Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 January 20

The Acting President said this in a message sent to the CDM Civil Servants Conference on January 19.

“The actions of all those involved in the revolution, including the CDM civil servants, must be forward-looking for the success of the revolution, and it is especially necessary for all forces to act strategically in harmony and balance,” said the Acting President. .

The Acting President prayed, “This conference will yield good results for the CDM civil servants and that everyone can unite and continue the revolutionary journey until it succeeds.”

“CDM civil servants played an important role in the Civil Disobedience Movement that started with the spring revolution at a rapid pace, and it is obvious that they are playing an important role in today’s revolution as well.

The sacrifices made by CDM civil servants for rooting out tyranny, democracy and the freedom of citizens have already been recorded in the history of Myanmar’s revolution. In the construction of a post-revolutionary new federal democratic union, the skills, experience and strength of CDM civil servants in their respective fields will continue to be an important pillar,” the Acting President said in the message.

It is reported that the National Unity Government’s Emergency Operation Coordinating Committee (EOCC) was held. Union Minister Dr. Win Myat Aye – secretary of the Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response Commission, Deputy Minister Dr. Ngai Tam Maung – EOCC coordinator and working task forces from the Emergency Operation Coordinating Committee (EOCC) attended the meeting.

After that, at the EOCC meeting, it was discussed to review the work guidelines drawn up by each work group and to develop the necessary work plans; to form township-level emergency coordination members for the preparation of air safety monitoring and warning; to prepare and compile the instructions issued by various departments about aviation danger as easy-to-understand guidelines for the public; to hold regular EOCC meetings and work force meetings; and to prepare work plans and re-present them at the meeting.

On January 17, the meeting of the Communication and Public Relations Committee of the Emergency Operation Coordinating Committee was continued. In the meeting, they discussed encouraging the formation of coordinating groups, like the central EOCC, on the ground, supervising actual participation, and implementing activities related to air defense monitoring and early warning.

In addition, the management and finance team meeting continued on January 18.

On January 19, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division (6/2024) was held. At the meeting, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, a secretary member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division.

MSRF Battalion Commander and ABSDF Battalion 1 Commander, including NUG government officials, visited KBDF (Dawna Company-4) on the ground and presented awards to outstanding comrades.

It was reported that on January 16, 2024, No. 33 Commander Bo Dah Ko, Yangon Military Headquarters Officer Comrade Dewa, MSRF Battalion Commander Dragon, and ABSDF Battalion 1 Commander U Thein Lwin visited the Kanbauk People’s Defense Force (Dawna Company-4) and met with comrades. The officials had a friendly meeting with the comrades, gave words of encouragement, and provided the necessary military equipment, as confirmed by the Kanbauk People’s Defense Force. In addition to that, officials met with the comrades who conducted the last drone operation and presented them with honorariums.

On January 19, NUG Pay announced that the amount of money transferred using NUG Pay is hitting 1 billion.

“Soon, the amount of money transaction using NUG Pay is hitting 1 trillion (one thousand billion). This is the people’s financial circulation that is beyond the reach of the terrorist military council. The revolutionary journey is difficult, but we must recognize the success of the people who stood together while shouting, ‘We only have ourselves’,” it stated.

At present, NUG Pay is also a financial mechanism freed from the financial system of the military council.

On January 19, CDM Medical Network announced that the NUG government’s Spring Lottery Project has provided over 8 million kyats for CDM health employees.

In November 2023, NUG government’s Spring Lottery Program allocated grants to various departments, and it is said that 169 CDM health employees have been supported for a total of over 8 million kyats in grant allocation.

Out of a total of more than 30,000 CDM health employees, those who are struggling to make ends meet are given priority. It is reported that the remaining CDM health employees are also scheduled to be distributed alternately according to the allowance quotas received each month.

It is reported that the Mayor of Parma attended a friendship meeting with Myanmar students studying at Parma University.

On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, the Giuseppe Malpeli Italy Burma Friendship Association organized a friendship meeting with Myanmar students studying at Parma University.

The meeting was attended by the organization’s chairman and officials, the mayor of Parma, professors and teachers of Parma University, Myanmar students attending Parma University, and exchanged cordial greetings.

He said that he would like to express his special gratitude to Parma City and the Myanmar Friends Group in Italy, who have been constantly trying to stand up for Myanmar’s democracy and the people of Myanmar.

According to Colonel Naw Bu, in charge of information for the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the military council’s Light Infantry Battalion – 424 based in Kaung Hmu Yan Village, Mansi Township, Kachin State, was attacked and captured.

On January 19, at around 11:00 a.m., KIA Brigade (3) attacked and captured the LIB-424 camp. There are reports that more than 20 members of the military council were captured alive during the battle, but the KIA has yet to confirm the details.

Colonel Naw Bu said that KIA and PDF joint forces and military council forces are still fighting in the Hpakant region.

On January 19, the military news was confirmed by Young Force – UG.

“On the morning of January 19, a mine attack was carried out on the military council’s logistic truck and security convoys that were leaving from Pakokku to Yesagyo,” it stated.

It is reported that two vehicles were damaged due to the mine attack, and the rest of the vehicles turned back to Pakokku Industrial Zone Gate. Injured junta soldiers were taken by charity vehicles, and it is yet to confirm the death tolls.

The attack was carried out by the Yesagyo Township PaKaFa and the Pakokku Township PaKaFa Company 2.

On January 19, Guerrilla Dawei (Dawei Urban Guerrilla Force) confirmed the military news.

“The 200-strong junta column that invaded the villages in Launglon Township, Dawei District, was attacked with mines,” it stated.

