Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 15

The formation of the Advisory Board for the Ministry of Human Rights was announced. On January 14, the Ministry of Human Rights announced the Advisory Board.

“We are confident that their diverse expertise and commitment to human rights will significantly contribute to our mission,” it stated.

The Advisory Board of the Ministry of Human Rights was composed of Daw Khin Lay, Hkawm Nway Oo, Daw May Pale Thwe, Daw Hayman, and Jaivet Ealom.

U Nay Phone Latt, spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office of the National Unity Government, said that the howitzers seized from the terrorist military could be reused in the operation.

In January, in Episode 11of the “Spring Lattice” program, National Unity Government Prime Minister’s Office spokesperson U Nay Phone Latt said.

“Can we shoot back with the seized howitzers? Yes, we can. However, there’s a caveat. The revolutionary forces cannot use them in the same reckless manner as the terrorist military, aimlessly firing at anyone. We must carefully calculate and fire howitzer. We have experts who are skilled in operating and maintaining these weapons. There are many experts who will do it. I have to say that the howitzer missions that will shoot them with their weapons will be coming soon,” he said.

Currently, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence’s PDF Comrades are fighting alongside their allies.

On January 14, the township PaKaFa issued a warning that effective measures would be taken against those who helped form militias in the ward/villages in Minhla Township, Thayarwaddy District, Bago Division.

The township people’s defense force has issued a warning aimed at those who are forcefully recruiting people to form militias in Minhla Township. It is said that the terrorist military council is gathering manpower in local villages to form militias under the pretext of protecting their community. The township PaKaFa informed that the recruitment of manpower is not to protect the public but to force them to serve in the terrorist military.

The Minhla Township People’s Defense Force warned those who are putting pressure on the local people and recruiting people for the military council not to continue if they value their lives, and those who do not comply will be punished.

In addition, because the military council troops are marching in the Yoma area, which belongs to Minhla Township, the public is also informed not to travel and live near the military council troops, as there is a possibility of contact battles.

A public strike was held with the slogan “Our faith cannot be burned” in Launglon Township.

On January 14, the Dawei District Democracy Movement Strike Committee (DDMSC) organized a public strike against the military regime under the slogan “Our faith cannot be burned.” The movement was held in Launglon Township and was carried out with the participation of the public, including local women and youth.

The terrorist military council troops launched offensives for 18 days from December 27 to January 13 and burned about 140 houses in some villages in Launglon Township.

Black Dragon GBK-PDF announced that they attacked a military council column that was gathering people for militia training in Okpho Township, Thayarwaddy District, western Bago Division, and rescued more than 30 local people.

It is reported that the attack took place on January 13 at around 3:00 p.m. when the military council column was gathering local people of Kani Village and Sin Te Kone Village belonging to the Waing Village Tract in Okpho Township, to attend militia training.

Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3802 Company 6 – Black Dragon (GBK-PDF) and Thayarwaddy District Battalion 3801 Company 1 – YOMA (GBK-PDF) reported that they attacked with 40 mm while the military council troops were gathering people since military council administrators of Kani Village and Sin Te Kone Village did not gather people for them.

Yoma Nagar from the Black Dragon GBK-PDF group, said that they were able to evacuate more than 30 local people gathered for militia training by taking advantage of the fact that the military council troops panicked because of the ambush. During the attack, there was an exchange of fire between the Military Council forces and the People’s Defense Forces for about 1 hour.

The Black Dragon (GBK-PDF) reported that an investigation is ongoing to confirm the casualties of the military council soldiers in that battle, and that a comrade from the People’s Defense Forces was injured in the forearm.

On the night of January 14, the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) announced that the military council troops in Mogok, Mandalay Region, and Lashio, Northern Shan State, had continued to fire heavy artillery without fighting.

The statement was issued on January 11 regarding the military council’s continued air and heavy weapons attacks although the Ta’ang, Kokang, and Arakan Army and the Military Council have reached a cease-fire in northern Shan State.

