Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 26 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Myanmar Delegation engages in bilateral talks with Canada, Sweden, and Portugal at the 148th IPU Assembly and continues discussions with Indonesia, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Japan, Germany and Denmark

The Myanmar parliamentary delegation, headed by Dr. Win Myat Aye, participated in bilateral meetings with parliamentary delegations from various countries during the ongoing 148th International Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland, according to press releases from the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH). On March 23, the delegation engaged in discussions with delegations from Sweden, Canada, and Portugal. Subsequently, on March 24, meetings were held with delegations from Indonesia, Malaysia, Timor Leste, and Japan. Furthermore, on March 25, discussions took place with delegations from Germany and Denmark.

These bilateral meetings provided an opportunity for the Myanmar delegation to exchange information about the situation in Myanmar and explore potential future parliamentary collaborations.

2. Human Rights Minister joins campaign against sale of aviation fuel to Myanmar military junta

Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min of the National Unity Government (NUG) has joined a photo campaign aimed at urging the international community to stop the sale of aviation fuel to the Myanmar military junta. Initiated by Blood Money, the campaign calls upon nations such as the US, UK, and EU to impose sanctions and prohibit the export of jet fuel to the Myanmar military regime.

The campaign has garnered widespread participation from the public, protest groups within Myanmar, as well as Myanmar diasporas and activists advocating for human rights and democracy in various countries. Participants hold placards bearing messages such as “Ban Jet Fuel Exports to Myanmar,” “If the jet can’t fly, they can’t bomb,” “Stop Jet Fuel Sales and Shipment Insurance to Myanmar,” “Ban Jet Fuel Exports to Myanmar Junta,” “USA, UK, EU: Ban Jet Fuel Sales and Shipment Insurance to Myanmar,” “USA, UK, EU: Ban companies delivering jet fuel to Myanmar,” “If the jets can’t fly, the junta can’t bomb,” “Ban Jet Fuel deliveries to Myanmar,” “Ban Jet Fuel Exports to Myanmar Junta,” and “Without British companies’ insurance, the ships can’t make the deliveries of jet fuel for the junta’s war crimes.”

3. NUG Representative U Yan Naing Tun addresses Chin Revolution Futsal Cup 2024, features Spring Lottery, SDB shares, and Spring Investment sales at NUG Representative Office booth

U Yan Naing Tun, Representative of the National Unity Government’s (NUG) in South Korea, participated and gave an address at the Chin Revolution Futsal Cup (2024), hosted by the Chinland Club of South Korea.

Moreover, the Representative Office also set up a booth at the event to sell Spring Lottery tickets, shares of the Spring Development Bank (SDB), land plots, condominiums from Spring Investments, and Treasure Bonds.

4. NUG Representative U Linn Thant encourages advancement of Spring Revolution through reflecting on mistakes and maintaining a spirit of victory rather than blaming each other

In a social media update shared on March 24, U Tun Aung Shwe, Representative of the National Unity Government (NUG) in Australia, emphasised the importance of advancing the Spring Revolution through learning from past mistakes and maintaining unity. He expressed, “While the new country is being built during the system-change revolution, the heroes are sacrificing their lives. In moments of loss amidst achievements, those steadfast in their commitment work ever harder to see these achievements through to fruition. While moving forward one step at a time, confronting challenges along the way, let us who are like-minded join our minds and hands to continue the journey with learning and maintaining a spirit of victory rather than resorting to blame.”

Currently, the military junta is facing setbacks in military, political, and diplomatic fronts, with its control limited mainly to major urban centers.

5. Student Armed Force (SAF) offers healthcare services to villages in Sagaing Region

The Student Armed Force (SAF) reported that its medical unit delivered healthcare assistance to several villages in Sagaing Region on March 24. This initiative is part of SAF’s ongoing efforts to provide healthcare services to local communities residing near its bases by utilising mobile healthcare initiatives and establishing clinics.

Furthermore, SAF reiterated its dedication to the liberation of the public and the establishment of a new nation. It emphasised its commitment to continue fighting for these goals.

Moreover, the SAF announced its acceptance of new members who wish to join its course in fighting against the military dictatorship and building a federal democratic union, inviting interested individuals to reach out via its Telegram channel to collaborate.

6. DIY fixed-wing drone attack strikes junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia in Pan Yan village, Shwebo township

In Shwebo, Sagaing Region, local revolutionary groups carried out a coordinated attack on military junta troops and Pyu Saw Htee militia in Pan Yan village around noon on March 25. A DIY  fixed-wing drone was deployed to drop four grenades, resulting in severe injuries to two Pyu Saw Htee members.

Subsequently, a brief exchange of gunfire ensued as the wounded junta members from Pan Yan village and other Pyu Saw Htee members from nearby Thi Lone village retaliated. Following this, the combined revolutionary forces reportedly withdrew successfully without any harm.

The local revolutionary groups involved in the operation include the Buffalo Soldiers Freedom Force (BGS-drone team), Shwebo Crocodile, Shwebo People’s Security Team, X Force LPDF (Shwebo), Shin Shin People’s Defence Team, Thieinkha Arr Man, Bo Linn Yaung, Zarmani Daung, and others.

7. Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) marks completion of first batch of basic military training for new recruits with ceremony

On March 25, the Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) held a ceremony to commemorate the conclusion of the first batch of basic military training for new recruits at its base.

The event was attended by allied revolutionary forces in the region, including Battalion 1 of the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF), the Dawna Column (People’s Defence Force), the Ye Air Force (YAF Dawna), the Ye Defence Force (YDF Dawna), the Ye Hawk (Dawna Security Force), the Ye Guerrilla Force (Dawna Company 3), and the Mon State Revolutions Organisation (MSRO).

8. Dagon University Students’ Union (DUSU) supplies temporary classrooms and educational resources to community-backed makeshift school in Monywa District

The Dagon University Students’ Union (DUSU) recently announced its provision of temporary classrooms and teaching supplies to a community-backed makeshift school in Budalin township, situated within the Monywa District of Sagaing Region, on March 25. This initiative forms part of DUSU’s ongoing efforts to provide support in education, healthcare, and sustenance to those affected by the military junta’s arson attacks in the Sagaing Region.

DUSU has extended an invitation to individuals interested in cooperating or donating educational materials, such as notebooks, as well as medical supplies for healthcare purposes, to reach out through its Facebook Messenger. This call stems from the considerable needs of students and civilians residing in conflict-torn areas within the Sagaing Region.

9. Death toll from military junta and affiliates during Spring Revolution reaches 4,783

As of March 25, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) reported that a total of 4,783 individuals, including pro-democracy activists and other civilians, have lost their lives due to the military junta and its affiliates during the Spring Revolution since the attempted military coup on February 2, 2021. Additionally, the AAPP noted that there are approximately 1,700 reported deaths that are yet to be confirmed.

Furthermore, the report highlighted that throughout this period, a total of 26,442 individuals have been unjustly arrested, with 20,270 of them remaining in custody. Among these detainees, 8,873 individuals have been sentenced to imprisonment on arbitrary charges imposed by the military junta.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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