Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 December 24

1. The role of international representatives of the National Unity Government is very important in the process of overthrowing the military council

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said that the action of international representatives of the National Unity Government is very important in the process of overthrowing the military council.

On December 23, the Union Prime Minister said at a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the ambassador, international representatives, and office members.

“As the National Unity Government, the role of the international representatives is crucial in expediting the overthrow of the military dictatorship system in Myanmar as soon as possible through political, military, diplomatic, and financial means. They need to constantly discuss with the ministry the approaches of their respective countries towards the situation in Myanmar,” the Union Prime Minister said.

Furthermore, it is imperative to foster strong ties with the international community, and establishing positive relations with neighboring countries is of utmost importance, the Union Prime Minister continued.

The meeting was attended by National Unity Government Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, Foreign Affairs Union Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung and Deputy Minister U Moe Zaw Oo, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, international representatives and office members, permanent secretaries and officials from the Prime Minister Office, and permanent secretaries and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

2. The Deputy Minister of Human Rights said that nothing will last long without people’s support

Deputy Minister of Human Rights Khun Baham Htan said on social media that nothing will last long without people’s support.

“The American Department of State has removed the Myanmar section from the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Counterterrorism’s terrorism report. The report has been criticized for accusing the PDF / EROs / LDF of committing the most terrorism, and not mentioning the barbaric violence of terrorist military junta. Regarding this topic, it was removed due to the joint objection of all the people and revolution allies. If we look at this process, if there is no unity and people’s support, nothing will last and cannot be done by force,” Deputy Minister said.

The current Spring Revolution is moving forward with public support and public contributions to revolutionary funds.

3. The Committee Representing Ayeyarwaddy Hluttaw and its Hluttaw Representatives held the ninth meeting 

The ninth meeting between the Committee Representing Ayeyarwaddy Hluttaw and its Hluttaw Representatives was held on Saturday, December 23, at noon (13:00).

The ceremony was held with 7 agendas, the work of the committee was clarified, and general discussions were held. The meeting successfully ended at 16:30 p.m.

4. A district-level meeting of the Karen National Police Force (K.N.P.F.) was held in KNU’s Doo Tha Htu District

The KNPF-Karen National Police Force (KNPF) meeting was held for 3 days from December 20 to 22, 2023 in Bilin Township, Doo Tha Htu District, Kawthoolei Administrative Area, KNU-Karen National Union, led by the district leaders and the district-level Karen National Police Force.

It was the first meeting held by the Kawthoolei Police Department after the 12th Congress of KNU-Doo Tha Htu District. At the meeting, 18 topics were thoroughly discussed, and 17 decisions were made.

The purpose of the meeting is to strengthen public security, law enforcement and anti-drug operations in the KNU-Doo Tha Htu District, said Saw Sa Baw Naw, police commissioner of the KNU-Doo Tha Htu District.

The meeting was attended by the brigade, district and township leaders, KWO, KYO, and officials from the news and information department, for a total of about 40 people.

5. Awards given to CDM employees who are participating in the non-violent Civil Disobedience Movement in Wuntho Township

On December 23, the Wuntho People’s Administrative Body announced that CDM employees participating in the non-violent Civil Disobedience Movement in Wuntho Township were given awards.

On December 23, the leaders and members of the Wuntho People’s Administrative gave the award for the second time to the courageous CDM employees who are participating with unrelenting perseverance and steadfast spirit in the non-violent Civil Disobedience Movement in Wuntho Township, Kawlin District, Sagaing Division. After that, it was reported that words of encouragement were delivered to improve morale.

6. The Federal Wings drone force took part in the military council’s Naung Gyi Aing Camp in Ayadaw Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division

The Federal Wings drone force informed their participation in the battle to capture the military council camp of Naung Gyi Ai in Ayadaw Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division.

“The Naung Gyi Ai military base camp, which is stationed near Ayadaw Township, was attacked jointly by Sagaing District Battalion-5 MRA, revolutionary forces from Ayadaw Township, GTR MMU drone force, and Sagaing Federal Wings drone force,” it stated.

