Morning Fresh News for 2024 March 12

It is reported that Union Minister U Nai Suwunna delivered an opening speech at the meeting of the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Region.

The meeting (19/2024) was held on March 11, at 3:00 p.m., and at the meeting, Union Minister for Labour U Nai Tun Pe @ U Nai Suwunna, a member of ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

Led by Union Minister U Nai Suwunna, the meeting was attended by Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Region. The meeting was successfully finished at 5:15 p.m.

The second regular meeting of the Karenni State Interim Hluttaw was held on March 11 via Zoom Meeting, and the next judge of the Supreme Court was appointed.

Regarding the appointment of a judge of the Supreme Court of the State, the vice chairman of the Karenni State Interim Hluttaw Saw Eh Noh said, “The key point is for us to adhere to the legitimacy of the Karenni State Interim Plan and implement it accordingly. This involves the formation of selection committees at various levels of enforcement, as mentioned. The list submitted by the screening committee is reviewed by the KSCC and then further verified through the parliament. Once everything has been confirmed and finalized in accordance with the procedure, the Hluttaw will be convened to officially approve the appointment.”

The Karenni State Interim Hluttaw is made up of 15 members of parliament who won the 2020 general election. After the military coup, Karenni State drafted and enacted interim measures and started operating as an administrative, judicial, and legislative government.

The Shwebo Township Freelance Support Group has reported that IDPs in Wetlet Township, Sagaing Region, are suffering from malnutrition, illness, and weakness due to the weather.

“We gave priority treatment to pregnant women, elderly people with chronic diseases, and children. We haven’t collected the list according to the disease. Some of them are weak and have to be administered intravenous injections. There are many people who get heatstroke and get sick when they go out in the sun to look for food. There are many people who are weak because they are not eating well,” said an official from the Shwebo Township Freelence Support Group.

Around 2,000 war refugees from Shein Ma Kar, In Daung, Thae Bod and Ywar Thit villages in Wetlet Township are living in the nearby forest, riverside, and monastery as their houses were burned down in 2022 and 2023, and it is difficult for them to make ends meet.

It is reported that the Indian government deported the first group of Myanmar refugees on March 8, for their illegal crossing.

The Indian authorities said that the plan to send Myanmar refugees back home started last week and will continue to be implemented in the coming days.

This is due to the fighting that followed the military coup, the arson of towns, villages, and homes by the military council, and terrorist acts such as aerial bombardment, which have caused great difficulties for the Myanmar war refugees across the border.

India started deporting Myanmar refugees’ weeks after saying it would end a visa-free border policy with Myanmar.

New Delhi has not signed the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention, which spells out refugees’ rights and states’ responsibilities to protect them, nor does India have its own laws protecting refugees.

However,N. Biren Singh, the chief minister of northeastern Manipur state that borders Myanmar, said in a post on messaging platform X that the country gave “shelter & aid to those fleeing the crisis in Myanmar on humanitarian grounds with a systematic approach”.

Chin State is said to have the highest number of war refugees who have sought sanctuary in India following the military coup, as the two countries share a 1,643-kilometer border.

Led by the Dawei Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC), a public strike was held with the title ‘USA, UK, EU: Ban The Export of Jet Fuel To Myanmar’ to demand a ban on companies selling jet fuel to the terrorist military council.

The activity was held on the afternoon of March 11th in Launglon Township, Dawei District, with the participation of local women and young people.

Since the coup terrorist military council is losing ground-to-ground battles, they are using the air force too much and are firing and attacking every day, regardless of the military and civilians.

According to lists compiled by research groups, at least 1,650 airstrikes have been carried out since the military coup in 2021, and more than 1,000 civilians have been killed and more than 900 people have been injured.

According to the statement of the Tada-U PaKaFa, the 1st week of the basic military training course of the Tada-U Township People’s Defense Force (PKAFA), Kyaukse District, Mandalay Division, was held.

