Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 August 9

1. The Union Prime Minister said that they are firmly determined to punish war criminals and bring them to justice

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said at the “35th Anniversary of the 8888 Democracy Uprising Day Ceremony” on August 8 that they are determined to punish war criminals and bring them to justice.

“For our country, which was insignificant in the middle of the world, for the citizens who suffered the oppression and brutality of successive dictators, and for the restoration of justice, we are determined to punish war criminals and bring them to justice,” said the Union Prime Minister.

Currently, a total of 3,900 people have been killed by terrorist military junta during the Spring Revolution, and more than 20,000 people have been arrested and detained.

2. The Police Department of Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the township people’s security forces of Sagaing and Magway Divisions

On August 8, a meeting between the Police Department of NUG Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI), and the township people’s security forces of Sagaing and Magway Divisions (31/2023) was held.

Firstly, as a commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of the 8888 Uprising, attendees of the meeting stayed silent for one minute for those who sacrificed their lives in the uprising. Then, the Associate Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, gave an opening speech.

Following, the Police Chief of the Police Department greeted, and the attending leaders of the township people’s security forces asked and discussed security and law enforcement issues, judicial issues, and challenges encountered on the ground. The Associate Secretary, Police Chief, and relevant heads discussed back briefly.

The meeting was attended by the Permanent Secretary, Associate Secretary, Police Chief, officials from ministries, and leaders of the township people’s security forces of Sagaing and Magway Divisions.

3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that the Spring Revolution will be recorded as a People’s Revolution that will definitely end the evil dictatorship

Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye wrote on social media on August 8 that the Spring Revolution will be recorded as a People’s Revolution that will definitely end the evil dictatorship.

“I firmly believe that this Spring Revolution will be recorded as a People’s Revolution that will definitely end the evil dictatorship system,” Union Minister said.

After the military seized power on February 1, 2021, the Spring Revolution emerged along with the public movement against the military dictatorship.

4. Led by PSSTF, a motivational discussion to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising was held

It is reported that on August 8, the Psychosocial Support Task Force (PSSTF) led a motivational discussion to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising.

More than 400 people, including CDMers and those from other sectors, attended the motivational discussion to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising.

“Terrorist military junta can only oppress the people with weapons. Although our heads are covered with blood, we will not give up. We all know that we are opposing the one-party dictatorship and the military dictatorship,” said U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of NUG Human Rights.

At the ceremony, one minute’s silence was held for those who lost their lives in the 8888 Uprising and the Kaba Ma Kyei (Till the End of the World) song was opened.

“We are not begging or fighting a terrorist junta that does not have democracy. We are defiant in accordance with democratic practices,” U Linn Thant, NUG representative of the Czech Republic, said.

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min, Czech Republic NUG representative U Linn Thant, lawyer U Kyi Myint, and Dr. Cynthia Maung attended the ceremony.

5. 88 generation student leader U Min Ko Naing urged the public to participate in the financial front

U Min Ko Naing, the 88 generation student leader, urged the public to participate in the financial front on August 8.

“We don’t know how much the military junta that has been losing on all fronts has printed 20,000 kyat banknotes. They are committing robbery against the public in another way, like the one in 1988, when the junta annulled the people’s banknotes. On the financial front, the first step of the “Financial and Economic Battle” has come, in which all people, both domestic and foreign, regardless of age or gender, can participate. In this first phase, the income sources of the military group that will have to be cut and blocked are “military-owned alcohol, beer, and cigarettes”. The amount of income that the fascists are getting from alcohol, beer, and cigarettes is not small. According to the type of goods, the amount of income that the fascist army regularly receives from this is among the highest. This blood money is used to pay for weapons and bullets that are killing people,” he said.

The entire population must boycott the terrorist army-owned brands-

Myanmar Beer, Andaman Gold brand alcohol, beer, Drinks, Dagon Brand Liquor, Beer, Drinks, Mandalay Beer and Rum, Black Shield Stout, and Army Rum.

6. All proceeds from the Summer Musical Night Concert in New York City to be hosted by NYCBC will be donated to Myanmar’s emergency areas

NYCBC (The New York City Burmese Community) executive U Nay Tin Myint said that all the funds raised from the New York City Spring Music Night Concert will be donated to Myanmar’s emergency areas.

