Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 26 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann attend the 47th Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day ceremony

Acting President Duwa Lashi La and Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann of the National Unity Government delivered speeches at the 47th Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day ceremony, which was live broadcast on June 26.

Acting President Duwa Lashi La said in his speech: “Our people have been experiencing anxiety and suffering under successive military dictators. Even now, we are all fighting against the terrorist military council that is prolonging the life of the military dictatorship. Salai Tin Maung Oo was proof of how red the courageous blood of those who did not back down from the oppressive regime under the military dictatorship was. Salai Tin Maung Oo’s spirit is reminding us not to hesitate at all in eradicating the military dictator.”

Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khaing Thann said in his speech, “The successive military dictators not only brutally tortured and arrested those who opposed them but also sentenced them to the death penalty and executed them without considering humanity, human dignity, etc. They used to do so. Also now, the coup military council is behaving as dictators of all ages used to do. The military dictator used to control the people through fear. By instilling fear into the people’s minds, justice and freedom are forced to kneel under the military boots, and human rights and equality are forced to be neglected.”

On June 26, 1976, student leader Salai Tin Maung Oo, who defied the dictatorship, was brutally hanged by military dictators.

2. The Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) issues a statement to mark the 47th Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day

The Interim Chin National Consultative Council (ICNCC) issued a statement to mark the 47th Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day.

The statement encourages all those who are taking part in the various sectors in various ways in the overthrow of the military dictatorship and the construction of a federal democratic union to take the words of Salai Tin Maung Oo to heart and move forward.

The ICNCC called for the annual observance of Salai Tin Maung Oo Commemoration Day because Salai Tin Maung Oo’s act of defiance against the military dictatorship, as a Chin ethnic university student leader, serves as an example that should be respected and recognised by all Myanmar citizens, including the Chin people, as well as by everyone else who opposes the military dictatorship.

Salai Tin Maung Oo bluntly told the military dictators who were preparing to hang him, “I will never kneel down to your military boots!” and boldly said, “You can kill my body, but you can never kill my beliefs and what I stood for.”

ICNCC stated in its statement that as long as the military dictatorship is not ended, all citizens of Myanmar, including the Chin people, will not be able to enjoy freedom, justice, security, and peace.

3. Union Minister U Tin Tun Naing urges people to use NUGPay Wallet with confidence and continue to support the spring revolution until its victory

U Tin Tun Naing, Union Minister for the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment, remarked the following in the One Year Anniversary Report Statement of the NUGPay Wallet released on June 26:

“It has been a year since the NUGPay [wallet] was created and operated for revolutionary needs. The ultimate goal of the NUGPay [wallet] is for the revolutionary people to be able to support the revolution safely and securely. Also in practise, we have been able to effectively implement a financial service that is free from the financial mechanisms of the terrorist military, so I would like to specifically document and congratulate the users and the NUGPay team. I would like to urge the revolutionary people to use the NUGPay [wallet] with confidence and support us relentlessly until the spring victory.”

The NUGPay wallet, which debuted on July 1, 2022, has now been operational for a full year. Of note, more than 28,000 users have signed up for the service, the amount of DMMK (Digital Myanmar Kyat) operating in the market is 15.2 billion, and 312 billion DMMK have been used in transactions overall, according to the report statement.

The Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment stated that all the NUGPay users who participated in the revolution through the NUGPay wallet despite difficulties and challenges during the year, NUGPay agents, and NUGPay team members are proudly documented.

4. Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that the current military is not a true public servant, so it must be overthrown and replaced by the People’s Defence Force

Dr. Tu Hkawng, Union Minister of the NUG’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, remarked the following on June 26 regarding the fascist coup military:

“There is no government without the civil servants who work for the mechanisms a government needs. One can’t alone become a government or a dictator. So, for the CDM movement to be successful, unity is needed. Police, soldiers, law enforcement civil servants, and general administration civil servants are key players in the CDM. What is difficult is that only a few of them take part in the CDM. The CDM could be said to be successful as the number of civil servants who provide public services, such as those from the railway department, education department, and health department, increased, but this could not completely stop the mechanism of the dictator. It is not that doing CDM is not beneficial, but it was because of non-unity. Gandhi was able to stop the British colonial government’s mechanism. But we couldn’t. So, what needs to be chiselled has to be hammered. The current military is not a true public servant. It must be overthrown and replaced by the People’s Defence Force.”

Following the military coup on February 1, 2021, the civil servants, mostly from education and health departments, who took part in the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) emerged along with the public movement against the military dictatorship.

5. Ko Htein Lin, the younger son of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and her two grandchildren attended her 78th birthday celebration in London

The 78th birthday of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was crowdedly celebrated along with a spring revolution fundraiser on June 25 in London, and her younger son, Kim Aris, also known as Ko Htein Lin, and her two grandchildren attended the celebration and cut the birthday cake for her, according to the press release of the NUG Representative Office in the UK.

Ko Htein Lin made a birthday wish at the ceremony, and in his wish, he called for the release of all the people who were unjustly arrested, including his mother.

About 1,000 Burmese diasporas in the UK attended the birthday celebration, and the NUG Representatives to the UK, U Maung Maung Aung and Dr. Thet Ko Ko, were also present at the celebration and made birthday wishes.

6. Nganmyan Police Station was attacked by a drone when junta police and soldiers were holding a meeting inside the station, claiming 6 deaths

The Danger Force Local PDF released an operation report on June 25.

“We launched a drone attack against the military council forces of about 30 police and soldiers while they were holding a meeting at Nganmyan Police Station in Ngazun Township, Mandalay Region. During the attack, 12 grenades were dropped on the buildings and trenches inside the station, and as a result, 6 of the soldiers and police holding the meeting were killed and at least 10 others were injured,” the Danger Force LPDF stated.

Following the attack, it was reported that the police station had been reinforced.

The attack was said to have been carried out jointly by the Danger Force LPDF, the Kyaukse District PDF Battalion No. 1 (Red Dragon Battalion), the Kyaukse District Drone Unit, the Myingyan District PDF Battalion No. 7 (Zero Guerrilla Force), the Shwebo District PDF Battalion No. 15, and the Sadaung Moegyo Local PDF.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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