Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 October 28

1. The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government will work together with the 3 Brotherhood Alliances to carry out cooperative operations with “1027 Operation” 

The Ministry of Defence released a statement on October 27 that the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence will work together with the 3 Brotherhood Alliances to carry out cooperative operations with “1027 Operation”. The official statement is as follows:

“Statement on Operation 1027 and Related Operations”

27th October 2023

The Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA) issued a five-point statement declaring the commencement of their military operation. This operation is aimed at eradicating the military dictatorship that the entire Myanmar population is united in opposing.

The brotherhood alliance consisting of the Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party/Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNTJP/MNDAA), the Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) and the United League of Arakan/Arakan Army (ULA/AA), collectively announced “Operation 1027” on October 27, 2023. The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government welcomes these announcements.

The moment has arrived for all ethnic revolutionary organizations, the forces of the Spring Revolution, and the people to fully engage in the elimination of the military dictatorship and wholeheartedly commit to the establishment of a Federal Democratic Union. We emphatically urge these forces and the people to maintain their unity throughout this journey, especially during each and every military defensive battle.

The Ministry of Defence is pleased to announce that we will join forces with the Brotherhood Alliance in Operation 1027. We will actively engage in the required operations to collaborate effectively in their endeavours. 

     Ministry of Defence 

National Unity Government 

2. There were some delays in the revolutionary movement, but there was no retreat, and one wave after another came closer to victory

On October 27, Minister of Planning, Finance and Investment U Tin Tun Naing said through social media that there were some delays in the revolutionary movement, but there was no setback, and one wave after another came closer to victory.

“There were some delays in the revolutionary movement, but there was no retreat. It just kept moving forward. One wave after another, we are getting closer to victory,” the minister said.

In September 2021, the National Unity Government announced the start of the people’s defensive war and increased military momentum to make 2023 as the decisive year for the end of the revolution.

3. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe attended the fourth Spring Aung Lam prayer ceremony and delivered an opening speech

Union Minister of Women, Youth and Children Affairs Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe attended the fourth Spring Aung Lam prayer held by the Octopus Group and gave an opening speech.

On October 27 (Friday) at 1:00 p.m. Myanmar local time, a prayer meeting was held through the Zoom Platform for the unjustly imprisoned President U Win Myint, State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and all political prisoners to be released as soon as possible.

All the revolutionary people at home/abroad who abhor injustice and all the Burmese diaspora joined the prayer.

4. The Secretary of the Ministry of Defence said that one wave after another will come

On October 27, when the three Northern Brotherhood Alliances attacked and occupied military council camps in northern Shan State, Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government, U Naing Htoo Aung, posted a video on his social media page showing the coming of one wave after another of PDF soldiers.

The video file was posted along with former US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s statement, “There is no secret to success. This is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” This is a message that means that the spring revolution’s counter-offensives will come wave after wave.

Just hours after the official announcement by the 3 Northern Brotherhood Alliances, Kokang MNDAA, Arakan Army AA, and Ta’ang Tatmadaw TNLA, that the 1027 operation to eradicate the military dictatorship, which the whole of Myanmar longs for, has begun, a video file of PDF comrades coming one wave after another has spread on social media pages.

The Operation 1027 social media page stated that the operations were conducted on October 27 and that MNTJP/MNDAA Brigade 211, 511, and 611 units engaged in a battle with the terrorist military council forces in Chinhwehaw, Kuan Long, Mone Koe, Lashio, and Nan Jung areas.

In northern Shan State, while the Northern Alliance attacked and captured military council camps and claimed victory, the joint forces led by the Karen National Union (KNU) were able to attack and capture the military council troops and some departmental offices in Kawkareik on the morning of October 27.

According to the latest news, the terrorist military council is almost certain to surrender the northeastern region of Myanmar, and it is no longer certain that they will be able to hold the city of Kawkareik in Karen State. Thaton in Mon State has also been issued a Section-144 curfew on October 27.

Therefore, in honor of the challenges that will come one wave after another and Operation 1027 that started on October 27, SDB urged people to open an account at Spring Development Bank (SDB) and account holders to exchange the amount of “1027” Angel Number in all 10 currencies from the Currency Exchange and collect them as a memorial.

5. The Ministry of Defence has delivered perishable food and dry food to some of the fighting areas

On October 27, Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Defense U Maung Maung Swe responded to radio NUG that the Ministry of Defence has delivered perishable food and dry food to some of the fighting areas.

“There is support. But we can’t support all of them yet,” the deputy secretary said.

There were 7,984 People’s Revolution Supply Family (PRF) members who served in the month of September, and a total of 353,628 USD of support money were received.

The PRF members’ services in September will be used for the 17th shipment of food and general expenses of the PDF battalions/columns, and it will be reported through the PRF pages when it is in possession of the People’s Defense Forces.

