Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 12

The Union Prime Minister said this at the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) meeting held on January 11.

“I would like to urge the relevant officials to gradually develop the areas controlled this year. Although we have a need for weapons and ammunition, we will be able to continue to celebrate the victory if we can continue to apply strategic military pressure to the situation we have achieved through victories like today with a united and strong spirit. This year will be the year to completely abolish the military administration system and establish the public administration system in the military and administrative sections. Simultaneously, we need to adopt systematic measures,” said the Union Prime Minister.

The members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) presented the resolution made in (1/2024), the completion status of the future processes and the remaining processes to be carried out, and the attending officials discussed extensively.

The meeting was attended by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from departments.

The Union Prime Minister said at the Interim Judiciary Implementing Committee meeting held on January 11 that it has become very important for the people to have access to the rule of law and the judicial system in the areas under the control of the National Unity Government.

“Our government has been able to attack and dominate territories once the military pressure has increased. It has become very important for people to be able to access the rule of law and justice system, along with the security sector, the public administration sector, and the protection of people’s daily social life in these areas. Therefore, we, as the National Unity Government, have established an Interim Judiciary Implementing Committee, led by the focal Ministry of Justice and run by the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, the Ministry of Defence, and other ministries, in order to provide free and fair judicial services in the areas under our control,” the Union Prime Minister said.

The members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) presented the resolution made in (11/2023), the completion status of the future processes and the remaining processes to be carried out, and the attending officials discussed extensively.

The meeting was attended by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from departments.

On January 11, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government announced that Deputy Minister Dr. Ngai Tam Maung visited the IDP camps in Gangaw District and Pakokku District, Magway Division, to provide humanitarian assistance.

During the 3 week-long trip that the Deputy Minister and his team visited, they met with the township people’s administrative bodies, ward/village administrative bodies, and village humanitarian officials in Magway Division. The Deputy Minister explained the activities of the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management and the successful conditions of the people’s revolution, gave support to the township leaders and township humanitarians in charge of IDPs, and also gave words of encouragement. Additionally, the Deputy Minister inspected bomb sheltering pits in schools in cooperation with the Ministry and village humanitarian officials, visited a PaKaFa military training course along with the township PDF battalion commanders and gave words of encouragement to the trainees, visited the clinics and nursing training schools opened in the townships, and thanked and encouraged the doctors, school teachers, and students who are personally serving the public on the ground.

It is also reported that he visited a comrade who had lost both eyes and one hand and provided financial support, participated in a 7th day of funeral ceremony for a fallen comrade, and participated in celebrations together with the people in the villages he visited on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

With the intervention of the Chinese government, the military council and the 3 Brotherhood Alliances held a third meeting in Kunming, but the talks disrupted without any results, according to the report of the Shan Herald Agency for News.

In the discussion held from January 7 to 9, tensions escalated on the MNDAA side and the discussion was disrupted as the military council insisted that the Kokang Army (MNDAA) would only be allowed to administer the Kokang Special Region (1) if they surrendered and accepted the council’s control. On the other hand, the Kokang Army (MNDAA) has announced that it has occupied the entire Kokang region in northern Shan State and established it as a special region. The military council and the 3 Brotherhood Alliances held their first meeting in China last December 11-13 and agreed to a temporary ceasefire, but fighting continued.

Similarly, from December 22 to December 24, they met again for the second time, and discussed the de-escalation of the war in the Northern Shan region from the side of the military council and humanitarian assistance from the side of the 3 Brotherhood Alliances.

After the third discussion was disrupted, local residents are speculating that the fighting in the northern Shan region may spread to big cities like Lashio and Mandalay, raising concerns.

On the other hand, the military council, which is fighting all over the country, is desperately trying to negotiate peace with the ethnic armed forces, and it is reported that they had a meeting with the ethnic armed groups that signed the NCA on January 9 and 10.

On January 11, the People’s Administrative Body of Saw Township officially announced that the People’s Administrative Body in charge of Saw Township has been suspended from his duties.

“U Tun Tun Win, People’s Administrative Body in charge of the Saw Township, has been suspended from his duties by the Interim Central Committee for taking bribery, tax collection by using the name of the NUG government, misappropriation of money, and concealing the truth about the gang rape case that occurred in PaLaFa Prison.

