Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 April 28

1. Acting President said that it is necessary to let the countries of the world know that the Spring Revolution is a people’s revolution fighting for federal democracy and freedom of the people

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said that it is necessary to let the countries of the world know that the Spring Revolution is a people’s revolution fighting for federal democracy and freedom of the people.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said the following at the cabinet meeting of the National Unity Government (16/2023) held in April.

“I would like to say that the ups and downs of the revolutionary tide of the Spring Revolution are directly related to the domestic public, and are also related to international political changes. We all know that we can only succeed in our journey if we can look at all the faces of the revolution. Internationally, we must always observe what the views of the world’s powerful countries are on the Spring Revolution. Domestic forces are important, as are the views of major regional countries. With the general support of the international community, we need to be able to cooperate to be politically beneficial. It is necessary to let the countries of the world know that the Spring Revolution is a people’s revolution fighting for federal democracy and the freedom of the people,” said the Acting President.

At present, the National Unity Government has opened diplomatic liaison offices in France, Korea, Japan, the Czech Republic, Australia, Norway, and the United States and is presenting and discussing Myanmar affairs.

2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that a strong pressure attack is necessary to destroy the military, which has been rooted for many years

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that a strong pressure attack is necessary to destroy the terrorist war council, which has been rooted for many years.

On April 27, the Prime Minister said this while holding the National Unity Government’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting No. (17/2023).

“During this week, we have heard news of progress and success in the field of military development in momentum. We acknowledge and thank the individuals who are carrying out activities by risking their lives and taking responsibility. The terrorist military council, which has been rooted for many years, needs to be attacked with strong pressure in order to fight and destroy it from the roots. In order to do so, a One Year Plan has been established and is being implemented. In order to carry out administrative work in areas that can be occupied, the people administrative bodies must step in and continue shouldering the responsibility,” said the Union Prime Minister.

The attending members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) explained the resolution adopted made on (16/2023), the completion status of the previous work, and the remaining work to be carried out, and the attending officials discussed widely.

The meeting was led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann and attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries and officials from ministries.

3. A CDM teacher and a civilian from Tlanglao Village, Thantlang Township, were killed due to the military council’s bombardment

A CDM teacher and a civilian from Tlanglao Village, Thantlang Township, were killed due to the military council’s bombardment.

On April 27, at 3:30 p.m., the terrorist military bombarded from the air.

Due to the military council’s bombardment, a CDM teacher, Daw Ni Deim, and a civilian, U Hrum Kyeo, from Tlanglao Village, Thantlang Township, were killed, and local news sources confirmed that there were also injured people.

Five houses were also destroyed by the bomb, and there was also damage to the surrounding area.

On April 10, the terrorist military bombed Webula new town in Chin State, killing 9 people, including the CDM school principal and his family.

Similarly, on April 11, air strikes on Pazigyi Village in Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division, resulted in the deaths of 168 people, including many children and women.

4. In Shwe Hlay Village, Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region, two civilians riding a motorcycle ran into junta forces and one was killed

In Shwe Hlay Village, Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region, two civilians riding a motorcycle ran into junta forces and one was killed.

“On April 25, 100 junta personnel attacked Shwe Hlay Village in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region. On that day around 9 a.m., two locals were driving a motorbike along Nyaung Pin Gyi – Salingyi Road when they ran into the junta forces on Shwe Hlay Village Bridge. The junta forces shot at them, hitting motorbike driver Win Naung and causing him to fall off his bike. Then, the junta killed Win Naung by stabbing him in the stomach with a knife. The motorbike passenger riding with Win Naung managed to escape,” Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) stated.

Since the February 1, 2021, military coup and the emergence of the Spring Revolution, a total of (3,444) people, including pro-democracy activists and other civilians, have been killed through military crackdowns against the pro-democracy movement.

5. Terrorist military council soldiers stationed at the General Administration Office in Kanpetlet were attacked, killing one and seriously injuring two

Terrorist military council soldiers stationed at the General Administration Office in Kanpetlet were attacked, killing one and seriously injuring two.

On April 27, the Chin Defence Force-Kanpetlet announced the military news.

“On Wednesday, April 26, from 9:00 to 9:30 in the morning, we invaded and attacked the terrorist military council troops stationed at the general administration office in Kanpetlet Town.”

In the battle, one member of the terrorist military council was killed and two were seriously injured.

The CDF-Kanpetlet comrades were able to retreat unharmed, and the military council troops in Kanpetlet continued to shoot indiscriminately until the evening of April 26.

6. A police corporal who had left the Natogyi police station for the outpost in the east of the town was killed by the Myingyan District No. 4 Battalion of the Natogyi People Defence Force

It is reported that a police corporal who had left the Natogyi police station for the outpost in the east of the town was killed by the Myingyan District No. 4 Battalion of the Natogyi People Defence Force.

On April 27, the military news is reported by the Natogyi People Defence Force No. 4 Battalion of Myingyan District.

“At around 7:00 p.m. on April 26, near Htanzin Village, the Myingyan District No. 4 Battalion of the Natogyi People Defence Force, killed a police corporal (Khaing Min Tun), who had left the Natogyi police station to the outpost in the eastern part of the town,” it stated.

During the operation, the NPDF comrades were able to retreat unharmed.

7. New cases of Covid-19 have risen again in the country

It is reported that the number of new cases of Covid-19 is increasing in the country.

6,856 laboratory samples were examined on April 26 and 27, and 60 new confirmed patients were found. The infection rate was 0.88 percent.

The Covid-19 pandemic broke out again after the military council allowed large crowds during Thingyan.

Currently, the public needs to wear a mask every time they go outside and avoid crowded places.

  1. Acting President said that it is necessary to let the countries of the world know that the Spring Revolution is a people’s revolution fighting for federal democracy and freedom of the people
  2. Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that a strong pressure attack is necessary to destroy the military, which has been rooted for many years
  3. A CDM teacher and a civilian from Tlanglao Village, Thantlang Township, were killed due to the military council’s bombardment
  4. In Shwe Hlay Village, Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region, two civilians riding a motorcycle ran into junta forces and one was killed
  5. Terrorist military council soldiers stationed at the General Administration Office in Kanpetlet were attacked, killing one and seriously injuring two
  6. A police corporal who had left the Natogyi police station for the outpost in the east of the town was killed by the Myingyan District No. 4 Battalion of the Natogyi People Defence Force
  7. New cases of Covid-19 have risen again in the country

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