Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 January 7

Union Minister Dr. Sasa, Ministry of International Cooperation, stated this in his New Year Message on January 1.

“Since the attempted coup on February 1, 2021, Myanmar has witnessed the loss of 4273 innocent lives, 25656 unjust arrests, and the destruction of over 90,000 homes. More than 2.6 million people face homelessness, and nearly 19 million are in dire need of humanitarian assistance,” the minister stated.

The minister also reiterated, “We renew our gratitude to the countries and people around the world who have helped Myanmar in this darkest moment of her history.”

In her New Year’s greetings, Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung urged people to destroy characteristics such as corruption, discrimination, and bullying along with the overthrow of the military dictatorship.

“With the overthrow of the military dictatorship, we must move forward with the belief of building a good community for future generations while destroying the military junta’s characteristics such as corruption, discrimination, and tyranny. Throughout the difficult journey of revolution, we must embrace diversity, protect the rights of all citizens, and build a country together that can develop a culture of peace and harmony,” the Deputy Minister said.

In addition, starting from the occasion of the New Year, the Deputy Minister urged to work together to build a bright future country where all citizens can live without fear, and discrimination (or oppression).

 On January 6, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., the third interim meeting of the Second Central Committee of the National League for Democracy was held.

A total of 93 people attended the meeting, including 40 central committee members, reserve central committee members, regional and state executives, and central affairs committees.

It is reported that, including the work report of the Central Work Committee, recommendation documents from various central committees by states and regions, and recommendation documents from the central affairs committees have been submitted.

The attending members discussed matters such as working for the speedy release of all political prisoners without exception, including the unjustly arrested President of the National League for Democracy, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, considering the actual situation of the ethnic groups, establishing effective procedures for building mutual trust by increasing relations, and increasing practical coordination among political forces to root out the common enemy through understanding and unity. The work report of the Central Work Committee was approved, and the recommended documents submitted and the first draft of the Transitional Constitution were recorded.

It is reported that the weapons equipped by the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government were handed over to the joint column of the People’s Defence Forces.

It was confirmed that the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government delivered weapons to the joint column of the People’s Defence Forces of Myeik District, Tanintharyi Division via regional officer in charge, regional deputy-in-charge, Column Commander, and Deputy Column Commander on January 6.

At the arming ceremony, Comrade STAR, regional officer in charge, gave an opening speech, and said that the joint columns should act in accordance with the military objectives of the National Unity Government, strengthen warrior ethics and obedience to orders, and conduct and behave as the soldiers that the people rely on when dealing with the public.

Then, the regional deputy-in-charge (Military), and the column commander of the joint column of the People’s Defense Forces gave speeches and handed over weapons, and the ceremony was held successfully.

On January 6, the Spring Development Bank announced the annual interest rates to save and earn interest on fixed deposits.

“For those who are preparing to save money with full financial goals in the new year, Spring Bank has established a perfect financial system and annual interest rates to save and earn interest on fixed deposits. If you want to deposit a fixed deposit, you can start depositing an amount equal to the minimum of $100 according to the relevant currency. You can choose the amount and time period you want to deposit through the Fixed Deposit Tab of the Spring Bank account, and click Invest Now to make the deposit. Once the savings period is over, wait for 48 hours. Then, you can withdraw the interest back to your bank account,” it stated.

Spring Development Bank is the number one digital bank with the most complete financial system in Myanmar, and within the next 2 years, it aims to provide services to more than 2 million users with a roadmap that will develop projects for the public’s political and social interests and to manage revenue equivalent to 500 million US dollars.

On January 6, the Karen National Union (KNU) – headquarters informed that three civilians were killed due to the heavy artillery firing by the terrorist military council in Moo Township of KNU Administrative Area.

It stated that three civilians were killed in targeted attacks on civilians by the terrorist military council with heavy artillery firing in Moo Township, Kler Lwee Htu District, Kawthoolei Administrative Area of KNU Brigade 3. In addition, the terrorist military council is continuously conducting air strikes in order to deliver food and ammunition to its troops in Natthankwin.

