Spring Revolution Local News – Apr 06 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. NUG Acting President’s International Mine Awareness Day Statement highlights landmine presence in over half of Myanmar’s townships

Acting President Duwa Lashi La remarked that landmines are present in more than half of Myanmar’s townships and are on the rise. This statement was made in observance of International Mine Awareness Day on April 4. The Acting President highlighted Myanmar’s status as one of the few countries in the world that are still manufacturing and deploying landmines. He underscored the significant losses suffered by Myanmar’s populace, with innocent civilians falling victim to landmine-related casualties as a result of the illegal coup.

To mitigate harm to civilians, relevant ministries under the National Unity Government have collaborated with its local administrative and defence teams, as well as humanitarian representatives across various regions. Together, they’ve conducted aviation hazard prevention lectures, distributed informative pamphlets, and raised awareness about landmine safety.

Furthermore, the Acting President stressed that as long as the military dictatorship persists, the public will continue to bear the brunt of landmine-related tragedies. He emphasised that only by swiftly ending the military dictatorship and establishing a federal democratic union can lasting and robust peace be attained.

2. Acting President calls for expedited efforts to bring Spring Revolution to a conclusion and establish a new constitution

Acting President Duwa Lashi La of the National Unity Government (NUG) emphasised the need for expedited efforts to conclude the Spring Revolution and establish a new constitution. He made these remarks during the opening ceremony of the Second People’s Assembly organised by the National Unity Consultative Council (NUCC) on April 4.

He stressed that the Spring Revolution Coalition, in alignment with the aspirations of the people and the provisions of the Federal Democracy Charter, is uniting with Ethnic Resistance Organisations (EROs) to combat the oppressive military dictatorship. Expressing optimism, he remarked, “I hope that the time will come when we will gradually enter the transition beyond this period.” He underscored the collective endeavour to draft a robust transitional constitution to navigate through this pivotal period successfully.

Acknowledging the exhaustion, both mental and physical, endured by revolutionaries during the revolutionary process, he stressed the greater fatigue endured by the public. He reminded attendees of their duty to serve the public’s interests and urged them to remember that the revolution was derived from the public. In response to the public’s sacrifices, he urged alleviating their burden as the Spring Revolution progresses.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La also emphasised, “As we have practically saw the decline of the terrorist military council, it is crucial for us to remain vigilant and continue our march until we reach the end of the revolutionary journey.” He cautioned against a resurgence of armed conflict post-military dictatorship removal, advocating for political caution.

Highlighting the diverse participation of people from all backgrounds in the revolutionary struggle, he envisioned witnessing the eradication of military dictatorship and the birth of a new nation.

3. PDF combined forces carry out dual strikes on military junta’s LIB-561 in Tanintharyi, resulting in the deaths of at least seven junta troops

The Myeik District Coalition 1 of the People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) reported two coordinated attacks targeting the military junta’s 561st Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-561) in Tanintharyi township, resulting in the deaths of at least seven junta troops.

On April 2, the Myeik PDF Coalition 1 launched an attack on soldiers from LIB-561 stationed at the Nyaungpinkwin Bridge checkpoint in Tanintharyi township, resulting in the confirmed deaths of three soldiers. Then, on April 4, the coalition launched a drone strike on members of LIB-561 stationed within Nyaungpinkwin village. The Myeik PDF Coalition 1 reported that four soldiers were killed and two others were injured in this attack, with investigations ongoing to ascertain the full situation on the military junta’s side.

The Myeik PDF Coalition 1 comprises Squadron 1 of the 2nd Myeik PDF Battalion, the Neutral Guerrilla Force, the Southern Warrior Defence Force (SWDF), the Myeik Township People’s Defence Team, and the ADF Drone Unit.

4. AA seizes control of LIB-564 in Buthidaung, resulting in the deaths of over 80 military junta troops

According to an announcement by the Arakan Army (AA), it successfully seized control of the military junta’s 564th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-564) base in Buthidaung township, Rakhine State, on April 5 after a five-day offensive. Despite fierce resistance from the military junta, involving coordinated attacks from both ground and air forces, the AA managed to secure the base.