It is reported that the officers in charge of the Tada-U PaKaFa gave a welcome speech expressing their joy and pride for having completed the basic military training based on spirit, conviction, perseverance, diligence, and industriousness. At the ceremony, the graduated comrades vowed an oath and showed military skills, and outstanding graduates were given awards.

According to Kachin military sources, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and joint forces have attacked and captured more than 20 military council large camps and small camps in Laiza, where the KIO headquarters is located in Kachin State, and Waingmaw Township within 4 days.

During the four days of fighting from March 7 to 10, the military council’s base camps, such as Hkaya Bum Camp, Naura Zinghkang Camp, Hpun Pyen Bum Camp, Ntap Bum Camp, Namhpathka Camp, IB-142 Camp in Dawthponeyan, Bum Re Bum Camp, Nlonhka Camp, Maliyang Camp near Sumprabum, Mali Camp, and Masankawng Camp, including the outposts, were captured.

A local resident of Laiza said that the residents were fleeing because the military council is carrying out aerial bombardment attacks around the area where the military council army is defeating near Laiza.

Currently, clashes are still intense on the Myitkyina-Bhamo road section and the roads leading to Myitkyina and Waingmaw until March 11, and the military council is also carrying out more aerial bombardments.

Starting at 6:00 a.m. on March 7, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Arakan Army (AA), and People’s Defense Force – Kachin Region (KPDF) launched offensives against military council camps in Kachin State.

It is reported that KIA and KPDF joint forces fired RPGs at the military council convoy containing the commander of LIB-119 retreating in the seizure of the military camp in Tamakhan Village, Hpakant, Kachin State, and two vehicles were damaged.

After the KIA and joint forces launched an offensive on February 26, Tamakhan LIB-119 camp was captured on March 9. The military council convoy containing the battalion commander, who fled the camp and was going to join the Sai Taung Police Battalion, was attacked.

On the morning of March 11, the military convoy of LIB-119 led by Commander Thet Paing Soe, retreating from Tamakhan camp to Sain Taung, was intercepted by firing with RPGs. Two vehicles were reportedly damaged, but it has not yet been possible to confirm whether the commander was killed or not.

The KIA and KPDF joint forces seized the two damaged cars and ammunition in the attack, and the military council opened fire on the area where the fighting took place, causing some houses in the village to burn down.

Even before the 0307 Operation on March 7, when the KIA launched an offensive against many military council camps around Laiza, the KIA has been attacking military camps in the Hpakant area, and the KIA has controlled most of the areas in the Hpakant Township.

Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 Company 5 announced that 83 junta soldiers were killed, and some weapons and ammunition were seized from the military’s side in 6 battles that occurred between March 7 to 10 in Bago Yoma region in Minhla Township, Thayarwaddy District, Bago Region.

It is reported that a clash broke out between 120-strong military council troops invading Bago Yoma in Minhla Township and joint forces of Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 Company 5 and Dagon Column near the moat of a 1000-acre teak tree plantation at around 1:00 p.m. on March 7.

The battle lasted for more than 2 hours due to the exchange of fire, and in the battle, 20 junta soldiers were killed, and one comrade from the defense forces was injured (not serious).

After that, at around 5:00 p.m., Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 Company 5 and Company 3 ambushed the military council troops stationed at the intersection of Haiyu Road on the Myo Chaung-Sein Kant Kant Yoma crossroad with heavy weapons and small arms. The battle lasted for about 3 hours due to the exchange of fire, and in the battle, one junta soldier was killed and many were injured.

During these 6 battles, 83 members of the military council were killed, and some weapons, ammunition, and military equipment were seized. 3 comrades from the revolutionary forces were reportedly injured.

Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 Company 5 has warned the public not to travel in the forest of Bago Yoma because there may be more clashes with military columns in Bago Yoma in Minhla Township.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army – PNLA announced on March 11 that at least 16 civilian houses were damaged due to the military’s bombardment with incendiary bombs, when intense clashes broke out in Hsihseng Township and Hopong Township due to the invasion of the military council.

