Spring Revolution Local News – Jul 13 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Union Minister Dr. Sasa has called for the international community to take concrete action because there is a risk that Myanmar’s children may become a lost generation unless prompt action is taken

Union Minister Dr. Sasa issued a statement dated July 12, 2023, calling for concrete actions from the international community and the free and democratic world on the deepening crisis in Myanmar.

“We have heard the powerful message and heartbreaking updates from the UN Special Rapporteur and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. We urge you to take a few moments to listen to this crucial update and join us in taking decisive actions. Unless immediate actions are taken, the children of Myanmar are at risk of becoming a lost generation,” Union Minister Dr. Sasa raised his concern.

Dr. Sasa also spoke out that the terrorist military junta has killed more than 800 children, unjustly imprisoned more than 380 children as political prisoners, held 51 children as hostages to pressure their parents, displaced more than 660,000 children, left more than 5.8 million in need of life-saving assistance, and deprived dozens of millions of children of their right to education since its attempted coup on February 1, 2021.

Dr. Sasa called on the international community in six areas: to immediate cut the flow of money to the genocidal military junta, joining the United States, the European Union other nations in sanctioning junta’s source of incomes; to stop the flow of military arms to the junta; not to give the junta legitimacy and to cut off all diplomatic engagements with the Myanmar junta; to impose coordinate, stronger and targeted sanctions against the military junta; to officially recognise the National Unity Government (NUG) as the sole legitimate democratic representative of Myanmar; and to support and stand solid with the people of Myanmar in their struggle against the genocidal military dictatorship to achieve freedom and federal democratisation, which is the only path to peace, prosperity, and stability not only for Myanmar but for the entire region.

2. Deputy Minister Dr. Ngai Tam Maung says that the military junta has become weak and is only facing defeat during the battles

Deputy Minister Dr. Ngai Tam Maung said the following in his video message to urge people to take part in the End of Dictatorship (EOD) campaign in order to completely sell out the remaining shares of its second fundraising project, InyaView@6.5 Mile, to provide support to victims of the terrorist military’s arson attack in the Anyar region:

“Because our people are united and firmly moving forward in the revolution, our revolution has come a long way. The military dictators have become weak and have been facing defeat in battle day after day. Therefore, it is very important for our people to continue to unite and help each other.”

During the people’s defensive war, more than 30,000 members of the terrorist military were eliminated. The military troops are currently suffering losses in Sagaing Region, Karenni State, Karen State, Chin State and Kachin State.

3. The military junta arrested 20 civilians who went to Kyauktaga Town to buy foodstuffs and will imprison 18 of them

According to a statement of the Karen National Union (Department of Organising and Information) on July 12, 2023, there were 20 civilians arrested in Nyaunglebin (Kler Lwee Htoo) District between July 6 and 11, and 18 of them would be imprisoned.

19 of the arrested civilians were young male residents from villages in Kyauk Kyi and Shwe Kyin Townships, such as Kyauk Hmaw Payargyi, Padae Kaw, Wet Lar Taw (Bamar), and Dar Kalar villages. The junta’s Infantry Battalion No. 264 (IB-264) arrested them between July 6 and 9, 2023, when they went to Kyauktaga Town to buy foodstuffs. Only Maung Htet Htet, a 22-year-old male resident of Padae Kaw village, was released, according to KNU, which cited the family members of the arrested individuals. The other 18 people were kept at Kyauktaga Police Station with the purpose of being sentenced to prison.

The Infantry Battalion No. 264 (IB-264) arrested another two male civilians from Kyauk Hmaw Payargyi and Dar Kalar villages who went to buy foodstuffs in Kyauktaga Town on July 9, 2023, according to the KNU statement.

4. The terrorist military troops burned down about 15 houses and farm equipment in War Yon Kone village in Khin-U Township

Khin-U Special Force Organisation (KSO) reported on July 13 that the terrorist military column that is committing raids and arson attacks in Shwebo District burned down about 15 houses and farm equipment in War Yon Kone village in Khin-U Township, Shwebo District.

“The terrorist soldiers, who stayed overnight in Boe Taw Taw village in Shwebo region and burned it down, continued to raid in the region and burned down about 15 houses and farm equipment in War Yon Kone village in Khin-U Township when they arrived there,” the KSO stated.

The military column then returned to the No. 8 Military Training School in Shwe Bo Township in the evening, according to the KSO.

Since the military coup, 70,324 houses across the country have been burned down due to the arson attacks of the military junta, of which Sagaing Region was the most affected with 53,816 houses being burned down, followed by Magway Region and Chin State with 10,451 houses and 1,600 houses being burned down, respectively.

5. A businessman alone donates US$30,000 to the “Yoma Calling” campaign

The “Yoma Calling” campaign team revealed on July 13 that a single businessman donated US$30,000 (more than 90 million kyats) to the campaign out of respect, sympathy, and honour for the PDF comrades who are not hesitating to sacrifice their lives for the country after watching a short video clip of the Salmon Operation’s PDF comrades made by Director Ko Pauk that was going around on social media. It is a six-minute video clip that was posted on social media on July 12 illustrating how the comrades of the Salmon Operation columns are fighting for their lives and country, and the song “Return of Salmon” was featured in the clip.

The Yoma Calling campaign team expressed their thank to him and invited more businessmen to stand with the people on the side of the truth and contribute to the campaign.

The “Yoma Calling” fundraising campaign, which will be taking place from June 25 to July 16, aims to raise the required revolutionary funds for the Salmon Operation, which will enable revolutionary fighters from the Yangon, Bago, and Ayeyarwady Regions to return home.

The Salmon Operation aims to gain territorial control of the Bago Yoma and Sittaung River Basin, which are critical to the Spring Revolution’s military strategy.

6. A revolutionary food fundraising fair will be organised in the United States, where the Har Ngar Kaung troupe’s “Spring Victory” Anyeint entertainment video will be displayed

The L.A. NUG Supporters team announced on July 13 that a revolutionary food fundraising fair, where the Har Ngar Kaung troupe’s “Spring Victory” Anyeint entertainment video will be displayed, will be held on July 30, 2023 (Sunday) from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

“People from all walks of life participated in the Myanmar’s Spring Revolution against the military dictatorship. Among them, to honour the Har Ngar Kaung group, who are fighting dutifully with weapons and art, we plan to show their ‘Spring Victory’ Anyeint entertainment video. Along with the Anyeint video screening, there will also be a fundraising event for which everyone can pre-order now,” stated the L.A. NUG Supporter team.

Five comedians from the well-known Anyeint group “Har Ngar Kaung” are taking part in the Spring Revolution through both the arts and the use of firearms.

It was said that the proceeds from the sales of the Anyeint tickets will be sent to the Har Ngar Kaung troupe group, and proceeds from food sales will be donated to the people who are suffering in the revolution in Myanmar.

The L.A. NUG Supporter team extended an invitation to vendors and consumers to participate in the food fundraising event in honour of artists who are fighting for the country and its people.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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