Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2024 February 11

“The enemy terrorist military council will crumble over time due to its lack of support and trust from the public,” said Defence Minister U Yee Mon in a message delivered to the graduation ceremony of the NCO training batch 1 run by the No. 1 Military Region, Magway Command Office.

“The enemy’s terrorist military council army is going to gradually collapse. Why is the military, which has immense strength, facing its downfall? The crucial factor lies in its lack of public support and trust. As we analyze the enemy, we must also focus on the factors that make them fall,” the Defence Minister said.

In addition, the Defense Minister added that they must learn from the loss of the enemy and build a force that the public trusts and supports.

ONE DAY Challenge officially announced that they presented a gift to NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min.

ONE DAY Challenge members were able to contribute $2.2 to NUG and were committed to sending it every month. In addition, they are supporting PDF, CDMers, and IDPs.

The Ministry of Labor of the National Unity Government made a clear presentation of the ministry’s activities at the meeting of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH).

On February 9 at 19:00 p.m., the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) regular meeting No. (7/2024) held via video conference, included a briefing plan regarding the work undertaken by the Ministry of Labor of the National Unity Government.

At the meeting, after Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) Chairman U Aung Kyi Nyunt delivered an opening speech, Deputy Minister U Kyaw Ni of the Ministry of Labor explained the structure and policy of the ministry. U Kyaw Ni presented that the policy has the tasks and responsibilities of gaining support for the National Unity Government in the international community, protecting the rights of workers, getting help from entrepreneurs who support the National Unity Government and taking action against entrepreneurs who support the Military Council, democratizing labor laws, international standards, and harmony, and eradicating the Military Council. Then, the Deputy Minister explained the activities being implemented: (a) cooperation with international organizations, including the ILO; (b) protection of labor rights; (c) delivery of livelihood and skill development courses; (d) review and preparation of the labor law framework; (e) activities related to the development of interim public administration; and (f) other activities. Next, he gave a clear presentation about the activities of the Employment Opportunities and Income Growth Committee and the future processes to be carried out.

After that, the attending representatives of the parliament asked questions and made suggestions, and the members of CRPH held discussions regarding the process to be carried out.

Next, the Federal Affairs Committee and the International Relations Committee gave a briefing on the working conditions of each committee, and the members of the Affairs Committee discussed what they wanted to know. The meeting successfully ended after the discussion.

The chairman and members of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), members of the affairs committees, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labor, members and office members attended the meeting.

NUG representative in Korea, U Yan Naing Tun, and CDM Captain Lin Htet Aung attended the 3-year anniversary of the public movement against the military coup held in Bupyeong, Incheon, South Korea.

The demonstration to mark the 3-year anniversary of the public movement was held on February 10 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

The demonstration to mark 3-year anniversary of the public movement against the military coup was led by the Spring Revolution Strike Force together with the Myanmar Federal Democratic Mission Collection (MFDMC).

At the demonstration, they bowed and saluted the martyrs who sacrificed their lives during the Spring Revolution, and opened by reciting the 4 Oaths.

MFDMC chairman U Zaw Moe Aung gave an opening speech, and National Unity Government (NUG) representative for Korea U Yan Naing Tun and CDM Captain Lin Htet Aung also attended and gave revolutionary words.

The Spring Revolution activists organized and spoke revolutionary words, sang revolutionary songs in chorus, recited revolutionary poems, and shouted slogans and chants. More than 300 people gathered together with MFDMC support troops, Korean organizations, and collaborators.

It is reported that the Military Council has enforced the Military Service Law, which was enacted in 2010 during the former dictator U Than Shwe’s military regime, requiring all adults to serve in the military for a maximum of 5 years.

On the night of February 10, the Military Council announced the activation of the People’s Conscription Law through state-controlled media.

According to the law, men between the ages of 18 and 35 and women between the ages of 18 and 27 can be called up to serve in the army for up to 2 years, and the period of military service can be extended up to 5 years in an emergency. Men aged 18 to 45 years old and women aged 18 to 35 years old who are doctors, engineers, industrial graduates (or any other advanced education) can be called up by the military to serve in the military for at least 3 years.

In addition, the law stipulates that those who refuse to serve in the military will be imprisoned for 3 to 5 years.

