Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 4

On January 3, at 1:00 p.m., the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions (1/2024) was held.

At the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions. The meeting was successfully ended at 2:00 p.m.

A military helicopter was shot down on the morning of January 3 near Laiza, Kachin State, where the headquarters of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) is located, KIA spokesperson Colonel Naw Bu confirmed. He added that it is believed to be a helicopter delivering food to the military strategic camp in the Naphaw area, Phawdot Village Tract, Waimaw Township, about 8 miles northeast of Laiza Town, on the border with China.

“We can confirm that it crashed. We also confirm the shooting. However, it is not yet known whether the crash was due to the shooting or some other defect. We considered that the vehicle came to deliver food from Myitkyina Air Force Base to Naphaw. There was no battle, so it will be a helicopter delivering food,” Colonel Naw Bu confirmed to Myanmar Now media.

The military council has not stated anything about this incident, staying silent.

The Naphaw region used to be the headquarters of the KIA, but it was attacked by the military around 1986, so the KIA moved its base to the Laiza region. 

The military council admitted at a press conference on May 7 that the KIA was able to shoot down a military helicopter between Myo Thit and Konlaw in Momauk Township, Kachin State, on May 3, 2021, just after the coup, killing three Air Force officers.

The KNU Headquarters released a statement on January 3 that they will investigate and take action against a group of fraudsters who used the names and logos of KNU and KNLA to ask for money.

On January 1, a group of fraudsters copied the names, logos, and uniforms of the KNU and Karen National Liberation Army KNLA, threatened a businessman in Myawaddy Town, and extorted money, according to the statement. It said that the crime was aimed at causing the public to misunderstand the KNU and tarnish its political reputation.

Since KNU is an organization that consistently strives to protect the safety of public life and the rule of law, the public is informed to contact KNU officials if they encounter such an incident.

In addition, the Karen National Union (KNU) has announced that it is an organization that is fighting together with like-minded ethnic armed resistance organizations, democratic forces, and spring revolution forces to put an end to any dictatorial system, including the military dictatorship, and to build a federal democratic union with full national equality and self-determination.

CDF-Mindat announced on January 3 that a major from the military council was hit by a sniper’s bullet and injured in the battle that took place in Mindat, Chin State.

On January 1, a major from the military council was hit by a sniper’s bullet during a battle between the Chin Defense Forces and the military council troops in the Ashay Pyin Ward of Mindat.

After the battle, the terrorist junta troops set fire to 2 residential houses and opened fire towards the Circuit 4 area, injuring 3 local residents. 

In addition, on January 2, CDF-Mindat announced that 3 residential houses were damaged because the military council troops fired again towards the Circuit 4 area.

The Chin Defense Force is conducting a “ProJect Mindat 2024” campaign to engage in many battles, so the public is requested to participate in this campaign.

On the night of January 3, Khin U Township News and Information reported that the military council column that invaded Khin-U Township with a force of over 100 from Ye-U Township arrested about 30 local residents.

It is reported that the military council troops invaded the western part of Khin-U, firing with heavy weapons and small arms at around 9:00 a.m. on December 3.

Those arrested are from Indaing North Village and Myindaung Village, which are located along the Ye U-Khin U Highway, and are farmers working on the farm.

Residents said that elderly women and children working on the farm were arrested.

The Khin-U Township News and Information reported that the junta column stormed Myindaung Village almost all day and was still in the monastery and public houses until night, forcing thousands of local people from villages such as Thayetpinsu, Yadaw, Karseik, and InDaing North, including Myindaung, to flee.

Due to the winter season, war refugees are currently experiencing challenges regarding access to warm clothing and food, therefore requiring assistance in obtaining these essentials.

The Myingyan District Drone Strike Team has informed that 3 soldiers of the military council were injured when a drone bombed 4 locations, including the township EPC office and Kokeke Police Station, in Myingyan Township, Mandalay Division.