There is no need to cooperate in administrative processes related to him, and only those who cooperate must take full responsibility and solve the subsequent problems that arise through cooperation,” Saw Township People’s Administrative Body announced.

Former administrator U Maung Naing and two villagers who were arrested for allegedly shooting the current administrator Maung Nyan under the military council in Gangaw Pin Village, Bago Division, have not been released for more than 10 days, according to local residents.

The current administrator, Maung Nyan, was shot on the morning of December 31, 2023, by comrades from Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802, Company 3, and Company 2, these groups reported.

According to Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802, administrator Maung Nyan was a graduate of Pyu Saw Htee training and was shot dead due to his attempts to forcibly organize young people in the village to join the army and police force, forming a Pyu Saw Htee group and investigating the news of revolutionary comrades.

The 2802 Battalion also informed that the arrested persons are civilians who are not related to the revolutionary forces and that the comrades who carried out the operation are in safety.

A villager said that along with the former administrator U Maung Naing, 4 villagers were arrested by the military council, 2 of whom were released, and the condition of the remaining three was unknown until more than ten days later.

“He is in the Okpho interrogation center, being tortured. I don’t know for sure whether he is dead or alive. I haven’t heard that a case has been opened,” said a 20-year-old man living in the village.

U Maung Naing, who was arrested by the military council, served as the administrator of the Gangaw Pin Village during the NLD government, and was accused of the death of the administrator appointed by the military council.

The 2763 Karen National New Year’s Day was celebrated today in the villages on the eastern side of the Sittaung River, Hsaw Hti Township, Brigade (3), Kler Lwee Htu District, KNU-Karen National Union, and the people expressed their protest.

The ceremony was attended by nearly 200 elders and people, including Padoh El Star who is the Hsaw Hti Township Standing Committee member and the regional head of Sittaung River East. The Karen National New Year’s Day ceremony was held in the entire area on the eastern side of the Sittaung River.

The ceremony was held at dawn, starting with the hoisting of the Karen National Flag, telling the history of Karen National New Year’s Day, performing a prayer, and singing the Karen national song.

After that, the public held a program to express their wishes about the atrocious actions of the coup terrorist military council army taking place in the areas where they live.

The opinions expressed by the public include: immediate freedom of Karen State; one Burmese kyat for one Karen kyat; no ethnic conflicts; military council forces immediately stopping firing heavy weapons into villages; and military council forces immediately stopping shelling villages by airplanes.

On January 11, the Ministry of Defence announced military news, “On January 10, 2024, at around 10:40 a.m., 93 strong LIB (11/708) and Pyu Saw Htee members, who were based in Khin-U Township, Shwebo District, Sagaing Division, and were torching houses, hit a mine in the east of In Taing Gyi Village, Khin-U Township. As a result, 2 junta soldiers died,” it stated.

It is also reported that the enemy column was intercepted by the Shwebo District Battalion 3 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), from 1:07 p.m. to 2:20 p.m., in the west of In Taing Gyi Village, Khin-U Township, and 5 enemy soldiers were killed and 10 were seriously injured.

On January 11, the Ministry of Defence announced the military news, “Under the leadership of the Kanbalu District Command of the No. (1) Military Region, the camp of the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members based in Tin Ngoke Gyi Village, Kanbalu Township, Kanbalu District, Sagaing Division, was attacked and occupied by Kanbalu District PaKaFa forces and the village/district PaKaFa forces,” it stated.

In the battle, weapons and ammunition, including 8 carbines, 1 G-3 gun, and 5 shotguns, were seized, and 25 enemy soldiers were killed.

On January 11, the Dawna Column announced that the Ye Hawk LPDF had joined forces with the Dawna Column, Sub-Military Region No. (3), Southern Regional Command.

“The Ye Hawk has been standing as a Local PDF (PaKaFa) throughout the revolutionary journey until today, and has joined forces with the Dawna Column, People’s Defense Force, Sub-Military Region No. (3), Southern Regional Command. They will continue to work together as the Dawna Column’s assault comrades until the end of the revolutionary journey,” it stated.

Currently, PDF joint columns and local defense forces are working together.

PDF Battalion 3501 of Taungoo District informed that on January 10, at about 1:20 p.m., KNLA and PDF joint forces surrounded and attacked a military council column of more than 70 soldiers near Kayah Pyone Chaung Village, Taungoo Township, Bago Division.

