Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 Jan 10

1. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration declares not to participate in the illegitimate sham election of the terrorist military council

The NUG Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration issued the statement (2/2023) dated January 9, 2023.

The full statement is as follow:

  1. The terrorist fascist military group, led by Min Aung Hlaing is compiling voter lists with door-to-door data collections over 23 days, from Jan 9 to Jan 31. However, it is known that in some places, administrative bodies and immigration officers, including the stooges of the military council, started forcibly collecting population and household registration lists on January 7.  
  2. Regarding the illegal fake election of the terrorist fascist regime, the National Unity Government (NUG)’s Home Affairs and Immigration Ministry announced the following:
    • As the public, we request not to participate in the door-to-door data collection process of the terrorist fascist military group, from January 9 to 31.
    • We will strongly take action under the counter-terrorism law against administrative bodies, immigration officers, and any other stooges of the terrorist regime who support the collection of door-to-door ground population lists.

Lwin Ko Latt

Union Minister

Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration

National Unity Government

2. Holding training completion ceremony for the “Strategic Target Intelligence Course”

The Special Investigation Department of the NUG’s Home Affairs and Immigration Ministry held a training completion ceremony for the “Strategic Target Intelligence Course” on Monday, January 9, 2023, at noon. The completion ceremony was attended by U Lwin Ko Latt, Union Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, and secretary, members of the Central Intelligence Agency, and trainers and trainees of intelligence members from various regions and states.

The Union Minister made a speech in which he stated that strategically targeted surveillance would be prioritized and that the necessary support would be provided, as well as the development of high-quality intelligence products capable of more effectively attacking the terrorist military council. The trainees also reported and discussed that the information about the terrorist military council is ready and will be upgraded to become a strategic intel product, and that they will be working full-time to attack the military council. The “Strategic Target Intelligence Course,” organized by the Special Investigation Department, was held for five days from January 5 to 9, and was attended by over 100 trainees, including members of the state and region, district, and township.

3. The health forces issue a joint statement calling for the speedy approval of the CDM policy without delay

The eight health forces jointly issued a statement dated January 8 calling for the speedy implementation of the CDM policy for the good employees who participated on the front lines in resisting the military dictatorship. In the statement, the public is especially urged to provide effective mental and physical support to CDM employees, including job opportunities. It is stated that the leading organizations of the revolution are strongly urged to decide and approve the CDM policy as soon as possible.

The terrorist military group is illegally arresting, torturing and killing CDM health workers. Regarding non-CDMers who are assisting the military group, the eight health forces, including Health Family (Mandalay), CDM Medical Network, Yangon Medical Network, Chindwin Medical Network, Karenni Midwives Community, Karenni Nursing Association, Karenni Doctors Association, and CDM Community (Chin State), issued a joint statement. It is obvious that non-CDMers are oppressing CDM health workers as per the will of the military council, and they are strongly warned to stop immediately, as criminal penalties will be imposed on non-CDM workers according to the level of their participation in terrorist activities. “Despite the warning, if non-CDMers continue to put pressure on CDM health workers, the strongest action will be taken against non-CDMers who are military council stooges,” the statement said.

4. CDF informs those who participate in the terrorist military council’s fake election will be taken action

The Hakha township Chinland Defense Force (CDF) announced today that it completely opposes Min Aung Hlaing’s terrorist military council’s attempt to hold a fake election and become a legitimate government. “The terrorist junta’s election will not be allowed in Hakha township, and those who participate in the junta’s election will be considered enemies of the public, with severe penalties,” it described. It also stated that it will not be held responsible for any harm caused by the terrorist regime’s election.

The Hakha CDF Council has also informed the public that it will cooperate with organizations (or) individuals protesting against the election. The military council, which has been defeated on all fronts in military, politics, and diplomacy, is attempting to implement the 2008 constitution and retain power after the election, so revolutionary forces have urged the public to oppose the election.

