Myanmar Spring Revolution Morning Fresh News for 2023 July 28

1. The Union Prime Minister sent word to focus on unity and avoid divisive issues

In the Interim Local Administration Central Committee (ILACC) Meeting (30/2023), the Union Prime Minister said, “We should focus on unity and be careful to avoid issues that cause internal division.”

“The NUG government is a government that emerged amid various hardships during the revolution, but it is a government that has taken responsibility with the people’s support, so we must follow the people’s decisions and try to fully implement the guarantees of true federal democracy. The PaAFa (People’s Administrative Body) is a small form of government, so various officials from all sectors are also involved. Discussions between regional officials and the central committee should be carefully considered. I would like to say that we should focus on unity and be careful to avoid issues that cause internal division in this period,” said the Union Prime Minister.

Following, the members of the Interim Local Administration Central Committee explained the completion status of the resolution made on (29/2023), and the previous processes, and the remaining processes to be carried out, which the attending officials discussed extensively.

Led by Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann, the meeting was attended by Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Permanent Secretaries, Associate Permanent Secretaries and officials from various departments.

2. The pilots involved in the downing of the K8W fighter jet were confirmed by KaLaLaTa

On July 27, the pilots involved in the downing of the K8W fighter jet were confirmed by KaLaLaTa.

“Last June 30, during a battle near the Ywar Thit area, a fighter jet of the military council was fired by our (KaLaLaTa) forces and joint forces, and it crashed causing a lot of smoke. The commanders of the relevant forces reported the case to the Political Department and the Military Department,” it stated.

It was found out that the type of fighter that was shot down was K-8W plane number (3935), piloted by Captain Thaw Zin (Air-4198) and Lieutenant Aung Phyo Kyaw (Air-4349) in that day’s battle, and took off from Taungoo Airport.

The Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KaLaLaTa) said that the K-8W case was reported to the Chairman, People’s Security and Defense Council, National Unity Government (NUG) on (9-7-2023).

3. In the 12th For Our People campaign, NUG Pay will support together with the people for the Salmon Operation Forces and Urban Guerilla Forces

In the 12th For Our People campaign, NUG Pay will participate with the people for the Salmon Operation Forces and Urban Guerrilla Forces.

On July 27, NUG Pay announced the introduction of the “Let the homesick comrades go home” program.

“The 12th For Our People campaign will be supported by NUG Pay together with the public for the Salmon Operation Forces and Urban Guerilla Forces. Donations will be accepted until August 9, 2023, and will be sent to the ground,” it stated.

The Royal Peacock Column, the Seven Ravens Column, and the Urban Owls Force will be provided.

4. Battles broke out between the KPDF Battalion of Momeik District and the terrorist military council troops in Mogok for 4 times, resulting in many casualties

On July 27, the KPDF Battalion of Momeik District informed that battles broke out between the KPDF Battalion of Momeik District and the terrorist military council troops in Mogok for 4 times, resulting in many casualties.

“On July 12, at 04:23 a.m., joint forces of the KIA and KPDF attacked the Kyatpyin police station under the terrorist military council in the west of Mogok, killing 1 police officer and severely injuring 3,” it stated.

Then, on July 12 at 7:40 p.m., the joint forces attacked the Manithara Monastery in Van Mon Village, Mogok, where the terrorist military council troops were stationed. It is said that there may be many casualties on the military council side.

Then, on July 22 at 7:03 a.m., the joint forces attacked the terrorist military council troops stationed at Kin Tawya Monastery in the west of Mogok, killing 1 junta soldier and injuring a lot.

Then, on July 23, at 4:32 p.m., the joint forces attacked the military council troops at Gwaypin in the west of Mogok, and 1 junta soldier was reportedly killed and at least 2 were injured.

5. A battle broke out with the military council troops who were marching in a column between Ah Su Chuang Village (Aee Su Hkee) and Khaw Htee Hkee Village in Bilin Township, killing one military council sergeant

On July 27, the KNU-headquarter released the military news that a battle broke out with the military council troops who were marching in a column between Ah Su Chuang Village (Aee Su Hkee) and Khaw Htee Hkee Village in Bilin Township, killing one military council sergeant.

On July 23, at 5:00 p.m., a battle broke out for about 5 minutes between the Battalion 2 of the Karen Nationalities Defense Organization (K.N.D.O) of KNU Brigade 1, and the military council column of LIB-405 with about 60-strong from Mepali (Meh Preeh Hkee) front-line strategic camp betweeen Ah Su Chaung (Aee Su Hkee) Village and Khaw Htee Hkee Village in Bilin Township, Doo Tha Htoo District (Thaton) in KNU Brigade 1 of the KNU – Karen National Union’s Kawthoolei Administrative Area.

