Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 August 6

1. Welcoming ceremony for Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and activities presentation according to sector  

At 10:00 a.m. on August 5, the welcoming ceremony of the Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation of the National Unity Government and activities presentations according to sector were held.

At the ceremony, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng gave a welcome speech, followed by an introduction by the Deputy Minister, and members of the Ministry’s technical advisors introduced themselves.

The Secretary of the Forest Resource Management and Environmental Conservation Departments, and the Secretary of the Mining Enterprise and Myanmar Gems and Pearl Enterprise explained the operational status of each sector, and a total of 25 people attended the meeting.

2. The Deputy Minister of Labor said that the Spring Revolution is getting closer to success with one victory after another

Deputy Minister of Labor U Kyaw Ni said that the Spring Revolution is getting closer to success with one victory after another.

The Deputy Minister of Labor wrote in the special section of the 8888 uprising in our generation’s revolutionary newsletter.

“Everyone should remember that today’s Spring Revolution is the next step of the 8888 Uprising, a mass movement, and we must respect and honor the 8888 Uprising and those who participated in it and those who bravely fell. The Spring Revolution is still moving forward with one victory after another. It is getting closer to success,” said the Deputy Minister.

Currently, the spring revolution is increasing the military momentum, and the junta troops are suffering losses in the Karenni State, Karen State and Sagaing Region.

3. Prime Minister Mr. Xanana Gusmao made a statement that Timor-Leste will not join ASEAN 

Prime Minister Mr. Xanana Gusmao made a statement that Timor-Leste will not join ASEAN.

On August 4, the Prime Minister of Timor Leste (East Timor), Mr. Xanana Gusmao, said that he would not join the ASEAN during his term.

U Linn Thant, NUG representative of the Czech Republic, said, “This is a time when he is working with ASEAN for the development of Timor-Leste with the dream of peace, democracy, and socio-economic development in the region. However, in the history of his country, democracy and human rights have been set as standard values. There has never been a military coup in the history of the country. Therefore, Timor Leste’s Prime Minister (Former President) Xanana Gusmao made a bold and clear statement, saying his political position and belief are that the principles and values of freedom, democracy, and human rights must be prioritized over the interests of the country.” 

Former revolutionary, former political prisoner, former president and current Prime Minister Mr. Xanana Gusmao met with the Myanmar delegation led by NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung at the Prime Minister’s office in the capital Dili last July, saying that they stand with the people of Myanmar and that they will work together with faith upon sharing the values of freedom, democracy and human rights.

4. G3′ self-built small aircraft production technological design has improved

The Spring UAV Force – G3 announced on August 5 that self-built small aircraft production technological design has improved.

“Please witness the ‘Evolution of G3’s small self-built aircrafts’ produced by the efforts of our G3 team. As there are financial requirements to continue research, those who want to contribute can inquire on Page Messenger,” it stated.

At present, the junta forces have suffered a large number of casualties due to attacks by defense forces, small unmanned aerial vehicles, and drones.

5. There were a total of (3647) women who were unjustly arrested and detained by the terrorist military, of whom (835) received unfair sentences

The Burmese Women’s Union (BMU) announced on August 5 that there were a total of (3,647) women who were unjustly arrested and detained by the terrorist military, of which (835) were unjustly sentenced.

“During July 2023, the number of women arrested and detained has increased, while the number of women killed has also increased dramatically.

From February 1, 2021, when the terrorist military attempted to seize power, to July 27, 2023, there were a total of (3,647) women who were unlawfully arrested and detained by the terrorist miliatry. Of which, 835 women were sentenced under baseless charges,” it stated.

In July 2023, there were 22 women who were sentenced to prison by the unjust orders of the terrorist military, and a total of 19 women were arrested and detained by the terrorist military in almost a month, and 21 women died.

6. There may have been casualties when the defense forces jointly attacked the junta soldiers who returned from looting the properties of those who had fled the war

On August 5, the Pale Township People’s Administration confirmed that there may have been casualties in a joint attack by the defense forces on the junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members who returned from looting the properties of those who fled the war in Pale Township.

