Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 04 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President encourages continued march towards end of revolutionary journey amidst witnessed decline of military junta

In an address at the opening ceremony of the Second People’s Assembly organised by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) on April 4, Acting President Duwa Lashi La highlighted the noticeable weakening of the military junta, urging revolutionaries to maintain their momentum. He stated, “We have observed the decline of the terrorist military council. However, it is crucial for us to remain vigilant and continue our march until we reach the end of the revolutionary journey. Furthermore, it is particularly important to begin preparing wisely for a successful transition period starting from now.” 

The Acting President further stressed the importance of exercising political caution to prevent a resurgence of armed conflict in Myanmar following the removal of the military dictatorship.

2. CRPH Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt calls for unified efforts with great vision amid rising tide of resistance against military junta

At the Second People’s Assembly organised by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) on April 4, U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Chairman of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), emphasised the importance of collectively formulating and implementing political strategies, particularly during times of strong resistance across the country. He commended the efforts of all participants for their shared vision in striving towards victory, likening it to seizing opportunities as the tide rises.Additionally, he underscored the importance of maintaining unity in the fight against the common enemy, the military dictatorship, to achieve the shared political objectives that everyone has been striving for. Recognising the multitude of challenges faced in implementing a new system for national transformation amid ongoing conflict, he stressed the need for collective perseverance.

The Second People’s Assembly, scheduled from April 4 to 6, 2024, will involve discussions and approvals of reports from the NUCC, coordination committees, and various ministries of the National Unity Government (NUG).

3. Deputy Human Rights Minister calls on Myanmar diaspora to sustain support for ongoing revolution with their wisdom, resources and time as revolutionary comrades sacrifice lives on frontlines

On April 4, Khun Baham Htan, Deputy Minister for Human Rights of the National Unity Government, delivered a message to encourage the revolutionary public abroad through a social media update. He emphasised the importance of Myanmar communities abroad continuing to contribute to the ongoing revolution by leveraging their wisdom, financial resources, and time, just as revolutionary comrades on the ground are bravely fighting by sacrificing their lives. He acknowledged that, as human beings, there may be times of despair and discouragement, but urged everyone to remain steadfast and committed to the cause, drawing strength from the sacrifices made by revolutionary comrades who have laid down their lives and those who have lost their limbs for the country, those who have sustained injuries, and those who have been displaced by the conflict across the country.

Throughout the ongoing revolution, Myanmar communities abroad have been actively supporting the cause, alongside those within the country, by providing significant financial assistance.

4. UN OCHA Report highlights ongoing humanitarian crisis in Myanmar: over 2.8 million displaced amid intense conflict

Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) underscores the grim reality facing civilians in Myanmar amid escalating conflict. According to the Weekly Regional Humanitarian Snapshot for Asia and the Pacific (26 March- 1 April 2024), released on April 3, more than 2.8 million people across the nation are now estimated to be displaced.

In Rakhine State, clashes between the military junta’s armed forces and the Arakan Army (AA) persist in Buthidaung, Maungdaw, and Ann townships. The report underscores that the renewed fighting in Rakhine State since last November has led to the displacement of approximately 157,000 people. Moreover, it highlights that the contamination of explosive ordnance poses a significant safety risk in affected areas. Additionally, the report also mentions the water scarcity in Rakhine State suffered by the displaced individuals, noting that they enter the driest weeks of the year.

In Northeast Myanmar, amid intensified fighting between the military junta’s armed forces and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) along with its allied forces in Momauk township, heavy weapons shelling has re-displaced over 1,000 displaced individuals from IDP camps in Lwegel town.

Meanwhile, conflict between the military junta’s armed forces and various armed groups continues in Southeast Myanmar, with recent clashes expanding into Kyaikmaraw township in Mon State. Artillery fire destroyed over 300 houses in Dhamatha village, displacing more than 1,000 people from their homes.

5. Coordinated drone strikes hit junta’s military HQ and air force base in Naypyitaw

According to a preliminary press release from the Military Headquarters Office of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) under the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, synchronised drone strikes were conducted against the junta’s military headquarters and the Alar Air Force Base in Naypyitaw earlier today. Initial reports indicate that there were casualties.

The People’s Defence Force (PDF) Special Force units, in collaboration with Shar Htoo Waw Technology Unit’s Kloud Drone Team, targeted the military headquarters. Simultaneously, the PDF Special Forces and Shar Htoo Waw Technology Unit’s Lethal Prop Weapon Team launched attacks on the Alar Air Force Base.

6. Sniper attack on military junta forces stationed at a school in Kawkareik leaves four troops dead

The Albino Tiger Column reported a sniper attack targeting military junta forces stationed at No. 2 Basic Education Middle School (B.E.M.S.) in Kawkareik at 1:00 p.m. on April 3. The attack resulted in the deaths of at least four military junta troops. Following the incident, the Albino Tiger Column noted that the military junta forces retaliated by shelling civilian areas unrelated to the attack with artillery fire.

The Albino Tiger Column urged the public to lend support to the ongoing efforts of the revolutionary forces to fully take control of Kawkareik town in Karen State. They also advised against passing through areas prohibited by the revolutionary forces for safety reasons.

7. AA launches offensives against junta’s LIB-564 in Buthidaung, Taw Hein Taung strategic outpost in Ann, Kyein Chaung border guard outpost in Maungdaw and BP-257 in Myebon as part of ongoing offensives in Rakhine State

The Arakan Army (AA) released a military statement today, April 4, detailing ongoing offensives on military junta bases in Buthidaung, Ann, Myebon, and Maungdaw townships in Rakhine State.

The AA initiated an offensive against the 564th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-564) in Buthidaung township on April 1, followed by an attack on the 257th Border Point (BP-257) outpost in Myebon township early on April 2. Additionally, recent offensives targeted the strategic Taw Hein Taung outpost in Ann township and the Kyein Chaung border guard outpost in Maungdaw township. The AA noted intense fighting, with the military junta responding with coordinated aerial strikes. Furthermore, a one-hour clash occurred between the military junta and AA forces in Ann township, resulting in the deaths of at least four junta troops.

The statement also documented instances of military junta retaliation against civilians following its setbacks in Rakhine State. On March 31, a fighter jet targeted a school in Kan Taung Gyi town, Myebon township, resulting in the destruction of the school and four houses. Similarly, on the evening of April 2, two fighter jets attacked Kan Taung Gyi town, resulting in the deaths of three civilians, injuries to others, and the destruction of at least two houses.

8. Rocket strike hits 24th Defence Equipment Factory in Pauk township

The Freedom Revolution Force (FRF) reported that at approximately 6:00 p.m. on April 2, a rocket strike was executed targeting the military junta’s 24th Defence Equipment Factory (KaPaSa-24) in Pauk township, Magway Region. The attack involved the use of five rounds of 107-mm rockets and four rounds of 100-mm drop bombs, resulting in explosions within the factory premises and potentially causing significant damage.

The FRF indicated that investigations are underway to assess the extent of damage sustained by the factory. The operation was conducted in collaboration with the Pauk Township People’s Defence Team and the Bo La Yaung Force.

The FRF, in coordination with allied forces, is actively targeting strategically significant locations of the military junta with the aim of eradicating the military dictatorship.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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