Morning Fresh News for 2024 March 8

The NUG cabinet members, including Acting President, will attend the 2024 International Women’s Day ceremony to be held on March 8 at 10:00 a.m.

In the ceremony that will be broadcast live, the Acting President of the National Unity Government, Duwa Lashi La, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the Union Minister and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs, and revolutionary artist Phyu Phyu Kyaw Thein will also participate.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”.

The event will be broadcast live on social media pages such as Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs, PVTV, Mizzima, DVB, and Khit Thit.

The National Unity Government NUG’s Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs is conducting a Profile Change Campaign to honor the sacrifices, endurance, leadership, strength and bravery of women who are participating in the struggle to establish a federal democratic state and overthrow  the military dictatorship during the Spring Revolution. The NUG cabinet members also participated in the campaign.

Union Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than, chairman of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC), said that the establishment of local administrative mechanism is to show the world that it is a legitimate government.

The Union Prime Minister said at the National Unity Government’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting No. 9/2024 held on the morning of March 7.

Therefore, the Prime Minister urged to work seriously to achieve control areas and establish a strong and systematic administrative system. He also said that territorial control is the most important part of the entire revolution.

“Only after the area is under control, all military council troops are cleared, and zones are separated into military, buffer, and security zones, can we continue to provide good services to the public. Hence, it is imperative to reevaluate the policies we have implemented, to ensure township officials fully comprehend, and to ensure that we are fully aware of the difficult conditions in the township that require coordination, and make a focused effort to effectively address and manage them,” the Union Prime Minister added.

Following, attending members of the ILACC explained the completion status of the activities discussed at the meeting (8/2024), future plans and processes that needed to proceed, and the relevant officials discussed them extensively.

Led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from ministries attended the meeting.

On March 7, the meeting between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration (MOHAI), and the district people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing and Magway Divisions (8/2024) was held. At the meeting, the Director General of Public Administration Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration gave an opening speech.

Following, the attending members of the district people’s administrative bodies asked and discussed the issues, needs, and difficulties encountered on the ground, and the officials of the ministry responded.

The meeting was attended by Director General, officials from the Public Administration Department of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, and members of the district people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing and Magway Divisions.

French Ambassador Mr. Jerome Bonnafont and Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min met.

“I met with the French ambassador, Mr. Jerome Bonnafont, and discussed the implementation of the Human Rights Council resolution that calls for more effective practical measures against the Myanmar military,” the Union Minister said.

Union Minister for Human Rights U Aung Myo Min also met with United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk on March 4 at the High Commissioner’s office in Geneva.

Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung stated on social media on March 7 that individuals who align themselves with the military council are now considered enemies of the people.

“When I heard that U Shwe Min was killed in the current battle in Kachin State, I was saddened because he was someone I acknowledged. He had been trying to form a militia since before 2020, and after the coup, he organized ethnic groups and established his own army in Waingmaw Township in cooperation with the military. In the Spring Revolution, due to the people’s progressive political views, his racial-oriented organizing backfired, leading to him being swiftly vilified as an enemy of the people. In fact, he was content with the military’s promotion at a time when even the USDP party, which is actually more senior than him, was avoiding joining the armed forces. Now it’s clear. Individuals who align themselves with the military council are now considered enemies of the people,” the Deputy Minister said.

Lisu National Development Party (L.N.P.P) chairman and militia leader U Shwe Min died on March 7 in the Battle of Waingmaw.

The Blood Money campaign has informed that the “Ban Jet Fuel Campaign” to evade the terrorist military council’s airstrikes will be carried out in March 2024.

“To evade the terrorist military council’s air attacks, the ‘Ban Jet Fuel Campaign’ will be launched in March 2024. To raise awareness and pressure key international governments to sanction fuel supply, an online photo and Twitter campaign will be conducted for 3 days from March 10 to 12, aiming for mass trending on Twitter,” it stated.

It is also stated that advocating on social media to stop the supply of aircraft fuel can be a successful tactic for stopping the military council’s warplanes from harming civilians.

The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government announced on March 7 that the graduation ceremony of Week 8 military training and arming ceremony of the Magway Regional Command Office were held.

It officially stated, “Images of the graduation ceremony of Week 8 military training and arming ceremony of the Magway Regional Command Office, No. (1) Military Region.” At the graduation ceremony, people’s comrades were equipped with automatic rifles.

Military sources said U Shwe Min, a militia leader under the military council, died in a battle in Waingmaw Township.

