Summary of News

  1. Human Rights Minister urges to document those who assist and who will assist in activating the junta’s forced conscription law
  2. NUG’s Representative to Czech Republic U Linn Thant says that Diplomatic Honorary Award he received is an honour given to the Myanmar people
  3. Additional 150 prisoners, including political prisoners, relocate from Myeik Prison to Kawthaung Prison, sparking concerns and disruption for inmates and their families
  4. Death toll in Spring Revolution surpasses 4,603, slain by military junta and affiliates
  5. OCTOPUS organises anti-military dictatorship activity themed ‘Let’s Reunite in Yangon’ in downtown Yangon
  6. Myanmar community in Seoul to stage a protest march condemning military junta’s recent burning of two revolutionary heroes and to pray for fallen heroes of anti-military dictatorship movement in Myanmar
  7. Rakhine State: Captured junta officials confess to killing seven prisoners, including journalist Myat Thu Tun and renowned Rakhine rapper Phoe La Pyae, in Mrauk-U, Rakhine
  8. Rakhine State: At least 10 killed, over 20 injured in military junta’s naval shelling at Sittwe City Market
  9. Rakhine State: Military junta officers held captive by AA condemn junta’s aerial bombardment on Min Phoo hospital, criticising it as “tarnishing Tatmadaw’s reputation”
  10. Sagain Region: Military junta forces torch Taung Ywa Thit village in Pale Township twice in a single day, looting civilian belongings
  11. Sagaing Region: Drone attack targets Pyu Saw Htee camp in Taw Pu village in Moywa township, killing three and injuring two

1. Human Rights Minister urges to document those who assist and who will assist in activating the junta’s forced conscription law 

Union Minister for Human Rights under the National Unity Government (NUG), U Aung Myo Min, addressed rising concerns regarding the activation of forced conscription laws during an interview with PVTV on February 25. He acknowledged the anxiety among youths, especially given the rule of violent criminals like the Myanmar military, which acts without regard for the law. Minister Aung Myo Min urged youths, the primary targets of such laws, to remain calm and strategize ways to avoid them. He encouraged them to prepare and seek information about their options, noting the ongoing efforts of the NUG to provide support in this regard.

Minister Aung Myo Min also encouraged the public to gather information on those involved in extorting money or assisting in the compilation of recruitment lists under the junta’s orders. He urged cooperation with efforts to resist these actions and cautioned youths fleeing abroad to be vigilant against falling victim to criminal gangs.

Furthermore, Minister Aung Myo Min stressed the significance of collecting credible information to present to the international community. Minister Aung Myo Min highlighted the public as a key source of such information and urged them to collaborate in this information-gathering effort, as it serves as a powerful tool to expose its systematic commission of war crimes internationally and so that the international community can halt the junta’s actions.

The military junta initiated the activation of the conscription law, initially enacted by the previous regime in 2010, on February 10. The law is set to come into effect in April.

2. NUG’s Representative to Czech Republic U Linn Thant says that Diplomatic Honorary Award he received is an honour given to the Myanmar people

U Linn Thant, the National Unity Government’s Liaison Officer to the Czech Republic, during an interview, reflected on the Diplomatic Honorary Award presented to him by the Irish diplomatic monitoring group, “Diplomacy in Ireland – European Diplomat.” He expressed that this recognition is not solely an accolade for himself but also for the people of Myanmar, highlighting their leadership in the ongoing revolution. He stated, “Indeed, I am merely a conduit for conveying the voices of the people of Myanmar to the rest of the world. Therefore, this award is essentially an honour from the international community for the people of Myanmar. In reality, the revolution is being led by the public themselves.” He also said that he received the award unexpectedly and did not engage in any particular diplomatic endeavours to earn it.

The announcement of U Linn Thant’s selection for the Diplomatic Service Medal with Honours was made by “Diplomacy in Ireland – European Diplomat” on February 25.

3. Additional 150 prisoners, including political prisoners, relocate from Myeik Prison to Kawthaung Prison, sparking concerns and disruption for inmates and their families

According to a report from the Political Prisoners Network Myanmar (PPNM), an additional 150 prisoners, including political prisoners, were transferred from Myeik Prison to Kawthaung Prison in the Tanintharyi Region. The transfer, conducted via ships, started at 3:00 a.m. on February 28. Among the prisoners, there were reportedly 100 males and 50 females. This marks the second such transfer in February, following a previous transfer on February 14, when around 100 political prisoners were relocated from Myeik Prison to Kawthaung Prison via the water route. The PPNM stated that they had received information suggesting that at least 350 prisoners from Myeik Prison would be transferred in February.