Only those who have been certified by the military as not being in good health, military council employees, those who are studying, those who are feeding the elderly who have no one to take care of them, those who are receiving medical treatment to quit drugs, and those who are serving prison terms can temporarily evade the military service law.

Furthermore, individuals who are religious personnel, married women, individuals with permanent disabilities, those with a military certificate indicating poor health, and individuals exempted from military service by the Central People’s Conscription Committee have been notified that they will be exempted from military service.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army PNLA has announced that, due to the complicated military situation in Hsihseng Township in southern Shan State, roads connecting Hsig Khaung-Hsihseng, including the Union  Highway and the forest roads, are temporarily blocked. The PNLA issued a notice on the evening of February 10 to inform the public that the military situation in Hsihseng Township is currently complicated and the terrorist military is attacking with aircrafts.

Since January 22 of this year, fighting has been going on in Hsihseng Town and nearby villages. The military council and its allies have been firing heavy weapons and conducting aerial bombardment, and local people have also been killed.

It was also informed that the current period is a very complicated battle period with a tense military situation, so the use of the roads has to be temporarily blocked.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army PNLA has warned not to use the Union Highway connecting Hsig Khaung to Hsihseng Town, the village roads on the east and west sides of the Union Road that can be accessed from around Hsig Khaung to Hsihseng Town, and the forest roads connecting Kakku to the western parts of Hsihseng Town.

The Pa’O National Liberation Army PNLA has warned people not to use these notified routes in order to avoid causing unwanted harm in a very complicated military situation, and it will issue further notices at the appropriate time.

It was reported on February 9 that the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) medic corps provided health care to local people in the village.

It is reported that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) went to the local people from the villages in the No. 1 Military Area and provided health care to about 100 people, including the elderly.

It is reported that the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has provided food, rice, cooking oil, and medicine to the people fleeing the war in Mongmit Township in the past few days.

Mandalay District Battalion-6 NDA MDY announced that at least 8 soldiers were killed when the people’s defense joint forces attacked a terrorist military council base in Myauk Kyun Village, Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region.

It is reported that the people’s defense joint forces attacked a terrorist military council base in Myauk Kyun Village, Myingyan Township, on February 5 for more than 2 hours.

“When the people’s defense joint forces entered the camp to capture the camp, the military council troops in A Naint Village, Myingyan Township, attacked with 80 mm and dropped bombs with drones, so we were unable to capture the camp and had to retreat without being harmed,” NDA MDY informed.

The Mandalay District Battalion-6 stated, “We had to retreat due to an unexpected force, but the allied forces will completely crush the military council soldiers, the police, and the Pyu Saw Htee members under them.”

A total of more than 20 allied forces attacked the terrorist military council base in Myauk Kyun Village alongside the Mandalay District’s No. 6 Battalion.

According to Brother Defense Force, the Yinmarbin District Battalion 16 Company 1, 6 Pyu Saw Htee members were killed, and the camp was burned down in an attack and capture of Pyu Camp in Kanywar, Mingin Township, Sagaing Division.

On February 8, at around 5:50 a.m., the revolutionary forces attacked and occupied the Pyu Camp in Kanywar. 6 Pyu Saw Htee members in the camp were reportedly killed, and the rest fled towards Taung Yar Taw (Pyu) Village.

“6 Pyu bodies were found. About 35 Pyu members were seriously injured and fled towards Taung Yar Taw (Pyu) Village. The Pyu Camp was burned down. No weapons were seized,” said an official from the Yinmarbin District Battalion 16 Company 1 – Brother Defense Force.

He also said that after the capture of Pyu Saw Htee Camp, the people as well as domestic cattle were rescued, and public property was properly handed over to the people.

It is reported that the attack was carried out by BNRA, Mingin Student Revolutionary Force SRF, Mae Maung Gyi Artillery Force, Chindwin Spring Revolutionary Force, GTF, and allied brothers together with Brother Defense Force – Yinmarbin District Battalion 16 Company 1.

An official of Myaing Township PaKaFa said that 9 junta soldiers were killed when the military council convoy that was delivering food to Kanni Pyu Saw Htee Village in Myaing Township, Magway Division, was repeatedly intercepted.