During the offensive, the AA disclosed that over 80 military junta troops were eliminated, although the AA also incurred casualties. The AA paid tribute to its warriors who sacrificed their lives in the battle. Additionally, the AA disclosed the seizure of numerous bodies of military junta troops, as well as weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment.

This capture of the LIB-564 base comes eleven days after the AA previously captured the LIB-552 in Buthidaung township, following a month-long attack. Furthermore, the AA had also captured the Taung Bazar outpost in Buthidanug township.

The AA announced ongoing efforts to capture the Kyein Chaung outpost in Maungdaw township, as well as other remaining military junta bases across Rakhine that have refused to surrender.

5. Bombing at Mandalay immigration office leaves 2 dead, 7 injured

The Aung Si Taw Operation (AST-MDY) and the Special Task Force Mandalay (STF-MDY) reported conducting a bombing at the District Office of the Immigration Department in Mahaaungmyay township, Mandalay Region. The explosion, which occurred around noon, resulted in two fatalities and seven injuries.

They clarified that the attack served as a warning to immigration personnel primarily involved in compiling lists for the military junta’s forced conscription law, which poses a threat to youth nationwide. They said they chose the lunch break time to minimise civilian casualties, as there were limited options available. During the attack, nine individuals, including Deputy Immigration Officer Thaw Zin Oo, reportedly sustained injuries, with two succumbing to their injuries later on.

6. Landmine attack in Wundwin township kills township police head and three junta personnel

The Wundwin Township Revolution Force (WRTF) disclosed that it had carried out a landmine attack on a vehicle transporting Superintendent Win Kyaw Thu, the township police head, along with policemen and soldiers as they returned to Wundwin town, Magway Region, around 7:00 p.m. on April 5. The WRTF stated that the landmines struck the vehicle, resulting in its complete destruction and the death of all individuals aboard.

Military junta’s scouting drones were observed following the attack, and local residents reported that emergency vehicles swarmed around Wundwin town.

The WRTF issued a warning to military junta personnel and its lackeys who have been torturing and troubling the public, asserting that they will inevitably face the consequences of the public’s curses sooner or later.

7. Landmine attacks on military junta forces in Pauk township eliminate around 18 junta troops

The joint revolutionary forces launched coordinated attacks on military junta forces in Pauk township, located in Magway Region, on April 5, resulting in the elimination of approximately 18 junta troops.

On April 5, around 4:00 p.m., the revolutionary forces targeted a military force of over 200 troops as they departed from the police station in Ye Pya village towards Koakko Su village alongside a convoy supplying rations. Using three homemade massive mines, the attack resulted in the deaths of about 7 military junta troops and injuries to approximately four others. Furthermore, the revolutionary forces ambushed vanguard troops entering the minefield they had set, resulting in the deaths of five more junta troops and additional injuries.

Additionally, around 4:50 p.m., the revolutionary forces conducted another landmine attack on a military junta convoy departing from Ye Pya police station, reportedly killing 3 more junta troops and injuring four others.

These operations were carried out jointly by the Myaing Township People’s Defence Team, Pauk Township People’s Team, BO LA Yaung Team, Bo Yoma Team, and the Pakokku District PDF Battalion 16.

As a result of these attacks, the ration supply convoy, comprising over 120 military support vehicles from the 101st Light Infantry Division (LID-101) based in Pakokku town, was unable to proceed to its destination in Pauk town.

8. A clash between the Taungoo PDF and military junta column results in the deaths of two junta troops

On April 3, around 6:00 a.m., a clash erupted between Battalion 3501 of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Taungoo District and a military junta infantry column comprising over 110 troops, marching in the Bago Range in Taungoo District, Bago Region. Battalion 3501 reported initiating the attack on the military junta column, which had reportedly abducted over 30 residents from Te Gyi village to use as human shields. The clash, lasting approximately one hour, resulted in the deaths of two military junta troops and injuries to eight others, with two in critical condition.

Following the clash, the military junta column retreated to Wet Khauk Sein village, while Battalion 3501 seized weaponry, including one box magazine for M-3, one box magazine for G-3, 44 rounds of G-3 ammunition, 100 rounds of 5.56 ammunition, and a hand bomb. Members of the People’s Defence Force did not suffer any casualties during the confrontation.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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