It is said that the military council troops stationed in Phyu Yaung Village, Mogok Township, TNLA Brigade 2 Military Area, fired heavy artillery on the morning of January 14 towards the area between Upper Nyaung Kone and Kone San villages.

In addition, military council troops in Lashio Township, TNLA Brigade 6 Military Area, fired 4 times with heavy weapons in the vicinity of Nakun Village where the Ta’ang Army TNLA is located.

Similarly, in Muse, TNLA Brigade 1 Military Area, the military council has once again sent reinforcements, weapons and ammunition by support helicopters.

On January 14, Momeik District K-PDF (Kachin Region) confirmed that joint revolutionary forces attacked hydropower sub-office in Mongmit Township where the junta troops were stationed, killing 7 junta soldiers.

“Kachin Independence Army (K.I.A) Battalion 34, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front – ABSDF (Student Army), Allied No. (34) K – PDF Battalion joint forces attacked the hydropower sub-office in Ohnchaw New Village, Momeik Township, on January 11 and captured it at 9:20 a.m.,” it stated.

It is reported that 7 members of the military council were killed, 7 were injured, and 5 escaped during the camp capture battle.

The Pakokku Special Guerrilla Force confirmed on January 14 that they attacked the Pakokku District Police Station and the Thread Mill Gate using Drones with Fix Wings.

It is said that on January 11 and 13, the Pakokku District Police Station and the Thread Mill Gate where the junta soldiers were stationed in the east of Pakokku were bombed using Drones with Fix Wings. In the attack, the bombs fell directly on the bunkers of the junta troops and the barracks, resulting in casualties among the junta soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee.

The operation was carried out by Pakokku Township PaKaFa Company 1, Pakokku Special Guerrilla Force-PSGF (PaKaFa), Pakokku – Special Task Force (PaKaFa) and allied forces including Myaylatt Guerrilla Force-MRG, Pakokku District Battalion – 3, Pakokku District Battalion – 10, Pakokku District Battalion – 14, 3 Brotherhood People’s Defense Force, Bagan – Nyaung U Special Task Force and Kingsman UG Force.

On January 13, Sagaing District Medical Team (SDMT) informed about the ground situation.

“On January 13, the junta troops raided and opened fire on Paukkar Village in Sagaing Township, injuring a woman with shrapnel. More than 60 houses were burned down due to the junta’s arson. An elderly woman who was unable to escape was killed in the fire,” it stated.

In addition, it is reported that a man who was taken hostage was also killed.

On January 14, Young Force – UG officially announced that Pakokku Township PaKaFa Company 2 equipped with weapons for the comrades who graduated from refresher training.

“On January 13, these are the scenes of Pakokku Township PaKaFa Company 2 comrades graduating from refresher training. Though it has been a long time since they have been serving under the MOD from the local PDF, we just now disclosed it to the public,” it stated.

It is reported that Company 2 is made up of up to 8 squads, and military equipment is officially handed over to the comrades at the graduation ceremony.

  1. Formation of the Advisory Board for the Ministry of Human Rights
  2. Howitzers seized from the terrorist military can be reused in operations
  3. PaKaFa warned that effective action will be taken against those who helped form militias in Minhla Township
  4. A public strike held with the slogan “Our faith cannot be burned” in Launglon Township
  5. Attacked the military council troops who were gathering people for militia training in Okpho Township and rescued more than 30 people
  6. TNLA stated that military council troops in Mogok and Lashio attacked with heavy weapons
  7. Joint revolutionary forces attacked the hydropower sub-office in Mongmit Township where the junta troops were stationed, killing 7 junta soldiers
  8. Pakokku District Police Station and Thread Mill Gate were attacked using Drones with Fix Wings
  9. Sagaing Township’s Paukkar Village was rampaged by the junta troops and houses were burned down
  10. Pakokku Township PaKaFa Company 2 comrades graduating from refresher course were armed

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