On February 7, the military council convoy from IB-258 in Myaing Township that was delivering food to Kanni Pyu Saw Htee Village was intercepted once at 9:30 a.m. and once at around 11:00 a.m. As a result of the attack, at least 7 junta soldiers might have been killed and others injured. On the same day (February 7) at around 1:30 p.m., the revolutionary forces attacked that column again with snipers, and 2 soldiers were killed.

In addition, on February 8 (the next day) at around 10:13 a.m., the military council column and the revolutionary forces clashed again, and 5 military council soldiers were seriously injured and were then transported to the hospital in the town.

Then on February 10, at about 2:30 p.m., the revolutionary forces attacked the junta column again with 6 mines and drones with fixed wings, and the clash lasted for about 10 minutes.

Therefore, Myaing PaKaFa has issued a warning to the people to always listen to the news about the movements of the military council soldiers and stay alert, as the terrorist military council column that suffered a lot of damage may arrest civilians, kill them, and burn down civilians’ houses.

It is reported that the attack was cooperatively carried out by Myaing PaKaFa battalions, platoons, and squads, and Pakokku District Battalions 2, 6, 7, and 17.

It is reported that a civilian was injured when the military council troops arrested civilians and forced them to clear landmines with their bare hands in Chaung-U Township, Sagaing Division.

On February 10, around 8:30 a.m., about 300 soldiers from the Northwestern Regional Military Command Headquarters (Monywa) who came to clear landmines near Yadanar Aung gas station in the entrance of Chaung-U Township in a passenger car, raided Khin Mon Village, arrested about 20 civilians along the Monywa-Mandalay road, and forced them to clear the landmines.

About 20 people who were arrested were forced to search for and clear landmines near the school exit to the north of Khin Mon Village. At 9:30 a.m., another 8 people who were sitting at a tea shop near Khin Mon Village were arrested again and forced to clear mines on the road south of Khin Mon Village.

In forcing the civilians for demining, they were forced to remove them by bare hand without safety protection, anti-handling device demining machines, and even there was no wire cutter, so they were asked to tear them with their mouths, according to a PDF comrade based in Chaung-U Township. He added that a civilian was also injured by a mine while demining and that his condition was not critical.

Then, at around 10:45 a.m., the military council troops released the people who had been arrested to force them to clear the mines, took the dismantled mines, and entered the Mya Pale Gate at the entrance of Chaung-U Town.

On February 9, the Mandalay People’s Defence Force informed that a member of the military council defected along with weapons and he was given reward.

It is said that a reward was given to a member of the military council who defected to the Mandalay People’s Defence Force along with one MA-3 rifle, 3 magazines, and 250 rounds of ammunition.

The Mandalay People’s Defence Force has also informed that the soldiers of the military council who want to side with the people and enter the legal fold are warmly welcomed.

  1. “The enemy terrorist military council will crumble over time due to its lack of support and trust from the public,” said the defense minister.
  2. ONE DAY Challenge presented a gift to NUG Human Rights Minister U Aung Myo Min
  3. The Ministry of Labor of the National Unity Government presented the ministry’s activities to the meeting of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH)
  4. NUG representative in Korea, U Yan Naing Tun, and CDM Captain Lin Htet Aung attended the 3-year anniversary of the public movement against the military coup held in Bupyeong, Incheon, South Korea
  5. The Military Council enforced the military service law for adults, which can imprison anyone up to 5 years if they refuse to join the military
  6. Due to the complicated military situation, roads connecting Hsig Khaung-Hsihseng, including the Union  Highway and the forest roads, are temporarily blocked
  7. People’s Liberation Army medic corps provides health care to the villagers
  8. At least 8 soldiers were killed in an attack on the military council base in Myauk Kyun Village, Myingyan Township
  9. During the battle to take over the Pyu Camp in Kanywar, 6 Pyu Saw Htee members were killed, and the camp was burned down
  10. The military council convoy that was delivering food to Kanni Pyu Saw Htee Village in Myaing Township was repeatedly intercepted, killing 9 junta soldiers
  11. In Chaung-U Township, the military council troops arrested civilians and forced them to clear mines
  12. Defense forces bombarded the military council troops, who were hiding between Chaukkan and Letpankan villages in Pakokku Township, with RC Planes

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