Summary of News

1. Entry to Loikaw for belongings retrieval is restricted to allowed areas for security concerns

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mawi of the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) conveyed information about the limited entry to Loikaw City on December 21 through social media.

He stated, “I don’t know who started the statement that access to Loikaw City for retrieving belongings is now allowed or the specific conditions for entry. It’s important to note that the military junta is firing at anything that comes into their sight. Therefore, it is advised to inquire before attempting to enter. Entry will only be allowed in places approved by us.”

On November 13, the KNDF and allies initiated offensives against the bases of Light Infantry 425 and Light Infantry Battalion 6, operating under the junta’s 66th Military Division, and successfully seized them. The operation resulted in the deaths of more than 110 junta soldiers, with the remaining 32 soldiers surrendering.

Similarly, on December 10, the Karenni revolutionary alliance successfully seized control of the State Police Force office in Loikaw City, Karenni State.

2. Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung asserts widespread corruption within the military and among its generals

During a December program on NST news encouraging members of the junta’s armed forces to surrender, Daw Ei Thinzar Maung, Deputy Minister of Women, Youths, and Children’s Affairs (MOWYCA) of the National Unity Government (NUG), stated, “The present military is a mechanism constructed solely for the benefit of the generals, safeguarding their personal privileges and businesses. The soldiers at the bottom are driven to fight to protect this mechanism. When we look at the entire mechanism, including its generals, they are all just corrupt people.”

Currently, there are 150,000 junta troops who have defected to the side of the people, and the revolutionary organizations are providing rewards for those junta troops who have surrendered along with their weapons.

3. A clash erupts between a junta column and local revolutionary forces in Wetlet Township, leading to the death of the junta’s sub-inspector

On December 21, the People’s Servant Revolution-Wetlet reported a clash with a junta column advancing towards Thekkwetaw village in Wetlet Township, Sagaing Region.

The confrontation occurred on December 20 at approximately 3:00 p.m. when a military column comprising junta troops stationed in Wetlet Town marched toward Thekkwetaw village. During the clash, a sub-inspector named Lwin Moe Aung was reported to have lost his life, while four others from the junta side got injured.

4. KNU offers 10 million kyat in grand money to a lance corporal from Infantry Battalion 283 for surrendering along with weapons

The Dooplaya District of the Karen National Union (KNU) announced that Lance Corporal Ye Ko Ko from Infantry Battalion 283, stationed in Kyainseikgyi Town, Karen State, defected to KNU Brigade 6 on December 19.

According to the statement, Lance Corporal Ye Ko Ko sought refuge with the KNU due to his unwillingness to endure the oppressive atmosphere within the military and his disagreement with the unjust administration system of the coup military junta. He expressed his commitment to collaborate with ethnic armed revolutionaries until the end of the military dictatorship.

During his defection, he brought along a MA-4 rifle, eight 40-mm grenades, four box magazines, and 75 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition. In recognition of his cooperation, the KNU awarded him 10 million kyats.

5. Junta’s Central Military Command Headquarters inside Mandalay Palace targeted by 107-mm rockets

Reportedly, at 2:30 a.m. on December 21, local revolutionary forces launched an attack on the junta’s Central Military Command Headquarters inside Mandalay Palace by using six 107-mm rockets.

According to the Brave Warriors for Myanmar (BWM), which participated in the operation, five out of the six rockets successfully detonated, while one failed to explode due to an equipment malfunction. The BWM stated that the details of the damage were still being investigated.

The operation was coordinated by the Brave Warriors for Myanmar (BWM) in collaboration with allied forces under the Urban Special Operation (USO), including Mandalay Security and Special Task Force (MDY-SSTF), the Pyin Oo Lwin District People’s Defense Team (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT), and the No More Dictatorship (NMD-PDF).

6. Federal Net Campaign releases a list of fundraising agents in Thailand

On December 21, the Federal Net Campaign released a list of fundraising agents in Thailand, stating, “The objective of the ‘Federal Net’ campaign is to strengthen the technology and communication sector, accelerating the pace of the revolution in order to ultimately bring an end to the military dictatorship. Contributions can be facilitated by reaching out to preferred fundraisers through their page messenger and requesting banking information.”

The Ministry of Communications, Information, and Technology initiated the Federal Net Campaign with the objective of providing internet services in the controlled territories where the internet connectivity was shut down by the military junta. Contributions can be made directly to the campaign using NUGPay or through fundraising agents located in various countries.

The campaign’s initial phase, scheduled until January 15, aims to raise $0.25 million to enhance the federal network in five strategic areas where control is firmly established.

7. Myanmar families in Southern California raise $30,435 in a fundraising event

On December 21, the LA NUG Supporters announced that a fundraising event conducted on December 17 generated a sum of US$30,435. This amount includes proceeds from pre-order sales, sales of food and souvenirs during the event, and donations received on that day.

They stated, “After deducting the expenses, we collected $30,435 in funds from the fair held on Sunday to support the people in Myanmar. Firstly, we want to extend our gratitude to the brothers and sisters who have actively participated in almost every event, dedicating their time, labor, and finances throughout more than 15 fundraising events conducted over the course of the revolution during more than two years, aimed at supporting the people inside Myanmar.”

#Credit : Radio NUG


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