U Nay Tin Myint – (Executive from NYCBC) said:

“On Saturday, August 19, we are planning a small music concert in collaboration with NYCBC and Spring Revo.Band as Summer Musical Night in New York City. The venue will be the Queens Theater from 5 to 9 p.m. The singers are Yan Yan Chan, DJ Wine, Hninzi May, and the singer Ko Kyaw Thiha, and special guests are Mie Mie Win Pe, model Myat Noe Aye, and model actress Ko Thiha. The purpose of our plan is that, for more than 2 years, our revolutionary brothers and sisters in New York have been very tired and exhausted. In order to recharge tiredness for the future, we are organizing the Summer Musical Night with the purpose of relaxing for a while. There, we will mainly support all the people who are fighting for the revolution in our motherland, Myanmar, and the necessary organizations with all the proceeds we get.”

Currently, the Myanmar revolutionary forces abroad are actively contributing for the destruction of the military dictatorship.

7. During the month of July 2023, 66 people were killed by terrorist military junta in Sagaing Region

According to data collected by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), it was reported on August 8 that 66 people were killed by a terrorist military junta in Sagaing Region during the month of July 2023.

‘From July 1 to 31, 2023, (66) people in Sagaing Region have been killed by the junta. In addition, in Sagaing Region, (35) people have been arrested by the junta and (128) people have been given prison sentences under specious charges by courts subservient to the junta in July,’ it reported.

On July 30, at approximately 2:30 pm, junta forces conducting inspections arrested Nyi Min Tun (aka Thar Ngal) while he was driving a motorbike in Chan Myayt Aung Si Ward, Kale Township in Sagaing Region. He was arrested for alleged association with the PDF.

8. 2 military council camps at Inbin Village and Ashae Bone Kan (Pyu) Village, and the 101st Division at Pakokku were attacked with improvised long-range rockets to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising

Pakokku Special Guerrilla Force-PSGF (Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force-PaKaFa) announced on August 8 that they attacked 2 military council camps at Inbin Village and Ashae Bone Kan (Pyu) Village, and 101st Division at Pakokku with improvised long-range rockets to commemorate 35th anniversary of 8888 Uprising.

“On August 8, at about 3:00 p.m., Pakokku Special Guerrilla Force-PSGF (Pakokku Township People’s Defense Force-PaKaFa), Dragon force, Rural Guerrilla Force, BRR – PDF, and Thu Rain – TR PDF jointly attacked 2 military council camps at Inbin Village and Ashae Bone Kan (Pyu) Village, and 101st Division at Pakokku with improvised long-range rockets to commemorate 35th anniversary of 8888 Uprising,” it stated.

During the attack, 5 long-range rockets hit the 101st Division and exploded, killing one junta soldier. In addition, 4 rockets fell into the school of Ashae Bone Kan Village Pyu camp. The military council troops counter-attacked with about 10 heavy artillery shells up to Kin Village, but the people’s defense comrades were able to retreat unscathed.

9. Traffic warning regarding Bhamo – Mandalay and Bhamo – Myitkyina roads issued by Bhamo People Defense Force – BPDF

On August 8, Bhamo People Defense Force – BPDF issued a traffic warning regarding Bhamo – Mandalay and Bhamo – Myitkyina roads.

“This period is a period of military tension, and there are also checks for security. We want to inform that for 12-wheel, 10-wheel, and 6-wheel vehicles carrying cargo using the Bhamo to Mandalay, Bhamo to Myitkyina, and Bhamo to Lwegel roads, if they are going to use these roads, they must cover only half of the shelter, lower windshields, and cooperate during the inspection. We would like to further inform motorboats and ships that are drifting in the Irrawaddy River not to travel, dock in the vicinity of the docked ship or boat, or pass in the vicinity of the docked ship or boat,” it stated.

It was also requested to comply with the notice from the date of issue.

  1. The Union Prime Minister said that they are firmly determined to punish war criminals and bring them to justice
  2. The Police Department of Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the township people’s security forces of Sagaing and Magway Divisions
  3. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye said that the Spring Revolution will be recorded as a People’s Revolution that will definitely end the evil dictatorship
  4. Led by PSSTF, a motivational discussion to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising was held
  5. 88 generation student leader U Min Ko Naing urged the public to participate in the financial front
  6. All proceeds from the Summer Musical Night Concert in New York City to be hosted by NYCBC will be donated to Myanmar’s emergency areas
  7. During the month of July 2023, 66 people were killed by terrorist military junta in Sagaing Region
  8. 2 military council camps at Inbin Village and Ashae Bone Kan (Pyu) Village, and the 101st Division at Pakokku were attacked with improvised long-range rockets to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the 8888 Uprising
  9. Traffic warning regarding Bhamo – Mandalay and Bhamo – Myitkyina roads issued by Bhamo People Defense Force – BPDF

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