“There is a crossroads at the top of Shan Pyone Chaung Village at the exit of Kayah Pyone Chaung Village. After surrounding that crossroad, we made an attack. About 30 junta soldiers died there and 10 were captured. We also got weapons. Now we have news that there is another conflict,” said an official from PDF Battalion 3501.

It is also reported that the defense forces opened fire as the enemy column refused to surrender despite the warning, resulting in the deaths of over 30 junta soldiers, the capture of 10 and the seizure of many weapons and ammunition.

The attack was reportedly carried out by the Taungoo District Battalion 3501 of People’s Defense Army, and the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA).

On January 11, the TNLA announced the news of the junta airstrike.

“The military council conducted air raids in the vicinity of Pan Khaw Village, Pan Hpat Village, Kaung Phyu Village, Pan Nar Village, Pan Hon Village and Kone Sar Village in Lashio Township in Brigade 6 Military Area, with Mi35 for 9 times and with Y12 for 15 times, for a total of 130 bombs,” it stated.

Similarly, the military council launched heavy artillery fire 34 times in Kone Sar Village, Pan Tar Village, and Pan Hpat Village in Lashio Township of Brigade 6 Military Area.

In addition, the military council conducted airstrikes with jet fighters twice in Kwan He Village in Namhsan Township of Brigade 2 Military Area.

Info Committee Yesagyo informed that a 75-year-old man and a 65-year-old woman were killed by the explosion of heavy artillery shelling in Panyin Village, Yesagyo Township, Magway District, at about 3:30 p.m. on January 9.

In addition, local residents said that some houses were damaged due to the explosion of heavy weapons that fell into Fulon Village. Panyin Village and Fulon Village are villages located near the IB-258. 

Because Yesagyo Township is an area with strong revolutionary activities, military council troops and columns are often attacked by people’s defense forces.

On January 11, Mogok Township People’s Defense Force informed, “At about 8:30 p.m. on January 10, the terrorist military council fired with heavy artillery into the Baw Mar Village in the west of Mogok, hitting 45-year-old U Lau Zon and killing him on the spot. The house he was living in and a house next door were also hit and damaged by heavy weapons.” 

Mogok PaKaFa also stated that the terrorist military council is collapsing in military, political, diplomatic, and economic aspects, and when it is facing a multi-faceted defeat, it treats the people as enemies and kills non-military targets with heavy weapons, which is a violation of human rights.

  1. The year 2024 will be the year when the military system will be completely abolished and the people’s administration system will be established properly
  2. The Union Prime Minister said that it has become very important for the people to have access to the rule of law and the judicial system in controlled areas
  3. Deputy Minister Dr. Ngai Tam Maung visited IDP camps in Gangaw District and Pakokku District, Magway Division, to provide humanitarian aid
  4. The third round of discussion between the Military Council and the 3 Brotherhood Alliances did not yield any results, the talks disrupted
  5. Saw People’s Administrative Body in charge was suspended 
  6. The former village administrator and 2 villagers who were arrested for allegedly shooting the current administrator under the military council have not been released after more than 10 days
  7. 5 enemy soldiers were killed when the defense forces intercepted the enemy column that was roaming around and torching in the west of In Taing Gyi Village, Khin-U Township
  8. 5 enemy soldiers were killed when the defense forces intercepted the enemy column that was roaming around and torching in the west of In Taing Gyi Village, Khin-U Township
  9. The camp of the military council troops and Pyu Saw Htee members based in Tin Ngoke Gyi Village, Kanbalu Township, attacked and occupied
  10. The Ye Hawk LPDF joined with the Dawna Column, Sub-Military Region No. (3), Southern Regional Command
  11. A battle broke out near Kayah Pyone Chaung, Taungoo Township, and many junta soldiers were killed, 10 were captured alive, and weapons and ammunition were also seized
  12. The military council launched air raids with over one hundred bombs near Pan Khaw Village, Pan Hpat Village, Kaung Phyu Village, Pan Nar Village, Pan Hon Village and Kone Sar Village in Lashio Township
  13. A civilian was hit by shrapnel and died on the spot when the terrorist military council opened fire on Baw Mar Village west of Mogok with heavy artillery
  14. A civilian was hit by shrapnel and died on the spot when the terrorist military council opened fire on Baw Mar Village west of Mogok with heavy artillery

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