“On January 1, at around 10:00 a.m., to mark the welcoming of the new year, the EPC office, the residence of the military council soldiers in Lay Eain Tan Village, the Pyu Checkpoint in Pite Tae Kone Village, and the Kokeke Police Station were bombed 6 times by drones,” it stated.

An official of the Myingyan District Drone Strike Team said that two female police officers and a military council soldier were injured as a result of the attacks, and that there may also be damage to the Pyu Gate in Pite Tae Kone.

The attack was carried out by Myingyan District Drone Strike (MDDS) No. 1848 Drone Squad, Shar Htoo Waw Technical Team-2, Myingyan District Battalion-4, Mo Shay Daryan Guerrilla Force, Mother Arm Force, Myingyan Township People’s Defense Force, Down Ni Guerrilla Force and MHLG WING alliance forces.

The military council’s LIB-410 based in Kyauk Shat Village, Kaleinaung Sub-township, Yebyu Township, Dawei District, Tanintharyi Division, was bombed by a drone, according to Dawei Watch, which reports news in the Tanintharyi region.

A local vendor told Dawei Watch that the battalion was bombarded by a drone on the morning of January 2, and that the military council’s soldiers fired back.

“During the bombardment with drones, I heard them (the military) shoot back. I haven’t heard any news of damage,” said a vendor from Kaleinaung Town who sells goods in the Kyauk Shat Village.

It has not yet been announced which organization carried out the attack.

After the shooting happened, the BEHS school in Kaleinaung was closed because no one came to school. In the evening, the military council troops inspected the road around Aung Thiri Pagoda Hill (B) Thilasin Pagoda Hill, and Zinba Village entrance, according to local residents.

Golden Eagle Force – Monywa announced that three junta soldiers including an officer were killed and the driver was injured in an attack on the military council troops returning from a patrol in an industrial zone in Monywa, Sagaing Region.

At about 4:00 p.m. on January 2, the terrorist military council troops stationed in Ywar Htaung Village, Monywa Township, were intercepted by the defense forces on their way back from patrolling in cars in the Monywa Industrial Zone on the Sarkyin Cemetery Road.

The dead military council members and the injured were immediately picked up in 2 funeral cars. Later that day, they patrolled the area of the battle and the industrial zone with cars.

The attack was carried out by Golden Eagle Force – Monywa, Ka Naung Min Thar Gyi – Monywa, Ponnaka Guerrilla Force, Monywa District Battalion 4 Company 1 (Spring Dove), 5/Ba Khet and Monywa Bhilu Urban Guerrilla Force. There were no reported injuries to the people’s defense soldiers.

The Pawani Column stated that at least 4 junta soldiers were injured when a military council column was attacked by landmines in Yedashe Township, Taungoo District, Bago Division.

On January 1, at 1:40 p.m., the Pawani Column detonated 2 mines and attacked a column of about 50 junta soldiers that was advancing towards Taphanzin Village through Doetan Village and Kunohn Village on the west side of the Sittaung River in Yedashe Township.

It was informed that the column that was hit by the mine had retreated towards Shwe Ka Zaung Village because there were injured soldiers.

Due to the firing of heavy weapons from the column, about 5 acres of sugar cane fields belonging to the public near Sittaung River were destroyed, but the comrades of Pawani Guerrilla Force were not harmed.

  1. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Mandalay and Magway Divisions
  2. A military council helicopter was shot down near the KIA headquarters in Laiza
  3. Actions will be taken against a group of fraudsters asking for money using the names of KNU and KNLA
  4. A major of the military council was hit by a sniper’s bullet and injured in the battle that took place in Mindat
  5. The military council column that invaded the western part of Khin-U arrested about 30 local people
  6. 3 military council soldiers were injured when a drone attacked four locations, including the EPC office and Kokeke Police Station, where the military council soldiers were stationed in Myingyan Township
  7. The LIB-410 Battalion based in Kaleinaung was bombed by a drone
  8. 3 junta soldiers, including an officer, were killed in an attack on the military council troops returning from a patrol in Monywa Industrial Zone
  9. In Yedashe Township, at least 4 soldiers were injured in a mine attack on a military council column

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