Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 September 20

1. The military council is afraid that the NUG will build a nationwide COC

On September 19, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng said that the military council is afraid that the NUG will build a nationwide COC.

“The military council has also become less manpower. There are not enough people to support it. They say how can we stand in a situation where we are divided among ourselves? The main thing is that we have built a strong Chain of Command (COC) institution. The military council is not an ordinary one. They have years of experience and knowledge invested with the country’s finances. They know very well how important COC is. That’s why when NUG said they would build COC on a national scale, they got scared,” said the minister.

In his speech on the 2nd anniversary of the People’s Defensive War, Union Minister of Defence U Yee Mon said to plan and prepare for the final battle and to improve the fighting ability of the forces already under the COC.

2. The Committee Representing Ayeyarwaddy Hluttaw (CRAH) and Ayeyarwaddy Region Hluttaw representatives met and discussed

The sixth meeting between the Committee Representing Ayeyarwaddy Hluttaw (CRAH) and Ayeyarwaddy Region Hluttaw representatives was held on Tuesday, September 19, at noon (13:00).

The ceremony was held with 8 agenda items, and the committee’s activities were explained and general discussions were held. The meeting was ended at 02:30 p.m.

3. Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe of the Ministry of Human Rights called for swift international action against the Myanmar military during the US Congressional Briefing

U Aung Kyaw Moe, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, called for swift international action against the Myanmar military during the US Congressional Briefing.

“I called for swift international action against the terrorist Myanmar military, which has been deliberately targeting religious minorities and religious leaders of minority religions in Myanmar, arresting, torturing, and killing them, launching targeted aerial bombings on religious buildings of minority religions, invading and destroying them on the ground, and firing with heavy artillery, and to declare the crimes committed against Christian minorities as Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes,” the deputy minister said.

Deputy Minister of Human Rights U Aung Kyaw Moe delivered a speech on September 18 at the US Congressional Briefing hosted by the Chin Association of Maryland.

4. Tanintharyi has been added to Britain’s ban on travel to 8 states and divisions in Myanmar

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) issued a travel notice on September 19.

“The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against all travel to Mon State, Kachin State, Chin State, Kayah State, Kayin State, Sagaing Region, Magway Region, Northern Rakhine State, and Tanintharyi Region excluding Myeik township, the archipelago and townships south of Tanintharyi Township.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) advises against all but essential travel to Shan State, Mandalay Region, Southern Tanintharyi Region, and Central Rakhine State including Sittwe District,” it stated.

As there are many military conflicts, it advises against all travel to the above places.

5. Steven Sanyu asked the Polish Ambassador to the United Nations to support Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar

Burma Community Services founder U Steven Sanyu informed on September 19 that he had asked the Polish ambassador to the United Nations to support Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as a representative of Myanmar.

“Since the last two weeks, I have met with Ambassador Krzysztof Szczerski, the Polish ambassador to the United Nations through a U.S. government official, to support U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar, and about the current political situation in Myanmar,” he said.

Currently, Myanmar people are also staging demonstrations every day for the continued appointment of Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as Myanmar’s ambassador to the United Nations.

6. One of the warships that came down along the Chindwin River from Taung Phyu Village capsized and sank near the foot of She Nat Mountain below Maukkahtaw

On September 19, the Student’s Revolutionary Force (S.R.F.) informed that one of the warships that came down along the Chindwin River from Taung Phyu Village capsized and sank near the foot of She Nat Mountain below Maukkahtaw. 

“On September 19, around 10:00 a.m., one of the warships that came down along the Chindwin River from Taung Pyu Village capsized near the foot of She Nat Mountain below Maukkahtaw. It is heard that military council soldiers as well as teachers and students were on that speedboat, and a total of more than 100 people may have died, including the director, five navy soldiers and Pyu’s family members,” it stated.

In addition, about 20 heavy weapons and about 100 tons of jade were also said to have sunk along with the ship. Only one captain and one woman were escaped. That captain was Naing Win Zaw, the leader of Pyu Saw Htee from Taung Phyu Village and now he is being treated for a broken arm. 

