Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 December 23

1. Defense Minister U Yee Mon and Deputy Minister Nai Kao Rot meet with fundraisers

On December 22, to mark the 2nd anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Revolution Supply Family – PRF, a meeting was held with officials from the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government and fundraisers from various countries. Officials from various divisions of the Ministry of Defence, including Defence Minister U Yee Mon and Deputy Minister Nai Kao Rot, were fully present at the ceremony.

After that, officials said that the fundraisers from various countries were officially recognized as the PRF’s support troop organizers. It is reported that the support troop organizers (fundraisers) also discussed the current situation of PRF.

2. Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that there is no reason to lose unity, blood, and strong decisions regarding the three Brotherhood Alliances 

It is reported that Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said that there is no reason to lose unity, blood, and strong decisions regarding the three Brotherhood Alliances.

Union Minister Dr. Zaw Wai Soe said in the program, “From the people to the people”.

“Regarding the three Brotherhood Alliances, we have negotiated, discussed, consulted, and prepared for 2 and a half years. This has become solid. There is no way to break it. There is no reason to lose unity, blood, and strong decisions,” said the minister.

In the current operations of 1027, the Mandalay People’s Defense Force fought together along with the TNLA.

3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division

On December 22, the meeting between the NUG’s Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) and the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division (54/2023) was held.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister U Khu Hte Bu, Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration, the general secretary of the ILACC, gave an opening speech.

Following, officials from ministries explained the activities of relevant ministries, and then members of the township people’s administrative bodies exchanged views with relevant officials regarding policies, directions, activities, and challenges encountered on the ground.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Secretaries, officials from ministries, and members of the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division.

4. Humanitarian aid projects continue to be implemented with international aid in Kawlin District 

On December 22, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management (MOHADM) of the National Unity Government announced that humanitarian aid projects are being implemented with international aid in Kawlin District.

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management is providing emergency food, shelter and financial support to the displaced people and conducting rehabilitation activities in Kawlin Township, Sagaing Division, which was jointly occupied by the National Unity Government People’s Defense Force (PDF), the People’s Defense Organization (PaKaFa), and allied forces.

In doing so, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government provided international donations of 64,496,750 kyats as humanitarian assistance; 18,250 kyats in cash and 8,000 kyats worth of food per household for 3,211 people from 712 households in 5 villages displaced by war and 1 village affected by natural disasters in Kawlin District.

However, there are many people in Kawlin District who have been affected by the terrorist military’s airstrikes and artillery fire, and there is still an urgent need for assistance.

5. KNDF Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mawi warned the military council’s troops in Karenni to choose between two paths

On December 22, KNDF Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mawi said with a video file that the military council’s troops in Karenni must choose between two paths.

“There are two paths: surrender and join the people, or be attacked. Choose the way you like. Another wave will come,” he said.

On November 13, the KNDF attacked LIB-425 and LIB-6 battalions under the 66th Military Council Division stationed at Loikaw University in Karenni State, resulting in the deaths of over 110 military council soldiers and the surrender of 32 soldiers.

Similarly, on the morning of December 10, the Karenni Revolutionary Joint Force occupied the state police headquarters in Loikaw City, Karenni State.

6. As a company of the Special Operation Force (SOF), the Ye Bhilu Force will serve with the aim of expediting urban and rural operations

On December 22, the Ye Bhilu officially announced that it would serve as a company of the Special Operation Force (SOF) with the aim of escalating urban and rural operations.

“We would like to inform the public that we will continue to serve under the Southern Military Command of the People’s Defense Force of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government,” Ye Bhilu said.

The Ye Bhilu is also the group that attacked the military junta troops in Ye Township, Mon State, causing serious losses.

7. A military council’s jet fighter bombarded Tigyaing 

On December 22, the Tigyaing Revolution – TR Team confirmed that a military council’s jet fighter had bombed the town of Tigyaing.

“At 11:55 in the morning, a military council’s jet fighter coming from Myitkyina opened fire into the town of Tigyaing,” it stated.

On the evening of December 21, 1 jet fighter that came from Myitkyina side opened fire near Zee Kone Village in Tigyaing Township. The investigation revealed that some civilians were injured and some were killed due to the attack.

8. The military council relentlessly launched 49 airstrikes on the Kokang region in a few days 

From December 18 to 21, the military council reportedly attacked the Kokang region by air 49 times.