Military analysts speculate that this move may be an attempt to impede the military and political momentum in the Tanintharyi Region. This speculation arises from the fact that military junta forces have faced setbacks in the region since early February due to attacks and offensives by revolutionary forces targeting their columns and military installations.

4. Death toll in Spring Revolution surpasses 4,603, slain by military junta and affiliates

According to the February 28 briefing by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), since the attempted coup on February 1, 2021, up to February 28, 2024, a total of 4,603 individuals, including pro-democracy activists, human rights defenders, and other civilians, have been unjustly killed by the military junta and pro-military groups during the Spring Revolution. Additionally, the AAPP mentioned that there are still approximately 1,000 deceased individuals whose names remain unknown and require verification.

Furthermore, the AAPP reported that a total of 26,202 civilians have been arrested by the military junta during this period, with 20,154 individuals currently remaining in detention. Among those detained, 8,823 individuals have been serving sentences.

5. OCTOPUS organises anti-military dictatorship activity themed ‘Let’s Reunite in Yangon’ in downtown Yangon

On February 29, the OCTOPUS youth group conducted an anti-military dictatorship guerrilla activity in downtown Yangon and other densely populated areas of the city under the theme “Let’s Reunite in Yangon.” As part of the activities commemorating the third anniversary of OCTOPUS’s establishment, its members wore shirts bearing the slogan “Let’s Reunite in Yangon” during the activity.

The activity symbolised the anticipated reunion with individuals who have fled to liberated regions within Myanmar or other countries to escape the military junta’s tactics, including kidnappings and forced conscriptions into the army as human shields, as well as political prisoners held in detention and revolutionary fighters, as stated by the group.

6. Myanmar community in Seoul to stage a protest march condemning military junta’s recent burning of two revolutionary heroes and to pray for fallen heroes of anti-military dictatorship movement in Myanmar

The Myanmar community in Seoul, South Korea, is set to organize a protest march on March 3, 2024, outside the Myanmar embassy under junta control in South Korea. The demonstration aims to condemn the military junta’s heinous killing of two revolutionary heroes in Myauk Khin Yan village, Sagaing Region, and to pray for all the fallen heroes of the ongoing anti-military dictatorship movement in Myanmar. Organised by the Myanmar Federal Democracy Mission Collection (MFDMC) and other groups, the protest march seeks to raise awareness and condemn the atrocities committed by the junta.

Last year, on November 7, two young revolutionary fighters from the Yaw Defence Force (YDF) were subjected to a brutal execution, being burned alive in public after being hanged from a tree by junta soldiers and the junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militia in Myauk Khin Yan village, Gangaw township, Sagaing Region. A video capturing the atrocity recently surfaced on social media platforms.

7. Rakhine State: Captured junta officials confess to killing seven prisoners, including journalist Myat Thu Tun and renowned Rakhine rapper Phoe La Pyae, in Mrauk-U, Rakhine

The junta’s officials—Major Thein Htike Soe of the Rear Company Commander of the 378th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB-378), Deputy Police Chief Khin Maung Soe of the Mrauk-U District Police Force, and Captain Arkar Myint—who were taken captive along with the base of LIB-378 by the Arakan Army (AA), have confessed to their involvement in the unlawful execution of seven Rakhine prisoners, including journalist Myat Thu Tun (also known as Phoe Thiha) and renowned Rakhine rapper Phoe La Pyae (also known as Kyaw Zan Wai) in Mrauk-U, Rakhine State. These confessions were disclosed in three separate videos released by the AA on February 29.  

The AA previously reported on February 11 that the bodies of the seven Rakhine prisoners were discovered in a bomb shelter within the LIB-378 headquarters in Mrauk-U. Prior to their execution on January 23, the prisoners had been detained at the Mrauk-U District police station before being transferred to the LIB-378 headquarters in late December after the AA launched an offensive against the police station.

According to Captain Arkar Myint’s video confession, he received an order from Major Thein Htike Soe, conveyed by Lance Corporal Than Aung, to kill the prisoners. He stated that District Police Chief Khin Maung Soe authorised the order when he reported it, assuring him he would handle any repercussions. Captain Arkar Myint then allowed Lance Corporal Than Aung, who had conveyed Major Thein Htike Soe’s order to him and suggested killing the victims in the bomb shelter, to follow through with the order, use a firearm to terminate them, and bury the bodies appropriately. In his video confession, Captain Arkar Myint expressed that he was following “orders from above” against his own will and apologised to the families of the victims.