“On August 5, together with Pyu Saw Htee members, the terrorist junta forces that arrived in the Pyu Saw Htee camp in Zeephyukone, Pale Township, looted the cows, pigs, rice, oil, clothes and all the utensils belonging to the people living in tents in Hnaw Yoe Village, with carts. On their way back, a skirmish broke out until 11:00 a.m.,” it stated.

It was reported that the junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members were attacked jointly by the Pale Township PaKaFa forces, Yinmarbin District Battalion – 7 and Yinmarbin District Battalion -12, and there may be casualties of the junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members.

7. One of the terrorist’s soldiers was hit by an Enaga from a high tower and seriously injured in an attack on Kanni (Pyu) Village, Myaing Township, where the military council troops were stationed

It was reported that one of the terrorist’s soldiers was hit by an Enaga from a high tower and seriously injured in an attack on Kanni (Pyu) Village, Myaing Township, Magway Division, where the military council troops were stationed.

On August 5, the military news was confirmed by the Middle Revolution Task Force (MRTF). It stated;

“August 4, 2023

9:00 AM in the morning

The MRTF-led drone force attacked the village of Kanni (village supporting SAC) where the terrorist SAC was stationed, and one of the terrorist’s soldiers was hit by an Enaga from a high tower and seriously injured.

The revolutionary forces attacked with 60 mm.

The terrorist SACs coming out of Kanni village were hit by landmines and seriously injured.

The terrorist SAC fired more than 60 counter-attacks, but the revolutionary forces were able to withdraw without harm.

In this battle, Middle Revolution Task Force, FREEDOM FIGHTER -LDF, Garuda People’s Defense Force, Ah Nyar Myay PDF, STEEL HAWK PDF, A MI MYAY TASK FORCE, Royal Phoenix Task Force (R.P.T.F.), Gyaingkyar PDF and Thu Rain (TR) attacked together.” 

8. A Pyu Saw Htee member who ran from the Yesagyo area was caught along with a carbine

On August 5, Village Alliance Force (Myaung) reported that a Pyu Saw Htee member who was running from the Yesagyo area was caught along with a carbine.

“At 11:00 a.m. on July 30, we were able to arrest a Pyu Saw Htee member who was running from the Yesagyo area along with a carbine,” it reported.

Myaung Township PaKaFa, Chindwin Alliance Force (Myaung) and Village Alliance Force (Myaung) jointly arrested and handed over the Pyu Saw Htee member to the Yesagyo PaKaFa.

9. Incessant rains caused overflowing rivers to cause floods, and there were thousands of flood victims in townships in Myanmar

It was reported that there were thousands of flood victims in the townships of Myanmar due to continuous rain and the river overflowing.

Due to incessant rains in August, nearly two thousand people in Myawaddy and Kawkareik in Karen State, were forced to flee from the flood, according to local residents.

Similarly, it was reported that nearly 6,000 people from Bilin Township, Mon State, have been sent to relief camps.

On August 5, there was a flood on the Yangon-Mawlamyine Road near Daukyat Village and Shwe Yaung Pya Village in Bilin Township, and some trucks were almost overturned by the water.

  1. Welcoming ceremony for Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and activities presentation according to sector
  2. The Deputy Minister of Labor said that the Spring Revolution is getting closer to success with one victory after another
  3. Prime Minister Mr. Xanana Gusmao made a statement that Timor-Leste will not join ASEAN
  4. G3′ self-built small aircraft production technological design has improved
  5. There were a total of (3647) women who were unjustly arrested and detained by the terrorist military, of whom (835) received unfair sentences
  6. There may have been casualties when the defense forces jointly attacked the junta soldiers who returned from looting the properties of those who had fled the war
  7. One of the terrorist’s soldiers was hit by an Enaga from a high tower and seriously injured in an attack on Kanni (Pyu) Village, Myaing Township, where the military council troops were stationed
  8. A Pyu Saw Htee member who ran from the Yesagyo area was caught along with a carbine
  9. Incessant rains caused overflowing rivers to cause floods, and there were thousands of flood victims in townships in Myanmar

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