Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 5

On the morning of January 4, the meeting of the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) (1/2024) was held, and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, chair of the ILACC, gave an opening speech. The Union Prime Minister said that 2024 will be the last year for the terrorist military council.

“I believe that this year will be the last year for the terrorist military council, which has only focused on self-interest until now. We are now seeing the results of what we said—that we will fight with one voice—as not imaginary but as practical results. Therefore, it is important for us to permanently remove the military council and the military from politics and bring about justice in the transition period. This is the year when all the revolutionary forces, including our government, will put in all our efforts because the time has come to establish a union that prioritizes the welfare of the people through trust, mutual respect, and unity after learning from the mistakes that have been made in history among ethnic brothers and sisters,” said the Union Prime Minister.

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the completion status of the activities discussed at the meeting (52/2023), future plans and processes that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

Led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from ministries attended the meeting.

On January 4, Defence Minister U Yee Mon warned commanders, soldiers and policemen under the military junta to “take a stand on the side of the people as the last day of the military dictatorship has arrived” in a special warning to the military through social media.

“Now, the last day of the military dictatorship has arrived. I want to remind you that the ideology of getting privileging over the ethnic people with the threatening word of ‘worrying about the collapse of the union’ has completely fallen. It is crucial to remember that the ones capable of preserving unity and preventing disintegration are the people’s government and resistance organizations. The time has come for a shift in perspective. It’s time to stop doing your job of protecting the military dictator by being loyal to the military junta. Instead, stand with the people. Obey the people’s government and the people’s revolutionary organizations. I implore you to reconsider your position before it is too late,” urged the minister.

At present, the military council troops are suffering losses in Northern Shan State, Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Karenni State, and Karen State.

Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Defence U Maung Maung Swe said that the military council has become so broken that even imprisoned soldiers are forced to go frontline.

“The actual condition of the terrorist army, as shown by the uniforms of defeated junta soldiers during the camp capture battle in Than Bo Village, Nawnghkio Township, the fact that even the combined educated forces and armed forces are no longer sufficient, the lack of morale and the desire to fight, and the depletion of the force and the lack of new recruits to the point that even imprisoned soldiers are forced to go frontline, can tell that the military council has been so broken.  In the new year, let’s root out the terrorist army with more unity,” the Deputy Minister said. 

On January 2, joint forces of the People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) and its ally, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), raided the military council base in Than Bo Village, Nawnghkio Township.

At about 7:30 a.m. on January 3, the Than Bo Village camp was completely captured and a lot of weapons and ammunition, including the enemy’s drone jammer, were seized. During the battle, the enemy’s commander, Lt. Col. Thet Aung, was captured, and the enemy suffered many casualties.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken stated this in his statement on January 4. The official statement was released by the U.S. Embassy Rangoon as follows:

“Burma Independence Day 

Press Statement


January 3, 2024

On behalf of the United States of America, I reaffirm our commitment to the people of Burma as they mark the 76th Anniversary of the country’s independence on January 4. 

The United States has long supported the people of Burma and their right to chart their own future toward a cohesive union. The military’s campaign of violence since the February 2021 coup has not dimmed the strong commitment of the people of Burma to regain their prosperity and advance the goals of freedom, peace, and justice. We mourn and honor the lives lost in this pursuit. 

We stand in solidarity with the people of Burma in their resolve to bring democracy, self-determination, stability, and security to their country. The military regime must end its violence, release all those unjustly and arbitrarily detained, allow unhindered humanitarian access, and recognize the people’s desire to return to the path of progress and inclusive democracy.”

The Ministry of Defence announced on January 4 that the Than Bo Village camp that the People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army jointly captured, is only 15 miles away from Pyin Oo Lwin, where the military universities are located.

On January 2, 2024, the joint forces of the National Unity Government, the Ministry of Defence, the People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) raided and attacked the military council base in Than Bo Village, Nawnghkio Township.

On January 3, around 7:30 a.m., the Than Bo Village camp was completely captured and a lot of weapons and ammunition, including the enemy’s drone jammer, were seized. The camp is located only 15 miles away from Pyin Oo Lwin City, where the enemy’s military universities are located.

