Summary of News

1. NUG’s Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) hold online meeting with Township People’s Administrative Organizations (PAOs) from Sagaing Region

The 53rd meeting between the National Unity Government’s (NUG) Interim Local Administrative Central Committee (ILACC) and the Township People’s Administrative Organizations (PAOs) in Sagaing Region was conducted online on December 17 in the afternoon. The meeting began with opening remarks delivered by Nai Suwunna, Union Minister of the Ministry of Labour (MOL) and central committee member of the ILACC.

Subsequently, officials from relevant ministries presented information regarding the functions of their respective departments, while PAO representatives raised queries concerning policies, guidelines, and challenges faced on the ground. These concerns were addressed and deliberated upon by the ministries.

The meeting was chaired by Union Minister Nai Suwunna and was also attended by deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, associate permanent secretaries, officials from various ministries, and members of PAOs in Sagaing Region.

2. First clash takes place on Ramree Island during Operation 1027, resulting in four junta troop deaths

In the news summary for the 53rd day of Operation 1027 released on December 18, the Three Brotherhood Alliance reported the occurrence of the first clash on Ramree Island since the start of Operation 1027.

Around 8:00 a.m. on December 18, a confrontation took place between the Arakan Army (AA) and the military junta infantry forces on the Aung Chan Thar hill, approximately 200 meters away from Ramree Town. The AA stated that the unexpected encounter led to the deaths of four junta troops, and they seized weapons, ammunition, and other military equipment. During the encounter, the junta’s military ship launched a drone attack, while fighter jets and military helicopters bombed the area around Ramree Town. The aerial bombardment led to the destruction of some neighborhoods and gas stations in Ramree Town.

Furthermore, the AA stated that the combined ground, air, and navy attacks by the junta resulted in the death of an elderly man from Laung Chaung village and severe injuries to two girls from Laung Chaung village and a man from Nyaung Pin Hla village.

Additionally, the AA disclosed that on December 18, the junta’s Light Infantry Battalion 540, stationed in Mrauk-U, fired artillery at residential wards using 120-mm artillery shells to intimidate civilians, and the No. 12 Police Battalion in Sittwe launched artillery shelling at Pauktaw Town.

3. Residents in Yesagyo Township receive lectures on preventing airstrikes, artillery, and landmine threats

The Yesagyo Township People’s Administrative Body announced that they conducted instructional sessions on preventing threats from airstrikes, artillery, and landmines for civilians and students in villages within Yesagyo Township, Magway Region. The Township People’s Administrative Body (Pa-A-Fa) collaborated with the Township People’s Defense Organization (Pa-Ka-Fa), the Township People’s Security Force (Pa-La-Fa), the Township Education Body, the Township Health Organization, and the Township Humanitarian Assistance Body to deliver these instruction sessions.

The sessions included practical demonstrations on safeguarding against airstrikes, artillery, small arms, landmines, chemical weapons, and providing first aid. The information was presented using a projector, and pamphlets were distributed. The community was encouraged to construct bomb shelters as a precautionary measure.

4. A mine attack targets junta forces conducting raids in Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi

Reports indicate that on December 17, local revolutionary forces executed a mine assault on the military junta column that withdrew from conducting a raid on Nyaungzin village in Thayetchaung Township, Tanintharyi Region, potentially resulting in the deaths of at least five.

Around 7:00 a.m. on December 17, a military junta column consisting of approximately 50 troops and accompanied by three dump trucks conducted a raid on Nyaungzin village, searching houses one by one. The column was subjected to a landmine attack during their withdrawal, when they arrived between the village market and the school.

Local residents reported that the military junta troops, caught off guard by the sudden attack, fired indiscriminately into their surroundings before dragging their injured comrades into a vehicle and continuing to depart toward Thayethnitkhwa village.