6. The NUG representative to the Czech Republic informed Myanmar people to be careful when traveling within the country

U Linn Thant, NUG representative to the Czech Republic, wrote on social media on October 27 that Myanmar people should be careful about domestic travel.

“This Spring Revolution is a simultaneous armed revolution based on the right to self-defense to be free from the attacks of the terrorist military group that seized power unjustly. The war to ensure the people’s safety has now been extended simultaneously on a large scale for more protection. We urge the people of Myanmar to exercise caution and be extra vigilant in all aspects of their lives, including travel,” U Linn Thant said.

Currently, battles are also taking place in Mogok Township, including Northern Shan State and Karen State.

7. As part of the 1027 operation, the Ta’ang Army was able to capture some military council camps in the military area in Brigades 1 and 6, and seized 18 corpses and many weapons and ammunition 

The Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA) confirmed military news on the night of October 27 that, as part of the 1027 operation, they have captured some military council camps in the military area in Brigades 1 and 6 and seized 18 corpses and many weapons and ammunition.

“As a 1027 operation, on the morning of October 27, the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA attacked and captured the 13-Mile military camp and the 12-Mile military camp on the Namhkam-Nam Hpat Kar road, and the Manmai military camp (Microwave Tower military camp) in Namhkam Township at Brigade 1 of the Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA at 4:00 a.m.,” it stated.

Similarly, it is said that Ta’ang Army PSLF/TNLA attacked Mai Jet military camp and Tain Tan military camp in Lashio Township at Brigade 6 Military Region at 5:20 a.m.

During the battle, 18 corpses of the military council and many weapons and ammunition were seized. These weapons include 3 M16 rifles, 1 machine gun, 2 MA4 rifles, 11 MA3 rifles, 2 60MM cannons, 1 pistol, 200 hand grenades, 7 M9 grenades, 50 RPG grenades, 30 60MM grenades, 100 60MM bullets, 4 landmines, 10,000 rounds of ammunition and many military equipment. 

8. 108 Special Regiment of Kachinland Army and Kokang MNDA combined forces captured and set fire to an insurgent military council’s base in Mungbaw

On October 27, the Kachin National Organization reported that the 108 Special Regiment of Kachinland Army and Kokang MNDA Joint Forces captured and burned down an insurgent military council’s base in Mungbaw.

“A joint military operation of the 108 Special Regiment of Kachinland Army and Kokang MNDA captured and #MyanmarMilitaryTerrorists’ post in Mungbaw, Munggu Township, Kachin Sub-State, Northern Shanland,” it stated.

Currently, the ethnic revolutionary forces are conducting offensive battles in many places.

9. Due to the attack by KNU/KNLA and joint revolutionary forces on Kawkareik city, there were deaths on the side of the military and prisoners of war were also captured

On October 27, Albino Tiger Column Company 2 confirmed that there were casualties from the side of the military and captured prisoners of war as a result of the KNU/KNLA and joint revolutionary forces’ attack on Kawkareik, Karen State.

“Since October 27, at 5:00 a.m., the revolutionary joint forces led by the KNU/KNLA launched an attack to capture the city of Kawkareik, and were able to capture a monastery stationed by the terrorist military council troops,” it stated.

In addition, the Police Information Office and 2 military security offices under the military council located next to the golf course west of Infantry Battalion IB-97 were burned down, and weapons and ammunition were seized.

“There were also casualties of junta soldiers and prisoners of war who were captured alive due to the attack by the revolutionary forces, including the comrades from the Albino Tiger Column Company 2,” it stated.

During the fighting, the residents of Kawkareik fled to safety; some residents were trapped inside their homes and hid. A monk was injured, and four comrades from the People’s Defense Forces were injured (not seriously) due to the heavy weapons fired by the terrorist military council troops.

  1. 1. The Ministry of Defence of the National Unity Government will work together with the 3 Brotherhood Alliances to carry out cooperative operations with “1027 Operation” 
  2. There were some delays in the revolutionary movement, but there was no retreat, and one wave after another came closer to victory
  3. Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe attended the fourth Spring Aung Lam prayer ceremony and delivered an opening speech
  4. The Secretary of the Ministry of Defence said that one wave after another will come
  5. The Ministry of Defence has delivered perishable food and dry food to some of the fighting areas
  6. The NUG representative to the Czech Republic informed Myanmar people to be careful when traveling within the country
  7. As part of the 1027 operation, the Ta’ang Army was able to capture some military council camps in the military area in Brigades 1 and 6, and seized 18 corpses and many weapons and ammunition 
  8. 108 Special Regiment of Kachinland Army and Kokang MNDA combined forces captured and set fire to an insurgent military council’s base in Mungbaw
  9. Due to the attack by KNU/KNLA and joint revolutionary forces on Kawkareik city, there were deaths on the side of the military and prisoners of war were also captured

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