Summary of News

1. Allied PDF forces capture the junta’s Naung Gyi Aing police station in Sagaing, resulting in the deaths of 18 junta troops

The Ministry of Defense of the National Unity Government announced on December 25 that the combined forces of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) and local-based People’s Defense Teams (Pa-Ka-Fa/PDTs) successfully attacked the junta police station in Naung Gyi Aing village, Ayadaw Township, Sagaing Region, where junta soldiers and police were jointly deployed.

The junta soldiers had been deployed and stationed at Naung Gyi Aing police station since September 10, 2021, and had carried out criminal activities such as torching villages, arresting and killing civilians, and stealing civilian belongings.

Starting on November 2, 2023, after relocating local residents to safety, the combined defense forces surrounded the police station housing about 32 junta soldiers and policemen and conducted continuous attacks day and night. During the attacks, roughly 18 junta members were reportedly killed. Subsequently, on December 27, the remaining junta members abandoned the village police station.

Following that, the combined defense forces carried out area clearances and burned down the police station.

The collaborative effort involved in the operation included the Ayadaw Township People’s Defense Team, village defense teams, as well as Monywa District PDF Battalions 6, 18, 19, 24, and 26.

2. NUG Union Minister of Human Rights reaffirms his dedication to the country and its people

Union Minister U Aung Myo Min of Human Rights in the National Unity Government expressed his unwavering dedication to the country and its people, stating on social media, “Always trying my best… not for the name, but for the country and its citizens… not for ego, but for belief and dignity.”

Currently, the Ministry of Human Rights in the National Unity Government is actively working to prosecute human rights violations and war crimes perpetrated by the military junta in international courts.

3. Military junta’s artillery attacks claim three lives and injure five in Mrauk-U, and 10 civilians were arbitrarily arrested on Christmas Eve

On December 24, the Three Brotherhood Alliance, in its update on Day 59 of Operation 1027, reported that the military junta has consistently conducted deliberate attacks and arbitrary arrests of civilians. Specifically, in Mrauk-U Township, Rakhine State, on December 24 alone, the military junta’s artillery strikes resulted in the deaths of three civilians and injuries to five others. Additionally, the military junta carried out the arbitrary arrest of 10 civilians in Mrauk-U Township.

The statement indicated that these actions by the military junta were in retaliation to the Arakan Army (AA)’s attacks on its police station and a military outpost in Mrauk-U Town.

Junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 540 and Light Infantry Battalion 377, both based in Mrauk-U Town, launched approximately 100 rounds of artillery shells into the surrounding area of Mrauk-U Town, causing the deaths of three men and injuries to four other residents in Sin Cha Seik ward. Additionally, two artillery shells exploded in Ywa Haung Taw village, causing injuries to a man. The artillery fire by the military junta forces also led to the destruction of several residential houses in Mrauk-U Town.

In another incident, Infantry Battalion 377 of the military junta arbitrarily arrested six residents from Aung Mingalar ward of Mrauk-U Town and later detained three more residents from Bandula ward in the evening. Furthermore, military junta forces arrested a resident from No. 5 ward of Buthidaung Town on December 23, seizing valuable items from him, including a ring and 300,000 kyat in cash.

The Three Brotherhood Alliance emphasized that the military junta forces are increasingly targeting the civilian population due to their deteriorating morale and declining fighting capabilities. They further issued a cautionary message to the public, urging them to remain vigilant and exercise caution as the military junta forces intensify their targeting of civilians.

4. Junta bunker near Thamine intersection in Yangon City attacked by Yangon Urban Guerrilla using Improvised Explosive Device

A Yangon Urban Guerrilla group, the Myanmar People Revolution Army, announced on December 24 that they successfully detonated a military junta’s bunker near the Thamine intersection in Mayangon, Yangon, using an improvised explosive device. The Myanmar People Revolution Army (MPRA) UG mentioned that the explosive attack carried out on Christmas Eve had the potential to cause casualties among junta troops.