Throughout this month in Tanintharyi Region, the military junta forces have engaged in activities such as raiding villages, looting valuable items from homes, setting houses ablaze, and issuing threats to residents, warning them that they would be treated as rebels and face execution if they supported the People’s Defense Force (PDF).

5. Military junta forces set villages ablaze in Depeyin Township and plunder civilians’ possessions

The military junta forces, forming columns within Depeyin Township, have not only set fire to the homes of local residents but also engaged in the plundering of civilians’ belongings, as reported by the Depeyin Township Brothers.

The military junta column, marching in Depeyin Township since December 16, has been involved in violence such as burning down two old gas stations along Pyawbew and Masoeyein villages on December 16. On December 17, they further burned a motorcar belonging to a resident in Aungchanthar village and stole money and gold from Pinsi village before setting both Pinsi village and Kwinttaung village ablaze. Reports indicate that on December 19, the junta column continued to conduct raids in Bagan village, Lettee village, and Yintwe village, but the situation has not yet been reported.

As a result, according to local reports, residents from villages in the eastern part of Depeyin Township, such as Pyawbwe, Aungchanthar, Ywashae, Pinsi, Kwinttaung, Bagan, Lettee, Yintwe, Tanal, Sinyoukkone, Pauktaw, Hnawpin, Nabehla, etc., have been forced to flee, and they are now in urgent need of emergency provisions such as food, blankets, and warm clothing due to the activities of the military column.

6. NUG and community organizations distributes food and rice bags to internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Sagaing

Reportedly, revolutionary forces in Sagaing Region distributed food and rice bags to internally displaced persons (IDP) camps on December 18.

Anyar Pyit Taing Htaung Lay Myar, a communication organization operating by youths, announced that they had provided a meal with rice and meat curry to long-term internally displaced people in Salingyi Township, Sagaing Region. Anyar Pyit Taing Htaung Lay Myar has consistently been donating meals to internally displaced people in Sagaing Region.

S&C Social Welfare Organization announced on December 18 that they had provided sport suits to schools in the conflict affected areas for December sporting events. S&C Social Welfare Organization has consistently offered a variety of support to internally displaced individuals and those affected by arson in upper Myanmar, including supplying food produced from their cultivated organic farms, distributing rice bags, delivering meals and dry food, providing medical care, offering educational assistance,and constructing shelters for IDPs.

Moreover, the Ministry of Women, Youths and Children’s Affairs (MOWYCA) of the National Unity Government provided some financial assistance and rice bags to long-term internally displaced people in Pale Township, Sagaing Region, through regional MOWYCA representatives.

7. Operation 1027: MNDAA organizes the relocation of the internally displaced persons (IDP) camp near Border Point BP125 on the Myanmar-China border

On December 16, officials from the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) visited the internally displaced persons (IDP) camp situated near Border Point BP125 along the Myanmar-China border and coordinated the relocation process. MNDAA officials explained that the decision to relocate the IDP camp was driven by the increased military tensions both within and outside Laukkai Town, indicating that conflict may occur at any time.

The MNDAA general secretary emphasized that, during clashes, the military used to conduct airstrikes on refugees who were trapped in the midst of the fighting. Therefore, the BP125 IDP camp has become an extremely risky place since it may be subjected to the military’s attack at any time.

Additionally, the decision to relocate the camp also included its current overcrowded condition, posing a risk of disease outbreak if proper waste management is not implemented, said the secretary.

Furthermore, the executive team of the MNDAA provided displaced individuals with rice and vegetables.

The MNDAA executive team also expressed that since the beginning of conflict in the region, mismanagement by local administration bodies in Laukkai has led to a significant rise in commodity prices, leaving refugees without access to food. This situation has also contributed to an increase in crimes such as theft, robbery, and rape in the region.

With the recent regaining of control over BP125, the MNDAA affirmed its commitment to taking full responsibility for the well-being of refugees and pledged to take action against individuals engaging in criminal activities, irrespective of the circumstances.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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