On January 3, 2024, at noon (14:25) from Kyauk Mae Lay, the enemy’s reinforcement group that came in 3 cars to Than Bo Village was again intercepted and attacked. Many enemies were killed and more weapons and ammunition were seized.

During the battle of Than Bo Village, the enemy’s commander, Lt. Col. Thet Aung, was captured, the enemy suffered many casualties, and some of defense comrades sacrificed their lives for the people’s revolution, according to the Ministry of Defence.

This is the first time that the People’s Defense Force has arrested a military council officer at the rank of lieutenant colonel.

On January 4, the Natogyi PaKaFa announced a warning to the ward/village administrators of Natogyi Township to submit their resignations by January 31.

“We warned the ward/village administrators of Natogyi Township to submit their resignations by January 31,” it stated.

It also stated that effective action will be taken as there are asking for money in the villages. It is said that the resignation letters must be sent to the social network page of the Natogyi Township People’s Defense Force with their real social media accounts.

On January 4, the Royal Peacock Column confirmed that 20 junta soldiers were killed when they attacked five outposts of the military council near the village of Gone Tae, Kanyutkwin Township along the old Yangon-Mandalay road.

“On January 4, the Royal Peacock Column attacked five outposts of the military council near Gone Tae Village, Kanyutkwin Town, on the old Yangon-Mandalay Road, along with joint forces,” it stated.

It is said that many junta soldiers escaped from the outpost in the encounter, and about 20 were killed.

The TNLA announced on January 4 that more weapons and ammunition hidden by the military council troops were seized during the area clearance of the new hill camp in Namhkam Township.

“While clearing the area of the new hill camp, which was attacked and captured by the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA in Namhkam Township, Brigade (1) military area, more weapons and ammunition hidden by the military council troops were found,” it stated.

In addition, the military council sent reinforcements and ammunition to the IB-144 Mantat Camp in Namhkam Township once.

On January 4, clashes broke out between the military council troops and the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA in the Military Council’s Kutkai Township Camp, Sinkin Camp in Mongmit Township, and Kyaukme Township Camp.

Taze TSO confirmed on January 4 that two terrorist military council’s jet fighters fired at Sein Nan Village in Taze Township, resulting in civilian casualties.

“On the afternoon of January 4, two terrorist military council’s jet fighters fired at Sein Nan Village in Taze Township. Areas around the high school have been burning. We have received reports that there is a lot of civilian casualties,” it stated.

Currently, the death toll is still being confirmed, and it is said that the dead are civilians.

On January 4, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) – AAPP stated:

“On Independence Day, the junta announced, under Section 401(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the prison release of (9,652) prisoners across the country. However, only a few numbers of political prisoners were released including Dr. Hla Myat Thway, Minister of Social Affairs of the Ayeyarwady Region Government and Mandalay Mayor Dr. Ye Lwin.

Since the coup, a total of (25,749) people have been arrested by the junta in relation to its seizure of power, (19,929) are currently in detention, (8,469) of whom are serving sentences.”

  1. Union Prime Minister said that 2024 will be the last year for the terrorist military council
  2. As the last day of the military dictatorship has arrived, the Minister of Defence warned the military council soldiers to stand by the people in time
  3. The military council has become so broken that even the imprisoned soldiers are forced to go frontline
  4. “The military regime must end its violence,” said Secretary of State Antony
  5. The Ministry of Defence released a press release that the Than Bo Village camp that the People’s Defense Force (Mandalay) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army jointly captured, is only 15 miles away from Pyin Oo Lwin, where the military universities are located
  6. The ward/village Administrators of Natogyi Township are warned to submit their resignations by January 31
  7. 20 junta soldiers were killed when the Royal Peacock Column attacked the five outposts of the military council near Gone Tae Village, Kanyutkwin Township, on the old Yangon-Mandalay road
  8. More weapons and ammunition hidden by the military council troops were seized during the area clearance of the new hill camp in Namhkam Township
  9. Two terrorist military council’s jet fighters fired at Sein Nan Village in Taze Township, killing civilians
  10. Though the junta announced amnesty for over 9,000 prisoners, only a few numbers of political prisoners were included

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