While reports suggest three members of the terrorist military junta were killed in the blast, the Myanmar People Revolution Army (MPRA) UG said that they are still working to confirm it.

The MPRA UG affirmed their commitment to continue the fight until the eradication of military dictatorship. Other incidents of explosions also occurred on Christmas Eve near Kyaung Street in North Dagon and Water Boom in Thaketa, according to reports.

5. Eight junta troops were killed in confrontation with combined PDF forces in Yedashe, Bago

Reportedly, on December 24 at 7:43 a.m., a clash occurred between the combined forces of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) and the military junta force near Kel Lin Seik village in Yedashe Township, Taungoo District, Bago Region. The clash resulted in the deaths of eight junta troops. The confrontation began when the front line of the combined forces, led by the Pawarni Column and other PDF forces, ambushed a military junta column marching along the Sittaung River near Kel Lin Seik village.

“The confrontation persisted for approximately 20 minutes, involving around 53 military junta personnel. Despite a brief retreat, the junta troops are currently resuming their march,” stated an official from the Pawarni Column to People’s Spring Media.

The official further mentioned that five junta troops were killed during the clash, and three more, among the injured, lost their lives to their injuries during the retreat, resulting in a total of eight junta troops dead and many injured.

Pawarni Column stated in their statement that after the military junta column retreated toward Taung Thar village, the combined People’s Defense Force (PDF) forces conducted area clearance, confiscating ammunition and other military equipment left behind by the junta column.

The joint operation involved Pawarni Column and Kiku Column, and the report mentioned that there were no injuries among the members of the combined forces.

6. ABSDF leaders engage in online discussion with former members residing abroad

On December 24, the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) disclosed that the central executive members of the ABSDF held a virtual meeting with former members residing abroad.

The online session, attended by members of the ABSDF Central Working Committee and central executive members overseeing international affairs and alliance relations, focused on exchanging ideas, discussing perspectives, and exploring opportunities for collaboration.

The ABSDF, having initially signed the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in October 2015, withdrew its support due to the military’s coup in February. Since then, they have participated in training new generations and collaborated with revolutionary forces to fight the military junta.

In a statement, the ABSDF announced its active involvement in the Spring Revolution, participating in 280 battles alongside allied revolutionary forces. During these engagements, 24 ABSDF members lost their lives, and 50 others sustained injuries.

In December, the ABSDF also played a role in battles to capture Mone town in the Karen National Union (KNU) territory in Bago Region and Maw Luu Town in Indaw Township, Sagaing Region.

7. Military junta seizes 600 million kyat in donations for gold robes at Shwe Moke Htaw Maha Pagoda

The regional government of the military junta seized a donation of 600 million kyat intended for gold robes at Shwe Moke Htaw Maha Pagoda, according to a source close to the pagoda’s board of trustees.

The board of trustees had collected this amount by forcing donations from the tenants of pagoda shop rooms and local business owners, each contributing 10 lakh kyat. Following the seizure by the junta’s regional government, the board reportedly extended the donation period for an additional three months to regain the funds.

The renters, already facing economic challenges, are reportedly struggling due to the renewed donation collection.

Furthermore, the junta’s regional government reportedly seized more than $30,000 in foreign donations received by Shwe Moke Htaw Maha Pagoda.

8. Local residents extend a heartfelt welcome to returning revolutionary comrades after successfully capturing Myinchin village from Pyu Saw Htee militia, presenting flower garlands in celebration

On December 25th, the Battalion 18 of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) in Shwebo District proudly reported that they received a warm greeting from the local community after successfully seizing control of Myinchin village from the Pyu Saw Htee militia. The residents expressed their enthusiasm by offering flower garlands in celebration.

Commander Bo Sunye of the Shweo District Battalion 18 shared the achievement, stating, “As an initial achievement for our strategic team, we successfully seized Minchin village in Shwebo Township.” The announcement included a photo depicting the enthusiastic welcome extended by the local residents.

Bo Sunye also stated that Battalions 15, 17, 18, and 26 of the Shwebo District PDF are operating under the same strategic team.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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