On March 10, a clash broke out between the Pa’O National Liberation Army (PNLA) and the military council column at the north of Hsihseng Town, and the fighting was reportedly intense from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Because the military council suffered damages, they bombarded heavy artillery into the town of Hsihseng with drones 108 times, as well as with jet fighters once. Due to the military council attack, at least 16 civilian houses in the town were reportedly damaged.

Similarly, the fighting was fierce as the junta column advanced towards Sa On ridge in the Me Nei Taung area of Hopong Township, and the military council fired 124 rounds of heavy artillery.

The military council is blatantly committing human rights violations and war crimes, and is attacking and killing the public in the most severe and cruel ways. The international organizations, including the United Nations, have been pointed out and criticized that it is very shameful that the countries of the world have failed to address these atrocities until now.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army – PNLA has issued a statement calling on international organizations and countries to take action against the terrorist war crimes committed as easily as they eat and drink.

The Ghost Team Ranger Myinmu (GTR MMU) announced that a general administration officer and two junta soldiers were killed in a drone attack on the general administration office and the police station in Chaung-U Town, Sagaing Region.

On March 10, at around 4:00 a.m., the general administration office and the Myoma police station in Chaung-U Town were reportedly bombed with 11 bombs dropped by drones. In the attack, an officer from the general administration department and 2 terrorist military council soldiers were killed, and a Jammer vehicle was damaged, according to GTR MMU.

The military council fired back with large weapons and small arms. In addition, they marched with a force of about 40 junta soldiers, and so, the allied revolutionary comrades retreated after firing back with 40 mm grenades.

The attack was cooperatively carried out jointly by Ghost Team Ranger Myinmu (Sagaing District Battalion 2, Company 2), Monywa District Battalion 8, Myingyan District Battalion 6, and Myinmu Defense Force. People’s defense comrades were unharmed, the GTR MMU stated.

The KNU Headquarters has released the news that 7 civilians were killed in one week due to terrorist attacks by the military council in Nyaunglebin District, Mone (Moo) Township of the Karen National Union (KNU)-administered area.

The KNU stated that, between March 4 and 10, the military council targeted civilian villages and attacked them with heavy weapons and drones, killing 7 civilians and injuring 14 others. In addition, 7 houses and 1 school were damaged, and 11 people were arrested without reason. In addition, over 10,000 residents from 25 villages have been forced to flee due to the military council raids in Mone Township and the daily firing of heavy artillery.

It is reported that the heavy artillery shelling was carried out by the LIB-351 based in Kwin Chaung Wa of the Mone area, the LIB-439 based in Ka Nyut Kwin, and the military council troops stationed in Natthankwin.

KNU has released that the coup military council troops are continuously violating human rights by launching offensives at villages, bombarding with aircraft, firing with heavy artillery shelling, and affecting the safety and security of the local people’s social life.

  1. Union Minister U Nai Suwunna delivered an opening speech at the meeting between the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC)
  2. Karenni State Interim Hluttaw appoints 1 Supreme Court judge
  3. IDPs in Wetlet Township are sick due to a lack of nutrition and the weather
  4. India begins its plan to deport Myanmar refugees
  5. Demonstration in Launglon to block the export of jet fuel to the military council
  6. The graduation ceremony of the 1st week of Tada-U Township Pakafa basic military training was held
  7. The KIA and joint forces captured more than 20 military council camps within four days
  8. The military council convoy containing the commander of LIB-119 retreating from Tamakhan camp was intercepted, and two vehicles were damaged
  9. More than 80 junta soldiers were killed in 6 battles in Minhla Township
  10. Clashes broke out in Hsihseng and Hopong Townships, and the military bombarded them with incendiary bombs
  11. A drone attack on the general administration office and police station in Chaung-U Town killed an administration officer and two junta soldiers
  12. In Mone Township, 7 civilians were killed and 15 injured in a week due to the atrocities of the military council

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