Major Thein Htike Soe also admitted to instructing Lance Corporal Than Aung and his team to inform Captain Arkar Myint of the execution order while receiving medical treatment at the LIB-377 clinic, although the motive behind the instruction was not disclosed. District Police Chief Khin Maung Soe also confessed that when he received a report from Captain Arkar Myint about the execution order from Major Thein Htike Soe around 2:00 p.m. on January 23, he agreed to comply with the order, indicating he would address the issue later.

8. Rakhine State: At least 10 killed, over 20 injured in military junta’s naval shelling at Sittwe City Market

According to reports from local news sources, the military junta’s naval forces launched artillery shelling on the City Market of Sittwe, the capital of Rakhine State, this morning, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 civilians and injuries to over 20 others. The incident occurred at 8:30 a.m. local time, as reported by Western News, a local media outlet in Rakhine State. Some of the shells fired by the junta’s navy struck and exploded within the crowded City Market, leading to a significant number of casualties, including women and children. Witnesses stated that the injured individuals were rushed to Sittwe General Hospital for treatment.

The Arakan Army (AA) has cautioned the public to avoid crowded places due to the consistent targeting of non-military sites by the military junta, particularly as they face setbacks in Rakhine State.

9. Rakhine State: Military junta officers held captive by AA condemn junta’s aerial bombardment on Min Phoo hospital, criticising it as “tarnishing Tatmadaw’s reputation”

Lieutenant Colonel Nay Lin Tun, the commander of the 299th Infantry Battalion, expressed criticism of the military junta’s aerial bombardment of Min Phoo village hospital in Minbya township, Rakhine State, in a video released by the Arakan Army (AA) today. He denounced the targeting of a non-military facility, especially a hospital where civilians and wounded soldiers received medical treatment, stating that such actions damage the reputation of the Tatmadaw. Having recently been discharged from the Min Phoo village hospital after receiving medical care, he reflected on the potential consequences, remarking, “If I were still in the hospital during the bombing attack, my life may have been lost there too.”

According to the release of the AA, the general hospital located in Min Phoo village, Minbya township, was demolished in an aerial attack by the military junta. The attack, carried out using a fighter jet, involved the deployment of highly destructive bombs around 1:45 a.m. on February 27.

Similarly, Major Zaw Lin Tun, the deputy commander of the 299th Infantry Battalion, who also received treatment at the hospital, conveyed his condemnation of the bombing in a separate video shared by the AA. He emphasised that the hospital served as a vital facility for Myanmar Tatmadaw soldiers, including prisoners of war and those who surrendered, as well as their families and civilians. Major Zaw Lin Tun described the targeting of such a location as an “ugly act” by the Myanmar Tatmadaw and urged those responsible within the military to recognise that such actions are unlawful and diminish the dignity of the military.

Lieutenant Colonel Nay Lin Tun and Major Zaw Lin Tun were captured as prisoners of war after being wounded in a clash with the AA on January 28 while they were en route to reinforce military bases in Minbya. They had just been discharged from the Min Phoo village hospital after receiving medical treatment for their wounds.

10. Sagain Region: Military junta forces torch Taung Ywa Thit village in Pale Township twice in a single day, looting civilian belongings

The Pale Township People’s Administrative Team reported that on February 28, military junta forces stationed in Kan Daunt village conducted raids in Thar Si village and Taung Ywa Thit village in Pale township, Sagaing Region, stealing civilian belongings. The junta forces torched Taung Ywa Thit village twice after looting civilian possessions.

Consequently, residents of the villages in the area have been displaced, facing significant challenges in their living conditions. The township administrative team advised local residents to ensure they have their important documents and valuable possessions with them in case they need to flee for safety.

11. Sagaing Region: Drone attack targets Pyu Saw Htee camp in Taw Pu village in Moywa township, killing three and injuring two

On February 27, the Myaung Special People’s Defence Force (MSPDF), which serves as the 4th Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) in Sagaing District, and allied revolutionary forces conducted a drone strike using “Shar Htoo WAW” technology on a Pyu Saw Htee militia camp in Taw Pu village, Monywa township, Sagaing Region. The camp was occupied by military junta soldiers and junta-backed Pyu Saw Htee militias. The attack involved the use of six grenades, resulting in the deaths of three junta members and injuries to two others.

Unfortunately, during the operation, a fixed-wing drone belonging to the MSPDF was reported lost.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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