The military council forces conducted aerial bombardment on Kokang Lauk Shan Htan Border Guard Station (15 times), Pite Hta Pauk Pauk Hill, which is located at the southwest of Mu Kua Gyaing, and Laukkaing (311) Peace Field (4 times), Tar Shin Kyaing, Kyin Shant Chain and Kyin San Kyauk (8 times), the bottom of Kuan Yin Shan Mountain, Tar Kyar Kyaing, Lauk Shant Htan Mountain and Kyin Shant Chain Hein Li School (14 times), Shi Tont Shwe and Lauk Shu Kote (3 times), Mar Hai Mountain (2 times), Tar Yin Mountain and Shout Yin Mountain (3 times), etc. with a total of (49) times.

Under the military council’s aerial attack, residential areas became targeted, and the destruction of residential areas and the death tolls due to the current military council’s airstrikes have not yet been calculated in detail.

9. 1 woman was killed and 2 were injured as a result of the terrorist military council’s troops firing heavy weapons into the villages of Kyondoe Township

On December 22, the KNU Center informed that 1 woman was killed and 2 were injured when the terrorist military council’s troops fired heavy weapons into the villages of Kyondoe Township.

“On December 18, at 10:47 a.m., the IB-230 battalion under the terrorist military council SaKaKha-12 fired indiscriminately into the villages with 120 mm heavy weapons. Nang Me Su, 46 years old, from Taung Kya Inn Village, Kyondoe Township, Dooplaya District, KNU-controlled area, died on the spot from shrapnel wounds.

Similarly, at 5:30 p.m. on December 19, the IB-230 opened fire again with 120 mm heavy weapons, hitting and wounding 2 women from Taung Kya Inn Village. The wounded women, 71-year-old Daw Khin Yee (hit on the right knee) and 68-year-old Nang Muu Lar Ann (left thigh penetrating injury) are now receiving medical treatment.

10. Myanmar nationals who are unjustly detained in Manipur State went on a peaceful hunger strike

On December 22, India For Myanmar informed that Myanmar nationals detained in Manipur State, India, went on a peaceful hunger strike. It stated, “Myanmar nationals in Manipur are going on a hunger strike.”

In addition, the India4Myanmar has sent an open letter, “Open Letter: Urgent Appeal for the Release and Protection of Myanmar Nationals in Manipur State, India,” to Chief Minister of Manipur State.

Since August 2023, 105 Myanmar refugees who crossed the border into Manipur State, India, have been arrested and detained. 86 of them have been sentenced to prison terms, fined, and detained in the detention center. Although the prison authorities promised to release them on December 15, they were not released, so the hunger strike was initiated on December 16.

11. The list of fundraisers in Japan for contributing to the “Federal Net” fundraising campaign was announced

On December 22, the “Federal Net” campaign officially announced the list of fundraisers from Japan for contributions to the “Federal Net” campaign.

“Here is the list of fundraisers from Japan for contributions to the “Federal Net” fundraising campaign. You can ask for a bank account from Page Messenger of the relevant fundraisers you want to support and participate in,” it stated.

Fundraisers from Japan are Ma Nan Moe Kham, National League for Democracy Organizing Committee – Japan Branch, Progressive Myanmar Community, and Spring Bonds – Japan.

The Ministry of Communication, Information and Technology (MOCIT) of National Unity Government is working on the “Federal Net Campaign” with the aim of expanding the installation of the internet in 5 townships.

The Federal Net Campaign will require 0.25 million U.S. dollars for the initial installation in 5 townships.

  1. Defense Minister U Yee Mon and Deputy Minister Nai Kao Rot meet with fundraisers
  2. Defense Minister U Yee Mon and Deputy Minister Nai Kao Rot meet with fundraisers
  3. The Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) held a meeting with the township people’s administrative bodies of Sagaing Division
  4. Humanitarian aid projects continue to be implemented with international aid in Kawlin District
  5. KNDF Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mawi warned the military council’s troops in Karenni to choose between two paths
  6. As a company of the Special Operation Force (SOF), the Ye Bhilu Force will serve with the aim of expediting urban and rural operations
  7. A military council’s jet fighter bombarded Tigyaing
  8. The military council relentlessly launched 49 airstrikes on the Kokang region in a few days 
  9. 1 woman was killed and 2 were injured as a result of the terrorist military council’s troops firing heavy weapons into the villages of Kyondoe Township
  10. Myanmar nationals who are unjustly detained in Manipur State went on a peaceful hunger strike
  11. The list of fundraisers in Japan for contributing to the “Federal Net” fundraising campaign was announced

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