Summary of News

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La urges uniting the strength of the domestic populace with that of the international community in order to achieve the victory of the spring revolution

Acting President Duwa Lashi La stated the following on November 29 at the 76th Cabinet Meeting of the National Unity Government:

“We must be mindful that, although it is difficult for all foreign nations to be our friends, we can prevent them from turning against us. I would especially like to encourage all members of the National Unity Government to work hard to increase the number of friendly countries in the international community. I implore all of us to march in unison to bring about the victory of the spring revolution by combining the strength of the domestic population with the strength of the international community.”

Furthermore, the Acting President stated that Myanmar’s spring revolution is linked to and occurs in the midst of domestic and global political changes.

2. The NUG Union Prime Minister implores to effectively and consistently use revenue from natural resources in order to stop the brutal killings of the military council

On November 28, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann urged the National Administration Body—Natural Resources (NAB-NR) at its (6/2022) meeting to use natural resource revenue to put an end to the military council’s heinous murders.

“I would like to urge the ground administration groups to use the revenue from the natural resources produced in their region effectively and systematically in accordance with the financial procedures for the humanitarian assistance that is needed in the current revolution and to stop the brutal killings of the military council,” the Union Prime Minister said.

The Union Prime Minister also emphasized the need to offer technical assistance and natural resource management strategies in accordance with each region’s needs as sovereignty areas grow.

3. NUG Union Minister Dr. Sasa says that if Paletwa is fully controlled, the door of the international community can be knocked on

Union Minister Dr. Sasa stated at the fundraiser “Project KIMO: Let’s empower hornbills to spread their wings in the windswept” that if Paletwa is completely under control, the door of the international community can be knocked on.

“When we talk about territorial control, control is crucial. If we have complete control over Paletwa, we can knock on the door of the international community. They will do what they did not do previously,” the Union Minister said.

Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng also stated that Paletwa is a source of revenue for the military council and that if it can be controlled, the military council’s revenue flow will be cut off.

4. The NUG Human Rights Minister says that there is a need to raise awareness that no one has the right to violate children’s human rights

U Aung Myo Min, Union Minister of Human Rights of the National Unity Government, stated that that there is a need to raise awareness that no one has the right to violate children’s human rights.

In the final week of November, the Union Minister made the following remarks at an awareness-raising program on children and armed conflict:

“On the one hand, monitoring measures are required to avoid violence against children in armed conflict, while on the other hand, complaint procedures are now in operation. In addition, there is a need to raise awareness that no one has the right to violate children’s human rights.”

According to United Nations Security Council Resolution 1612, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is responsible for monitoring, preventing, and punishing offenders of egregious abuses of children’s rights.

5. NUG Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung receives US$40,000 from a support group for Myanmar’s Spring Revolution (North Carolina)

On November 29, U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology, made the following statement:

“We have received exactly US$40,000 in donations from a support group for Myanmar’s Spring Revolution (North Carolina) to be used in the country’s development of a federal democratic union.”

The National Unity Government is preparing and implementing a one-year revolution plan, with defense accounting for 95 percent of the revolution budget.

6. Ousted Tanintharyi Region Chief Minister was being held in solitary confinement in Dawei Prison

The chief minister of Tanintharyi Division under the people’s government, U Myint Maung, was reportedly being held in solitary confinement in Dawei Prison.

Two additional charges, this time under Penal Code Section 130-A, were filed against Tanintharyi Division Chief Minister U Myint Maung in November 2022, according to Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP).

U Myint Maung was sentenced to 11 years in prison in November 2021 on charges of Penal Code Section 505 B, Natural Disaster Management Law Section 25, and Penal Code Section 409.

Myint Maung was detained by the junta on February 10, 2021, and he remains in solitary confinement at Dawei Prison to this day.

7. The “The Road Not Taken” film raised 460 million kyats, of which 300 million were given to the Ministry of Defense

460 million kyats generated through the short film “The Road Not Taken,” directed by Ko Pauk, was reportedly donated for the first time.

It is stated that, in the allocation of funds, the Ministry of Defense received 300 million kyats, the Cobra Column received 50 million kyats, Sagaing District Battalion No. 4 (MSDF) received 10 million kyats, Myingyan District Battalion (1) received 10 million kyats, Mobye People’s Defense Force Battalion (1007) and Pekhon People’s Defense Force Battalion (1002) received 10 million kyats, Mindon Township Revolutionary group (Swallow) received 10 million kyats, Falcon Guerrilla Force of the Squadron (1) of the Pakokku District Battalion (10) received 10 million kyats, Myingyan District Battalion (3) received 10 million kyats, Village Army (Yesagyo) received 10 million kyats, Chinland Defense Force – Kanpetlet (Deputy Major – Salai Tun Laing Htan) received 10 million kyats, Battalion (6) of the Bago Division Military Command received 10 million kyats, Yangon UG (Nan Htike Aung) received 10 million kyats, and Yangon UG (Yangon Liberation Force) received 10 million kyats.

8. Click2donate says that the websites of weclick4pdf and pyithubawa will resume operation

In the last week of November, Click2donate said that the websites of weclick4pdf and pyithubawa will resume operation.

It states, “The websites of weclick4pdf and pyithubawa will start functioning again today. We’ve re-uploaded the websites. Though the Lattsaung app is not in good condition, the C2D app is fine. Let us click as much as we can.”

Click2donate donates money generated by people clicking on applications and websites to revolutionary forces.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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