Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 18

The Central News and Information Department of KNDF (Karenni Nationalities Defense Force) announced that the terrorist military council troops from the Hwè-ün camp and the Tiger Mouth camp on the east bank of the Thanlwin River in Shadaw Township, Karenni State, have left the camp and fled.

It is reported that the terrorist military council soldiers from the front-line base camps on the east bank of the Thanlwin River in Shadaw Township, such as Hwè-ün Camp and Tiger Mouth Camp, left the camps and fled before February 13. The terrorist military council soldiers from the Tiger Mouth Camp, which is a hill controlled by the terrorist military council in Huay Pon Laung region, and the Hwè-ün Camp based next to the Nant Pan Creek, were picked up by helicopters between February 10 and 13. The KNDF also informed that these camps are located on the Karenni-Thai border and are important frontline camps for the terrorist military council.

As the terrorist military council forces left the camp, the KNDF B-21 and the KNPLF joined forces to clear the area of Hwè-ün camp on February 14.

During the clearing of the area, some bags of rice and some ammunition were seized from Hwè-ün Camp, and the Karenni Army-KA has cleared the area of the Tiger Mouth camp, the KNDF Central News and Information Department announced.

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Arakan Army (AA) and People’s Defense Force – Kachin Region (KPDF) launched an offensive on the military council camp in Mansi Township, Kachin State, on the morning of February 17, according to a Kachin military source.

On February 17, they started to launch an offensive at 6:00 a.m., and the military council attacked with air support.

“KIA, AA, and KPDF joint forces attacked Jelkham (Sikhamgyi) military camp at 6:00 a.m. Today, there have been 14 bombardments with jet fighters. The battle is still intense until 5:30 p.m.,” a military source told People Spring.

It is said that the IB-15, IB-121, IB-276 and IB-223 under the Northern Military Command have been jointly deployed at the camp.

Last January, the KIA also attacked and captured the Manweingyi military council camp and the Kite Hteik military council camp in Mansi Township.

It is reported that the joint column of the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee from Myauk Khin Yan Village in Gangaw Township, Magway Division, has arrested 19 civilians, including children, from Thin Taw Village and is conducting interrogations.

The joint column of about 200 forces of the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members started to invade Thin Taw Village, Shwe Bo Village, and Yaethar (Kan Toe) Village in Gangaw Township on February 14, killing 10 civilians and arresting 19 others.

It is said that the arrested civilians are women, elderly people and children, including an old man over 60 years old, a 9-year-old child, two 3- and 4-year-old girls, and 15 women between the ages of 30 and 50, according to a local from Thin Taw Village. It is also reported that the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee of Myauk Khin Yan Village contacted a local of the village by phone to pick up the arrested people with 15 gallons of gasoline, 10 bags of salt, 10 bags of seasoning powder, and 1 Grand Royal (blue) patch.

It is reported that the detainees are being examined at the Myauk Khin Yan Village administration office, and the family members are worried because they are children, women, and the elderly. The locals said that they are working to give them the ransoms they asked for.

After the military council sent a large amount of weapons and ammunition to the villages of Pyu Saw Htee, including Myauk Khin Yan Village, on February 7, they are marching the surrounding villages with massive force. Locals are saying that there is a possibility that the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee may launch an offensive to re-open the supply route to Gangaw town.

The KNU headquarters announced that a local resident was seriously injured and a house and 5 cars were damaged due to the heavy weapon fire by the terrorist military on villages in Shwegyin Township, Bago Division.

From February 1 to 16, the military council troops stationed at IB-264, the base of the terrorist military council in Pein Za Loke, LIB-20, the Nyaunglebin base, Pazunmyaung, Tawi Village, and Yae Kyi Chaung Village, intentionally fired at least 64 heavy weapons into the villages inhabited by the public, resulting in damages.

In addition, the terrorist military council troops burned down 2 public houses and stole and destroyed 4 motorcycles. In addition, Pyu Saw Htee groups also arbitrarily elected new village administrators and they are working on counterfeit banknote production.