The military council’s camp was bombed by Federal Wings drones on December 21 and 22. The bombs used in these attacks were produced and supported by the SDP2 group.

7. TNLA has successfully captured Manton

It is reported that the TNLA has captured the town of Manton in northern Shan State.

After a 4-day attack on Manton IB – 130, TNLA forces captured the battalion’s rear headquarters. The TNLA confirmed that Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA and military council troops clashed in Manton Township, Ta’ang State Brigade 3 military area, and the military council army carried out bombing attacks with Y12 aircraft, and targeted civilian attacks with heavy weapons.

As a result of 43 aerial bombardments by jet fighters and 183 by Y12 aircraft, and more than 137 heavy artillery shelling from IB-130 from December 19 to 22, the refugee camp in Manton, Lwekan Village, Manton Township, and the surrounding area exploded.

In the evening of December 22, Manton’s IB-130 was completely captured, and a lot of military weapons and ammunition were seized.

8. In Namtu Township, heavy artillery shells fired by the military council’s troops exploded on 2 houses in the town, injuring two local residents

On December 23, SSPP Info confirmed that the military council’s LIB-324 opened fire with heavy and small arms in Namtu Township, northern Shan State.

“Due to one-sided heavy weapons and small arms fire from the military council’s LIB-324 in Namtu Township, northern Shan State, a heavy artillery shell exploded on 2 local people’s houses and two local people were injured,” it stated.

On December 23, the military council’s LIB-324 in Namtu Township, Northern Shan State, opened fire with large/small arms, causing a shell to fall on 2 local houses in Ward (9) and Ward (6) of Namtu Township, destroying the houses. A child and a man in his 20s from Ward (6) were also hit by shrapnel and injured.

In Namtu Township, the military council troops and the Ta’ang Army TNLA, have been fighting close to the town for almost a month now, and the Military Council withdrew the troops from the Manli Camp, the Mansan EPC Hill Camp, and the Pipeline Security Camp in Nam Pan Ley Village without any fighting.

9. Rewards were given to the police from Samee Police Station, Paletwa Township, Chin State, who joined the People’s Embrace with weapons 

On December 23, Salai Myo Thait announced on social media that rewards were given to the police from Samee Police Station, Paletwa Township, Chin State, who joined the People’s Embrace with weapons.

At present, there are seven people who are connected to the People’s Embrace from the Samee Police Station, and there are more people who have come into contact. It is also reported that those who entered the legal fold have been taken to a safe place.

10. 7,000,000 kyats (seven million kyats) of funds raised from the screening of the movie The Way were sent to the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front under the management of the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Union Prime Minister

On December 23, ABSDF (All Burma Students’ Democratic Front) informed.

It is reported that 7,000,000 kyats (seven million kyats) of funding raised from the screening of the movie The Way was received on December 22, 2023 by the Myanmar Students Democratic Front (Student Army) under the management of the National Unity Government (NUG) Union Prime Minister.

ABSDF informed that on behalf of the Student Army comrades, we would like to express our special thanks to Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann along with the members of The Way for their support.

  1. Defense The role of international representatives of the National Unity Government is very important in the process of overthrowing the military councilMinister U Yee Mon and Deputy Minister Nai Kao Rot meet with fundraisers
  2. The Deputy Minister of Human Rights said that nothing will last long without people’s support
  3. The Deputy Minister of Human Rights said that nothing will last long without people’s support
  4. A district-level meeting of the Karen National Police Force (K.N.P.F.) was held in KNU’s Doo Tha Htu District
  5. Awards given to CDM employees who are participating in the non-violent Civil Disobedience Movement in Wuntho Township
  6. The Federal Wings drone force took part in the military council’s Naung Gyi Aing Camp in Ayadaw Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division
  7. TNLA has successfully captured Manton
  8. In Namtu Township, heavy artillery shells fired by the military council’s troops exploded on 2 houses in the town, injuring two local residents
  9. Rewards were given to the police from Samee Police Station, Paletwa Township, Chin State, who joined the People’s Embrace with weapons
  10. 7,000,000 kyats (seven million kyats) of funds raised from the screening of the movie The Way were sent to the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front under the management of the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Union Prime Minister

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