It is reported that 5 junta soldiers were killed on the spot and 16 were seriously injured when they were hit by a mine.

The operation was conducted by Guerrilla Dawei (Dawei Urban Guerrilla Force), Dawei Defense Team – DDT, Dawei Dragon Company-5, People’s Defense Force – Launglon Township – LLPDF (Butterfly Platoon).

According to the communication and information officer of the 3601 Battalion (PPDF) of Pyay District, they intercepted and attacked the military council troops returning after burning and destroying Maukwin Village, Paungde Township, Bago Division.

“On January 14, around 4:00 p.m., the Sniper Team of the Battalion (3601 PPDF) started firing and attacking the military council column that burned down Maukwin Village and came out towards Taung Kha Mauk Village. The defense comrades from different companies also attacked with mines three times,” he said.

As a result of the attack, three military council soldiers were killed and three were injured. They returned fire with large and small arms and fled into Taung Kha Mauk Village.

Then, on January 14, at around 5:30 p.m., the military council troops set fire to houses in Taung Kha Mauk Village. 72 houses, 3 barns, and a dormitory for educational staff were reportedly burnt to ashes. As a result of the arson, a total of 229 people, including 111 men and 118 women, were displaced by the fire in Taung Kha Mauk Village.

On January 19, PSLF/TNLA informed about the terrorist act of the military council.

“On January 19, at 11:25 a.m., the 5-mile camp of the Military Council in Mogok Township, Ta’ang State, Brigade (2) military region, fired 10 times with heavy weapons at the 8-mile village of Pein Pyit,” it stated.

As a result of the military council’s firing, 2 villagers from 8 mile-village were killed, 2 were injured, and 4 houses were damaged.

On the morning of January 18, a 100-strong military council column raided Mae Oh Village, Depayin Township, Sagaing Division, and abducted about 15 people.

The bodies of 4 of the people who were abducted were discovered on January 19 near Let Yet Kone Village, said an official of the Depayin Township Brotherhood Group.

“Those killed were among the people who were abducted from Mae Oh Village. The military council column that came out from Ye-U to Depayin spent the night there. They killed them when they raided Mae Oh Village. When we cleaned up the area, we came to the village of Let Yet Kone and saw the bodies,” he said.

A Depayin war refugees support member said that the people who were killed by the terrorist military were Ko Tun, Ko Zaw Win, Ko Aung Myint Kyaw and an unidentified girl from Mae Oh Village.

“Four people were killed. Three men, two of whom had their heads and limbs cut off, and one had his neck cut with a knife. I don’t know if the body of the woman was burned after being killed or burned alive. They put her in a bag and burned it,” he said.

Currently, the military council column that raided Depayin has returned to Ye-U Township, but the residents who were abducted from Mae Oh Village have not been released yet.

On January 19, at 11:08 p.m. and 11:11 p.m., the military council’s Artillery Battalion-314 fired 2 artillery shells into Tatukone Village in Bilin Township.

“At around 11:00 p.m., the Artillery Battalion fired. The shelling fell near the Kway Teow shop in the village. It was lunch time and crowded with people, so it damaged a lot. Three people died. Seven people were injured. One child and the other four got severe injuries,” a Tatukone Village resident said. He also said that 3 people; Naw Mu (aka) Daw Yin Yin Htay (49 years old) and Ma Sandar (22 years old) from Tatukone Village and Naw Kaw Lar Mu from Kyat Chay Khat Village died from the explosion of heavy artillery. In addition, a 2-year-old child, a man, and three women were seriously injured, while two others got minor injuries.

On January 17, at around 11:00 p.m., a shell fired by the military council exploded between the villages of Kawt Hlaing Gyi and Kawt Hlaing Gale in Thaton Township. Due to the explosion, a 50-year-old man’s right leg was crushed and his wife was also injured in her right thigh, a local resident said.

On January 16, two villagers from Thone Khwa Village in Kyaikto Township were injured due to the explosion of a heavy artillery shell fired by the Artillery Battalion-310 of the military council.

A person close to KNU said that though there is no fighting, the terrorist military council fires heavy artillery into the villages in the control area of KNU-Thaton District on a daily basis.

According to AAPP’s statement on January 16, between January 1 and 16, 2024, up to 38 civilians were killed due to heavy artillery shelling by the military council.

  1. As the revolution is at its peak, the Acting President urges all forces to act strategically in harmony and balance
  2. A meeting of the National Unity Government’s Emergency Operation Coordinating Committee (EOCC) was held
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division
  4. MSRF Battalion Commander and ABSDF Battalion 1 Commander, including NUG government officials, visited KBDF (Dawna Company-4) on the ground and presented awards to outstanding comrades
  5. The amount of money transaction using NUG Pay is hitting one thousand billion
  6. The NUG government’s Spring Lottery Project was able to provide over 8 million kyats for CDM health employees
  7. The Mayor of Parma attended a friendship meeting with Myanmar students studying at Parma University
  8. KIA attacked and captured LIB-424 from Mansi Township
  9. Mine attack on the logistic and security convoys leaving Pakokku for Yesagyo
  10. Five soldiers were killed by landmines in five places when the junta troops invaded the villages in Launglon Township
  11. The military council soldiers, who had set fire to the village, were intercepted and attacked
  12. The Military Council’s 5-mile camp in Mogok Township attacked Pein Pyit Village 8 miles away with heavy weapons 10 times, killing 2 villagers
  13. Of the 15 people abducted from Mae Oh Village, 4 were killed
  14. 3 civilians were killed and 7 were injured, including a child, as the junta opened fire on Tetukone Village in Bilin Township with heavy artillery

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