After that, the terrorist military council column retreated and ran away. When the KNDO Battalion 2 conducted the area clearing operations, the body of a terrorist military council sergeant was seized together with ammunition, and the body was said to have been properly buried.

6. The terrorist military council column was attacked by dropping 2 bombs with drones at the north of Lakkapin Village, Myinmu Township, resulting in 4 casualties

The Black Eagle Defence Force-MMU informed the military news on July 27 that the terrorist military council column was attacked by dropping 2 bombs with drones at the north of Lakkapin Village, Myinmu Township, resulting in 4 casualties. 

“On the morning of July 27, the terrorist military council column containing about 50 soldiers from the camp at Myaung intersection, was attacked while they were taking a rest by defense forces led by the Black Eagle Drone Force of the Black Eagle Defence Force-MMU, along with the TGR Women Drone Force, by dropping 2 bombs with drones at around noon (12:00 p.m.) in the north of Lakkapin Village, Myinmu Township,” it stated.

It is said that four junta soldiers had to be carried by the squad after being hit by a bomb, and many were injured.

7. In July, the junta troops invading Saw Township, Gangaw District, Magway Division were attacked by joint defense forces, killing 18 junta soldiers

On July 27, Minbu District PDF Battalion-2 of the No. 1 Military Region confirmed the military news that in July, the junta troops invading Saw Township, Gangaw District, Magway Division were attacked by joint defense forces, killing 18 junta soldiers.

The joint column of the 130-strong enemy forces under Divisions 55, 77, and 101, who were invading the Myinkar Mountain, Kyein Chaung intersection, and Dragon Fruit Farm Mountain in Saw Township, Gangaw District, Magway Division on July 14, 2023, were attacked by the joint defense forces, killing 3 junta soldiers and injuring a lot.

On July 16 and 17, about 180 of the enemy’s forces invading near Ah Kyi Ka Tin Village, Saw Township, Gangaw District, were attacked by the joint defense forces, killing about 15 junta soldiers.

The attacks were conducted by the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) of Minbu District Battalion 2, Gangaw District Battalion 8, 13, 3 and 5, Pakokku District Battalions 5 and 19, Magway District Battalion 1, and Minbu District Battalion 1 and 5.

8. 157 people died due to artillery strikes by the terrorist junta across the country, and Sagaing had the highest number of deaths with 51 people

According to the data collected by the AAPP (Assistance Association for Political Prisoners), 157 people died due to artillery strikes by the terrorist junta across the country, and Sagaing had the highest number of deaths with 51 people.

“From January to July 27, 2023, (157) people died from artillery strikes employed by junta forces across the country, with the Sagaing Region reporting the highest number of deaths, at (51) victims.

On July 22, at around 7:30 pm, the junta’s police station and military camps in Khampat Town, Tamu District, Sagaing Region were attacked. Following the attack, junta forces responded by firing artillery shells. An artillery shell exploded in the No.1 Ward of Khampat Town, killing Pau Sian San who was hit by artillery shrapnel,” it stated.

9. A protest holding the banner, “Don’t forget the events that killed 44 Kani people”, was held on the Monywa-Kalewa road

On July 27, a protest was held on the Monywa-Kalewa Road to remember the war crimes committed in Kani in July, 2021, according to a local news source.

In July 2021, the terrorist military council killed four people on the eight-turn of the Kane-Kani-Nyaungkan-Thakhutta road and on July 9, 16 civilians were reported to have been massacred in Yinn Village in Kani Township.

On July 26, 12 civilians were killed in Kyatchaung Taw Tike in Taungbauk (East) Village in Kani Township, and 12 civilians were killed again in Zeebintwin Village on July 27.

  1. The Union Prime Minister sent word to focus on unity and avoid divisive issues
  2. The pilots involved in the downing of the K8W fighter jet were confirmed by KaLaLaTa
  3. In the 12th For Our People campaign, NUG Pay will support together with the people for the Salmon Operation Forces and Urban Guerilla Forces
  4. Battles broke out between the KPDF Battalion of Momeik District and the terrorist military council troops in Mogok for 4 times, resulting in many casualties
  5. A battle broke out with the military council troops who were marching in a column between Ah Su Chuang Village (Aee Su Hkee) and Khaw Htee Hkee Village in Bilin Township, killing one military council sergeant
  6. The terrorist military council column was attacked by dropping 2 bombs with drones at the north of Lakkapin Village, Myinmu Township, resulting in 4 casualties
  7. In July, the junta troops invading Saw Township, Gangaw District, Magway Division were attacked by joint defense forces, killing 18 junta soldiers
  8. 157 people died due to artillery strikes by the terrorist junta across the country, and Sagaing had the highest number of deaths with 51 people
  9. A protest holding the banner, “Don’t forget the events that killed 44 Kani people”, was held on the Monywa-Kalewa road

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