7. Commander Bo Da Baw, the commander of the Cobra Column, awarded 100,000 baht to military junta private Saw Thet Naing Tun who defected along with a 338 Sniper and 50 rounds of ammunition

Commander Bo Da Baw, the commander of the Cobra Column, awarded 100,000 baht to military junta private Saw Thet Naing Tun who defected along with a 338 Sniper and 50 rounds of ammunition. 

“Saw Thet Naing Tun, a military junta private from LIB 9 under the 44th Division, brought 338 Sniper and ammunition and took refuge in the People’s Embrace, where he was welcomed by Commander Bo Da Baw, the commander of the Cobra Column,” it stated.

The junta private defected to the PDF Battalion in Kawkareik Township, Dooplaya District, Southern Military Region.

8. The members of the military council, which had established a foothold in Gangaw Township’s Myauk Khin Yan (Pyu) Village, opened fire with 120-mm heavy weapons recklessly, hitting 9 civilians and killing 3

On September 19, Gangaw Township People’s Administration confirmed it.

“Members of the military council based in Myauk Khin Yan (Pyu) Village of Gangaw Township are firing daily at the villages where 120-mm artillery shells can reach recklessly, although they are not military targets. On September 16, 2023, a 120-mm heavy weapon was fired from Myauk Khin Yan Village, and it exploded on a civilian’s house in Myin Thar Village of Gangaw Township,” it stated.  

As a result of the explosion, 9 innocent people, including children, were hit by the weapon, and a 23-year-old man and a 20-year-old woman died on the spot. A 69-year-old woman, who was hit by a weapon in the chest and right thigh, died again today while receiving medical treatment. In addition, a 3-year-old girl suffered a shrapnel wound to her right leg (not serious), a 4-year-old girl had a shrapnel wound to her right leg (not serious), and an 11-year-old girl had a shrapnel wound to her left leg (not serious). 

9. The local alliance forces fired sniper rifles at the members of the military council who were distressing the traveling civilians from inside the bunker outside the Kamma police station

On September 19, Myaing-PaKaFa informed military news that the local alliance forces fired sniper rifles at the members of the military council who were distressing the traveling civilians from inside the bunker outside the Kamma police station.  

“Once on September 11 at 6:20 p.m., and once on September 12 at 11:22 a.m. to 11:53 a.m., we conducted a total of 11 shots at the military council soldiers who were distressing the traveling civilians from inside the bunker outside the Kamma police station with snipers in cooperation with local alliance forces,” it stated.

On September 11, one military council member was killed by shooting, and on September 12, three members were killed and two were injured.

The above operation was cooperatively conducted by Myaing PaKaFa Battalion-1 Company-1, Myit Chay – Kyun Chaung People’s Defence Force (MC – KC PDF), Kamma Revolutionary Coalition including Kamma Defence Force (KMDF) and People’s Defence Force-Kamma (PDF-Kamma).

  1. The military council is afraid that the NUG will build a nationwide COC
  2. The Committee Representing Ayeyarwaddy Hluttaw (CRAH) and Ayeyarwaddy Region Hluttaw representatives met and discussed
  3. Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Moe of the Ministry of Human Rights called for swift international action against the Myanmar military during the US Congressional Briefing
  4. Tanintharyi has been added to Britain’s ban on travel to 8 states and divisions in Myanmar
  5. Steven Sanyu asked the Polish Ambassador to the United Nations to support Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun as the representative of Myanmar
  6. One of the warships that came down along the Chindwin River from Taung Phyu Village capsized and sank near the foot of She Nat Mountain below Maukkahtaw
  7. Commander Bo Da Baw, the commander of the Cobra Column, awarded 100,000 baht to military junta private Saw Thet Naing Tun who defected along with a 338 Sniper and 50 rounds of ammunition
  8. The members of the military council, which had established a foothold in Gangaw Township’s Myauk Khin Yan (Pyu) Village, opened fire with 120-mm heavy weapons recklessly, hitting 9 civilians and killing 3
  9. The local alliance forces fired sniper rifles at the members of the military council who were distressing the traveling civilians from inside the bunker outside the Kamma police station

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