Summary of News

1. National Unity Government Issues Announcement Regarding Renewal of Consultant Licenses for Third Parties or Organizations Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments or Initial Environmental Examinations

On December 26, the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) released a statement concerning the renewal of consultant licenses for third persons or organizations undertaking environmental impact assessment or initial environmental examination. This applies to those who obtained Transitional Consultant Registration (TCR) or submitted applications prior to February 1, 2021.

The announcement stated that individuals from organizations that did not manage to renew their licenses are eligible to apply for individual licenses, even if they do not have a Transitional Consultant Registration (TCR). The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation (MONREC) specified the necessary licensing fees, set at 500,000 kyat for persons and 1,500,000 kyat for organizations. The term of the license will align with the tenure for which the National Unity Government is responsible.

MONREC warned that individuals, organizations, and members of those organizations failing to renew their TCR licenses face blacklisting. Reports on environmental impact assessments or initial environmental examinations from those blacklisted will not be recognized. Only those registered with NUG MONREC will be acknowledged and permitted to proceed with their work. The registration window is scheduled from January 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024, and interested parties can apply through the NUG MONREC website at

2. Three Brotherhood Alliance Calls on All Armed Groups Opposing the Military Junta to Escalate the Revolution

On the 60th day of Operation 1027, which occurred on December 26, the Three Brotherhood Alliance called on all armed groups across the country engaged in fighting against the military junta to intensify their efforts in the ongoing revolution.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance declared that their Operation 1027, during its 60-day duration, has yielded more favorable outcomes than was expected, and allied forces have joined in collaboration and capitalized on the junta’s setbacks to orchestrate battles for the capture of military bases and towns.

The statement emphasized the principles of “one gains only through personal efforts” and “the enemy’s weapons are our weapons,” evidently demonstrated in Operation 1027.

Furthermore, the Three Brotherhood Alliance underscored that promptly defeating the common opponent, the military junta, not only accomplishes the military goals of individual organizations but also fulfills the aspirations of the entire Myanmar population.

3. Allied revolutionary forces secure control of Myitthar Dam on the Magway-Chin border, eliminate four junta troops, and seize firearms and military equipment

Reportedly, the combined revolutionary forces launched an offensive on December 20 against a military junta outpost at Myitthar Dam on the Magway-Chin border in Gangaw Township. The operation, conducted by a coalition of Chin defense forces, including ZZLMS Brothers (an alliance of CDF-Zotung, CDF-Zophei, CDF-Lautu, CDF-Mara, and CDF-Senthang), CDF-Mindat, CDF-KKG (Kalay, Kabaw, Gangaw), Chin National Defence Force (CNDF) of the Chin National Organization (CNO), Gangaw District Battalion of the People’s Defense Force (PDF), Gangaw Township People’s Defense Team (Gangaw Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT), and Unbroken Generation, resulted in the successful capture of the dam on the morning of December 22.

During the operation, according to the statement from the ZZLMS Brothers, four military junta troops were eliminated, and the revolutionary forces successfully seized four firearms, an anti-drone weapon, as well as numerous mines, hand grenades, and ammunition. Tragically, however, one member of CDF-Mindal lost his life during the operation, and some other members of the combined revolutionary forces sustained injuries.

4. Revolutionary forces launch drone attacks on military junta columns and outposts in Myaung and Myingyan Townships

On December 24, revolutionary forces collaborated to launch drone attacks on military junta columns and outposts in Myaung Township within Sagaing Region and Myingyan Township within Mandalay Region.

Members of the Myingyan District Drone Strike (No. 1848 Drone Force) and Team 2 from the Shar Htoo Waw Technology Force jointly deployed fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or remotely piloted aircrafts to launch three grenade attacks on a military junta column that emerged from Kyauk Yit village in Myaung Township for support, according to a spokesperson of the Myingyan District Drone Strike.

Subsequently, after the junta column returned to its outpost in Kyauk Yit village, between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., the combined revolutionary forces utilized drones to drop 23 grenades, targeting the outpost, according to a spokesperson for the Civilian’s Defense and Security Organization of Myaung (CDSOM). The forces involved in the assault comprised the CDSOM 001 Drone Team, Red Dragon Drone Force of the Kyaukse District PDF Battalion, Myingyan District PDF Battalion 2, Myaung Township People’s Security Team (Myaung Pa-La-Fa/PST), Chaung-U Township People’s Security Team (Chaung-U Pa-La-Fa/PST), Myaung Ranger Force (MRF), Monywa District PDF Battalion 15, LACR (Myingyan), 8 Star Group, and the Black Wolf MDY PDF.