5. Military junta troops arrest Hluttaw representatives from Minbu, Pwintbyu, and Chauk townships

According to the report on January 8, military junta troops arrested Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Win Win of Minbu Township, Magway Region, Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Tun Tun of Pwintbyu Township, and Regional Hluttaw Representative U Than Tin of Chauk Township. A group of arrested Hluttaw representatives were hiding in a house in Shartaw village, Pwintbyu township.

U Win Win, including his wife and three children, Salin NLD executive U Pho Kyaw and Chauk township Regional Hluttaw Representative U Than Tin were arrested at around 4:00 a.m., and Pwintbyu township Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Tun Tun was arrested while dodging from the village in the afternoon.

“The village’s youth were also beaten and taken away. Additionally, 70 phones were taken. Many people were arrested, including those who were unrelated. Also, the owner of the house who accepted the evasion was also arrested,” a villager said.

Among those arrested, Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Win Win was elected as a representative of the Pyithu Hluttaw of Minbu township in the 2015 election and won again in the same constituency in the 2020 election. The location where the arrested MPs and family members were taken is still under investigation. Since the beginning of the people’s resistance war, members of parliament, including the top leaders of the NLD, have been accused of engaging in terrorist activities related to the PDF, and the military junta has been hunting and arresting them.

6. YGF shot dead Captain Nyi Nyi, who was spying on revolutionary soldiers in Ye township

Captain Nyi Nyi, who was spying on revolutionary soldiers in Ye township, Mon State, was shot by the YGF and died on the spot, according to the Ye Guerrilla Force. In the incident, at 6:25 in the morning on January 9, Ye township Special Intelligence Captain Nyi Nyi was cleared by the YGF near the boxing gym in Lamaing city, Mon State, and died on the spot. It is reported that one person was accidentally hit by a bullet due to the shooting.

“He is the main person. He is Ye township’s Special Intelligence Captain Nyi Nyi. We have been following him for a week. He has so many bodyguards. Now, one person is also affected because it has to be done quickly. The bullet hit Captain Nyi Nyi’s head and hit one other citizen. There were many people around him, so we shot him on the street. He is in charge of both Ye township’s military and police intelligence. He is also causing trouble for the public and the revolutionary soldiers in Ye City,” said the leader of YGF. Currently, one woman who was accidentally hit by a bullet is being treated at the hospital, so YGF is truly saddened and deeply apologized for this accident. “I will take full responsibility and resolve all issues,” Captain Kyan Yit said.

7. The Tanintharyi Public Administration Group warns the junta’s staff that those who continue to participate in the election process will face action if needed

Following the terrorist coup, the military group, which has been committing war crimes throughout the country, is planning a fake election by ignoring the official 2020 election results. The Tanintharyi township’s public administration groups have informed that the necessary action will be taken if employees are involved in the illegal election process carried out by the terrorist junta.

The military council and their subordinates are said to have already begun working on other election processes, including compiling voter lists for the election in Tanintharyi township’s communities. The Tanintharyi (Public Administration Group) stated in the warning letter that the military council held a sham election while under pressure from both inside and outside of the country due to arrests, torture, killings, and arson. Currently, Tanintharyi township has achieved territorial dominance to a certain extent due to the united efforts of the people, the People’s Defense Forces and the People’s Administration Groups. Therefore, the statement also mentioned that the fake election conducted by the military council will not be accepted and will be opposed in various ways.

  1. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration declares not to participate in the illegitimate sham election of the terrorist military council
  2. Holding training completion ceremony for the “Strategic Target Intelligence Course”
  3. The health forces issue a joint statement calling for the speedy approval of the CDM policy without delay
  4. CDF informs those who participate in the terrorist military council’s fake election will be taken action
  5. Military junta troops arrest Hluttaw representatives from Minbu, Pwintbyu, and Chauk townships
  6. YGF shot dead Captain Nyi Nyi, who was spying on revolutionary soldiers in Ye township
  7. The Tanintharyi Public Administration Group warns the junta’s staff that those who continue to participate in the election process will face action if needed

Credit to #RadioNUG


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