In publishing the human rights violations of the terrorist military, it also released news of the battles between the military council troops and the KNLA joint forces in which 4 military council soldiers were killed.

On February 13, at around 7:30 a.m., the IB-264, based in Pein Za Loke, fired 120-mm heavy weapons at Ye Phyu Kan Village, and the clash broke out for about 15 minutes between the terrorist military troops and the KNLA joint forces. In the clash, 2 military council soldiers were killed and 2 revolutionary comrades from KNLA joint forces got minor injuries.

Also, on February 14, at around 11:00 a.m., when the military council troops of about 30 forces from the LIB-20 were crossing from Pazunmyaung to Nyaung Ping Gyi Village by boat, they were attacked by the KNLA joint forces, killing two more junta soldiers, according to the statement.

According to PPDF Battalion 3601, the convoy of 3 military council motorcycles and a car that was coming out from Taung Lel Village towards Nyaung Wun Village in Paukkhaung Township, Bago Division, was attacked with mines, killing one junta soldier and injuring 3 others.

It is said that the military council convoy that came out fully armed was attacked with 2 mines at around 9:00 a.m. on February 16. The body of the junta soldier who was killed by the mine attack and the wounded were carried in a pro-box car and retreated towards the town of Paukkhaung.

The attack was cooperatively carried out by the People’s Defense Force (Battalion 3601 PPDF) Company 5-Forest King Group and the People’s Defense Force (Battalion 3602 PPDF) Company 3 Platoon 2.

On February 11, the military council’s forest gate near Pauk Lan Gyi Village, Paukkhaung Township, was attacked, killing 6 junta soldiers and injuring 4 others.

The T5 Wings of the Dawe District Battalion 2 released that 3 junta lackeys, including the leader of Pyu Saw Htee, Ko Aye Soe, were killed and 6 others were injured in a drone attack on the military council camp hill in Pe Det Village, Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi Division.

In the evening of last February 14, military council camp hill stationed by the junta soldiers from IB-280 under the Coastal Region Command, and Pyu Saw Htee were bombed with 3 drones, said a T5 Wings official. The camp, where about 60 military council forces were stationed, was attacked by drones for about 40 minutes, and the military council fired back with small arms.

The attack was cooperatively carried out by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the People’s Defence Force Dawei District Battalion 2 (T5-wings), the Dawei People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Hawk Guerrilla Force, and the comrades of the joint forces were able to withdraw without harm.

On February 11, the Pe Det camp was also attacked with drones, killing 2 junta soldiers and injuring others.

It is reported that a military council sergeant from Saw police station in Magway Division defected to Gangaw District Battalion 3 along with weapons and ammunition to participate in CDM.

The Magway Division Command Office released that, on February 11, a military council sergeant from the Saw Police Station, which was deployed with more than 80 military council troops, came into the light. The CDM sergeant took an MA-2 type gun and 600 rounds of ammunition along with him and defected to Battalion 3.

According to local residents, the soldiers of the military council, who did not dare to go outside the city normally, had prepared to chase the CDM sergeant that day, so the PDF comrades had to provide security inside the city.

The sergeant reportedly said that he joined the CDM because he did not like the acts of the military council, and it is said that the NUG Ministry of Defence is planning to award him an honorarium.

  1. The military council forces deserted the 2 military council camps on the east bank of the Thanlwin River in Shadaw Township
  2. KIA, AA and KPDF cooperatively launched an offensive against the military council strategic base in Mansi
  3. 19 civilians, including children, from Thin Taw Village were arrested by the joint column of the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee from Myauk Khin Yan Village
  4. A resident was seriously injured and a house and 5 cars were damaged due to heavy weapon firing on villages in Shwegyin Township
  5. The military council convoy was attacked with mines in Paukkhaung, killing one junta soldier and injuring 3 others 
  6. A drone attack on the military council camp hill in Pe Det Village killed 3 junta lackeys, including the leader of Pyu Saw Htee
  7. A military council sergeant from Saw Town participated in CDM along with weapons to Gangaw PDF

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