Furthermore, in the evening, the combined revolutionary forces, including the CDSOM, executed drone attacks using six grenades on a military junta outpost and guard post in Taloke Myo village, Myingyan Township, at around 5:00 p.m. Collaborating with CDSOM in these attacks were the Red Dragon Drone Force of the Kyaukse District PDF Battalion, Myingyan District PDF Battalion 2, Myaung Township People’s Security Team (Myaung Pa-La-Fa/PST), LACR (Myingyan), 8 Stars Group, Wolf Brother Group (Myaung), and the Black Wolf MDY PDF.

5. Revolutionary forces launch drone attack on the police station in Koke Ke village in Myingyan Township

On December 23, regional revolutionary forces utilized two fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) employing Shar Htoo Waw technology to release ten 600-g grenades onto the police station located in Koke Ke village, Myingyan Township, according to a spokesperson for the Red Dragon (Naga Ni) Guerrilla Force (Myingyan).

“The Koke Ke police station housed roughly 20 individuals. We initiated the attack based on information received, indicating the arrival of an additional 30 military junta troops,” the spokesperson told People’s Spring.

As a consequence of the attack, a spokesperson mentioned that three military junta soldiers and one policeman within the police station lost their lives, with several others sustaining injuries. The spokesperson further noted that one of the UAVs experienced a system failure and crashed near the police station during the operation, but a successful rescue mission was conducted despite the risks involved.

The operation was the collaboration of the Red Dragon (Naga Ni) Guerrilla Force (Myingyan) and the Shwe Gyan Thar Guerrilla Force (Myingyan).

Likewise, on December 21, the combined revolutionary forces, including the Sintkaing Revolution Force (SRF), the Sintkaing Township People’s Defense Team (Sintkaing Pa-Ka-Fa/PDT), the Daung Taman Special Guerrilla Force (Myingyan), the MGN 35 Guerrilla Force, the Red Peacock (Daung Ni) Guerrilla Force, the Ye Gaung Guerrilla Force, and the Shwe Gyoe Phyu People’s Defense Team, launched an artillery attack on Koke Ke police station by busing four 40-mm shells. The Sintkaing Revolution Force claimed that eight junta troops inside the police station were killed and six others injured.

6. Military junta’s violent actions in Nyaunglebin District result in injuries to two civilians, including a child, and property destruction

According to a statement released by the Karen National Union (KNU) headquarters on December 26, the military junta’s violent actions, which included aerial assaults and heavy artillery shelling in Nyaunglebin (KNU’s Kler Lwee Htoo) District in Bago Region, led to the injuries of two civilians, including a child, and extensive property damage.

On December 25, at 2:30 p.m., according to the detailed report in the KNU’s statement, the junta’s Infantry Battalion 264, based in Pein Za Loke, launched a 120-mm artillery shell at Ahhlaing village, exploding within the village and causing significant destruction to properties. Additionally, Infantry Battalion 264 fired further artillery shells at 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.

Furthermore, on December 23 and 24, Infantry Battalion 264 fired a total of 13 artillery shells, employing 81-mm, 120-mm, and 155-mm, targeting the villages of Kyaukyki (KNU’s Ler Doh) Tosnwhip and Shwegyin (KNU’s Hsaw Hti) Township within Nyaunglebin District. In addition, at night, five aerial bombs were dropped by two fighter jets, and five shellings were launched by Infantry Battalion 264 using a howitzer. These attacks resulted in the injury of a 12-year-old child from Inn Balar village.

Likewise, in Moo (Mone) Township in Nyaunglebin District, on December 24, at 7:45 p.m., Infantry Battalion 307, based in Shwe War village, fired a 120-mm artillery shell at Tha Hpan Pin village, causing severe injuries to a 44-year-old man.

7. KNLA-PDF combined forces initiate offensives against junta’s bases in Nat Than Kwin, successfully securing control of the town

According to the updates from PDF Insight, a network reporting on revolutionary battle activities, the combined forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People’s Defense Force (PDF) launched offensives against junta bases in Nat Than Kwin Town, Kyaukki Township, Bago Region, this morning (December 26) at around 5:00 a.m. and successfully gained control of the town.

At present, according to reports, the combined revolutionary forces are engaged in area clearance operations within the town, and the military junta is conducting aerial attacks in an attempt to recapture the area.

On pro-military Telegram channels, there were reports that indicated military bases in Nat Than Kwin Town have been attacked since 5:00 a.m. today, and aerial support is being provided.

Revolutionary forces had previously launched offensives against military junta bases in Nat Than Kwin, including the Nat Than Kwin police station, on December 5, but were unable to secure control of those bases and subsequently retreated.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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