising event for people fleeing the war in Karenni State

The National Unity Government, the Deputy Minister of Human Rights attended the fundraising event for people fleeing the war in Karenni State, held in Melbourne, Australia. The National Unity Government (NUG), Khun Baham Htan, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, attended and gave opening remarks at the fundraising event for people fleeing the war in Karenni State held on October 23.

After that, Dr. Tun Aung Shwe, Australian representative of the National Unity Government, sent video messages and auctioned some items donated by donors as funds; then young people from Victoria Myanmar Youths (VMY) performed spring revolution songs. The Karenni Federation of Australia is very grateful to those who came to support the fundraising event and the people who cook and sell food, also Mon Families Group (Melbourne) and Victoria Myanmar Youths (VMY), which organized the fundraiser and donors together with CRPH/NUG Support Group (Victoria).

UNHCR issue a statement to immediately stop the forced repatriation of Myanmar nationals

The United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR, has issued a statement to immediately stop the forced repatriation of Myanmar nationals. The United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR, announced in October. It is said that UNHCR urgently appealed to countries in the region to immediately stop the forced repatriation of Myanmar nationals who are seeking safety from the serious danger. It is also stated that sending Myanmar nationals back to the country puts innumerable lives at risk. It also described that those asylum seekers who have fled Myanmar must be given access to enter the territory, and protected from resettlement in their country. The United Nations Refugee Agency, UNHCR, states that Myanmar nationals who have already been abroad should not be forced to return home when requesting protection from international.

A comrade from the KhaLaYa-1 has defected from the military and joined the Pekon township 2nd battalion of the people defense force

On the morning of October 23, the Pekon township 2nd battalion of the People Defense Force confirmed that a comrade from the KhaLaYa-1 has defected from the military and joined them. “On the morning of October 23, a comrade from KhaLaYa-1 came to the 2nd battalion of Pekon township Public Defense Force to involve in CDM. Those CDM soldier escaped at 8:00 p.m. on October 22 while he was on duty at the Mobye dam control gate, and arrived the 2nd battalion of the PDF (Pekon township) this morning and took care of him,” they said. In addition, Pekon township 2nd battalion of the People Defense Force reported that soldiers who want to cooperate with them are allowed to join along with their weapons.

A 4th-grade young girl was hit and killed with a heavy weapon when seven vessels of the military council opened fire near Sinkontaing village

A 4th-grade young girl was hit and killed with heavy weapons when seven vessels of the military council that came from Mandalay opened fire near Sinkontaing village in Katha township. On the morning of October 23, the Katha township People Defense Forces said that the military vessels fired heavily with various weapons.

It is said that “On October 23 at 8:00 a.m., the vessels loaded the sick and injured soldiers from the Moetar Lay wharf and continued to depart. The aircraft hovered near the village of Sinkontaing. In addition, vessels fired with various weapons at the side of Sinkontaing village. Ma Hnin Ei Lwin, a 12-year-old 4th grader from the village, was hit in the right chest and knee by a large weapon”. Moreover, a woman’s left ear was hit by a bullet, and a cattle cart and houses were also hit by parts of bullets. The seven military vessels that came out of Mandalay continued to ascend above Katha township, and starting from the village of Katpaleik and shooting with a variety of small and large weapons.

The military council troops were attacked with landmines, and two inspection soldiers dead on the spot

It is reported that the military council troops were attacked with a landmine, and two inspection soldiers dead on the spot at the intersection of Pakokku circular road and Myothit road. On October 23 at 10:30 am, Yesagyo Revolution Group – YRG confirmed that the military council troops who were inspecting at the intersection of Pakokku circular road and Myothit road, were attacked with a forward mine. YRG expressed that they deepest apologize on behalf of all revolutionary organizations as it was learned that the 12-wheeler was also hit by parts of landmines. The operation was carried out by the allies’ twin groups, the Urban Underground Revolution Force -UURF, Shwe Nyar Myae – PDF, King Cobra and the Daung Brothers joined together.

Tiger Khin Sein, who was injured due to an equipment malfunction while going to drop a bomb with a drone, has been discharged from the hospital

It is informed that Tiger Khin Sein from Myaung T.G.R Women Drone Force, who was injured due to an equipment malfunction while dropping a bomb with a drone, has been discharged from the hospital. “Although my right leg still can’t support to walk, I still have a long way to go, so I am trying to walk as soon as possible,” she said. On the evening of October 13, the T.G.R Women Drone Force was injured due to equipment malfunction when they went to drop a drone.

The terrorist army that has arrived in the Hanlin PYU ancient city, Wetlet township, Shwebo district, burned down houses of the people in the village

It is reported that the terrorist army that has arrived in the Hanlin PYU ancient city, Wetlet township, Shwebo district, burned down houses of the people in the village. On October 23 at 4:00 p.m., “Daung Sit The” group confirmed that military council troops had set fire to houses in the village. “On October 23, more than 100 soldiers of the terrorist military council arrived in the Hanlin PYU ancient city, Wetlet township, Shwebo district, set fire to people’s houses in the village at 4:00 p.m. It is said that “On October 22 around 1:00 p.m., around 100 soldiers of the military council arrived at the Hanlin PYU ancient city, Wetlet township, which is a World Heritage Site

Credit to #RadioNUG


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