Kachin Independence Army-KIA-led Revolutionary Joint Forces started launching offensives at at least 12 military council camps in the Waingmaw, Momauk, and Laiza regions starting at 5:30 a.m. on March 7.  There, the militia leader U Shwe Min died in the Shwe Nyaung Pin Battle in Waingmaw Township.

A military source said that KIA forces intercepted and attacked a militia group that was leaving in a car from Waingmaw towards Shwe Nyaung Pin, where all the militia members in the car, including the leader U Shwe Min, were killed. The body of the dead militia leader U Shwe Min was also being revealed by military sources on social media.

U Shwe Min is also the chairman of the Lisu National Development Party (L.N.P.P). After the military coup, he formed a militia and carried out military activities in cooperation with the military council. The militia group led by U Shwe Min is one that Lisu ethnic people have protested saying that it does not represent the entire Lisu people.

According to local news sources, a township-level USDP party executive from Pale Township, Sagaing Division, donated a car to the Black Leopard Force, and they burned down the house of a military intelligence officer of the terrorist military.

On the afternoon of March 6, an executive of the Pale Township USDP Party donated a car to the Black Leopard Force, and after that, the house of a currently serving military intelligence was burned down by the terrorist military.

Black Leopard Force also said a prayer on its social media page saying, “May the donor be healthy. May you reach your destination as soon as possible. May the federal democracy the donor’s desired be achieved as soon as possible.”

It is reported that, at the time of picking up the car, ambushes were made along the road. The Black Leopard Force said that in picking up the car donated by the executive of the USDP Party at the office compound, the terrorist junta troops came to check but they turned back because of the ambushes.

The Pale Township USDP Party executive has previously provided financial support, so the Black Leopard Force has informed the public not to worry.

The Shwe Taung Pan Operation Team announced that they were able to detonate the CCTV Main Control Server box so that it cannot be reutilized anymore, and the Shwe Kyin toll gate at the 22 Street × Kan Pat Street on the Mandalay-Madaya Road, Aungmyaythazan Township.

At around 8:00 a.m. on March 7, the CCTV Main Control Server box, including the Shwe Kyin toll gate in the Mandalay-Madaya Road section of Aungmyaythazan Township, was reportedly blown up. At the same time, they planned to detonate the CCTV Main Server station controlled by the military at the entrance of Mandalay, but due to the presence of civilians around the area, the revolutionary forces canceled the explosive mission and retreated.

These activities were conducted as a warning for the Military Council’s strict control over the entrance areas of Mandalay, and it was also informed that no explosive attacks will be carried out in areas that could harm the public.

The Shwe Taung Pan Operation Team said that the attack was aimed at the main military targets so that the people of Mandalay, which is dominated by the military council forces, the police and Pyu Saw Htee, would not be indifferent. As guerilla warfare comrades, they informed the public that they will explode and attack in the city whenever there is a chance, and that they will never remain dormant.

The operation was carried out simultaneously by comrades from Mandalay of Aung Si Taw’s Golden Wing Operation, and after the mission was completed, the revolutionary comrades had already returned to their safe places.

The Aung Si Taw Operation Team has also informed that they will continue to attack the military council that is causing harm to the public and those who are supporting the dictators to prolong their lives.

  1. The NUG cabinet members, including Acting President, will attend the 2024 International Women’s Day celebration
  2. The Union Prime Minister said that the establishment of the local administrative mechanism is a demonstration to the world that it is a legitimate government
  3. The Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration held a meeting with the district people’s administrative bodies
  4. French Ambassador Mr. Jerome Bonnafont met with Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min
  5. Deputy Minister U Maw Tun Aung said that it is a time where those who join the military council are considered enemies of the people
  6. Kyauk A “Ban Jet Fuel Campaign” will be implemented in March 2024 to evade the terrorist military junta’s airstrikes Yit Police Station in Myaung Township was bombed with 4 AIR BOMBS dropped by “Shar Htoo WAW” Technology Fixed Wings Drones
  7. Graduation ceremony of Week 8 military training and arming ceremony of the Magway Regional Command Office were held
  8. U Shwe Min, a militia leader under the military council, died in the Waingmaw Battle
  9. A township-level USDP party executive donated a car to the Black Leopard Force, and the military burned down the house of a military intelligence officer
  10. Attack on CCTV Main Control Server, including Shwe Kyin toll gate in Aungmyaythazan Township, Mandalay

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