On January 4, at 3:15 p.m., the LIB-307 of the terrorist military council fired 120-mm heavy artillery into Thit Cha Seik Village in Phyu Township, and due to the explosion of the shell, three civilians—17-year-old Maung Zwe Htet, 41-year-old U Aung Tin Win, and 35-year-old Daw Hnyat Si—were injured by the shrapnel.

On January 5, 2024, the terrorist military council’s jet fighters from Taungoo Air Force conducted air raids with 3 bombs and airstrikes 3 times between 7:15 a.m. and 7:27 a.m. On the afternoon, another air raid with 1 bomb and 6 rockets and airstrike were conducted between 10:11 a.m. to 10:14 a.m. On the evening, one Mi-2 helicopter from Taungoo Air Force delivered 8 packs of food and ammunition into Natthankwin between 5:37 p.m. to 5:45 p.m.

On January 6, TNLA confirmed that the military council army conducted several airstrikes in the new village of Konehsar, Namtu Township, Brigade (4) Military Area, Ta’ang State.

“At around 3:20 p.m. on January 5, the military council attacked the village twice with Jet Fighters, and once with Y12. On January 4, at 9:00 p.m., the military council attacked again once with Jet Fighter,” it stated.

As a result of the military council’s airstrikes, 1 resident from Manhsar Village and 1 Ta’ang Army TNLA comrade were injured by bullets and 5 houses were destroyed.

Last December, there were 2 attacks by the military council army with heavy weapons and jet fighters.

On January 6, TNLA confirmed that a battle took place between the military council troops and Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA + MDY PDF joint forces in Kyauk Mae Lay Village, Nawnghkio Township.

“There was a battle between the military council troops and Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA + MDY PDF joint forces in Kyauk Mae Lay Village, Nawnghkio Township, Brigade (2) military area,” it stated.

It is said that the military council in Nawnghkio Township, Brigade 2 military area, attacked the area of the battle 2 times with Mi35, 2 times with Jet Fighters, and 4 times with Jet Fighters near Loihseng Mountain.

Currently, the Mandalay People’s Defense Force is jointly conducting operations with the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA.

A policewoman from Kani Myoma police station and her family reportedly defected to the People’s Embrace with a grenade.

On January 6, the Anti-dictatorship People’s Revolution Army (ADRPA) announced, “On January 3, 2024, Ma Zin Mar Lwin, who was a police officer at Kani Township’s Myoma police station, took a grenade and her family to the People’s Embrace.

We welcomed the defected policewoman, Ma Zin Mar Lwin, and her family and gave them a reward. We have asked for their wishes and arranged according to their wishes.”

US-based NYCBC announced on January 6 that a public rally will be held in New York City, “the 3rd anniversary of the failure of the military coup with the resistance war.”

“We all know that the failure of the military coup from February 2021 until now is the result of the resistance of the people of Myanmar, both domestically and abroad, the people’s government and ethnic armed organizations, in politics and in the military. To encourage our brothers and sisters who are fighting against the monsters of war and brutal battles at home, and to continue to express the true will of the Myanmar people to the international community, on February 3 in New York City’s Times Square, we will hold a public rally “3 years of the failure of the military coup with resistance war.”

  1. Myanmar has witnessed the loss of 4273 innocent lives, 25656 unjust arrests, and the destruction of over 90,000 homes due to the genocidal military junta
  2. Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung urged to destroy characteristics such as corruption, discrimination, and bullying along with overthrowing the military dictatorship
  3. The third interim meeting of the Second Central Committee of the National League for Democracy was held
  4. The weapons equipped by the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government were handed over to the joint column of the People’s Defence Force
  5. Spring Development Bank announced the annual interest rates to save and earn interest on fixed deposits
  6. Three civilians were killed due to the heavy artillery firing by the terrorist military council in Moo Township of KNU Administrative Area
  7. In the new village of Konehsar, Namtu Township, the military council army repeatedly attacked with airstrikes without a fight, destroying houses and injuring some residents 
  8. The military council troops and Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA + MDY PDF joint forces clashed in Kyauk Mae Lay Village, Nawnghkio Township
  9. A female police officer from Kani Township police station and her family defected to the People’s Embrace
  10. In New York, USA, “The 3rd anniversary of the failure of the military coup with the resistance war” public rally will be held

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