Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 13 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Union Prime Minister says that there is a need for firearms and ammunition for Kayin (Karen) State due to the unexpected fighting

At the donation ceremony of the 25th Myanmar Thingyan in Nagoya, Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann stated that there is a need for weapons and ammunition for Kayin (Karen) State.

“The people’s revolution relies on the people. We are very grateful to the Nagoya Thingyan Organising Committee for collecting donations during this time without discouragement. The unexpected increase in fighting in Kayin State has raised the demand for items like ammunition and rifle grenades. At this time, the donation of the necessary funds by the Nagoya Thingyan Organising Committee is very grateful,” the Union Prime Minister said.

A total of 65 million kyats in donations received from the 25th Myanmar Thingyan in Nagoya, Japan, and donors in Japan were presented to the National Unity Government (NUG) at the ceremony, which was attended by the NUG’s Union Prime Minister Mahn Winn Khine Thann, U Soe Thura Tun, Union Minister for the NUG’s Ministry of Electricity and Energy, and representatives of fundraisers by Myanmar diaspora organisations around the world via Zoom meeting.

2. Vanushi Walters, the New Zealand MP for Upper Harbour, met with representatives of the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) to discuss escalating diplomatic and economic sanctions against the military council

The CRPH International Relations Office issued a press release on June 12 regarding a virtual meeting with Vanushi Walters, the New Zealand MP for Upper Harbour.

In the meeting, the CRPH representatives called on the New Zealand government to escalate political and economic sanctions, to provide direct support to Myanmar’s democracy efforts, and to offer humanitarian assistance, including political asylum, to Myanmar people who are displacing to the border areas.

The New Zealand MP discussed topics such as providing assistance to the CRPH and its members as well as the exhortations made by the CRPH members, and the two sides reached an agreement to increase cooperation and connections, according to the press statement.

CRPH secretary Mai Lamin Tun; Union Minister Prof. Win Myat Aye, the leader of the Myanmar MP delegation to the 146th International Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly; and chairman Daw Myat Thida Tun, secretary U Tin Ko Ko Oo, and members of the CRPH International Relations Committee attended the meeting.

3. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s birthday will be celebrated in New York City by wearing white t-shirts with her picture printed on them

Regarding the arrangements for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s birthday celebration, U Nay Tin Myint, the executive member of the New York City Burmese Community (NYCBC), which organises the birthday ceremony, told Radio NUG on June 13.

“We will celebrate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 78th birthday on June 18 at Broadway Pedestrian Plaza in Greeley Park, NYC, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. We’ll have many programs there. As program 1, we called on everyone who would join the birthday event to wear a white shirt. We also asked them to bring a red rose. White serves as a symbol of honesty and purity for people like us who stand for the truth. We would like to express that Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s actions are on the side of the truth. As for red roses, they represent bravery and steadfastness, so in honour of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s 78th birthday, we will all wear red roses on our chests. In addition, singer Ko Kyaw Thiha and other singers will perform mother songs to honour our leader. Another thing is that we have invited special guests to this event. In addition, at the birthday ceremony, we included in the program that the audience members who attend will write their birthday wishes for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on small sticky notes and stick them to the 8-foot portrait of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Then, we will pray for the speedy release of all innocent detainees, including our leader, State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been unjustly detained. Then, we will cut a big birthday cake and serve it to the attendees with drinks.”

(((((   U Nay Tin Myint, NYCBC   )))))

According to the program of the ceremony, prayers will be sent from the four major religions; sharing memories about the mother Suu by special guests who have been invited; performing songs to strengthen the mother Suu and all the people who are fighting against the military dictatorship; cutting the birthday cake; and praying will be included.

The community meeting where the ministers of the National Unity Government, Dr. Union Minister Zaw Wai Soe and Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung, and Myanmar Representative to the UN, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun, will have a warm discussion will be held on June 24 in New York City, and the event organiser, NYCBC, has invited the revolutionary Myanmar diaspora to attend the event.

4. The MSPDF used Shar Htoo Wow technology to attack the Kyauk Yit Police Station and Kyauk Yit Hospital in Myaung Township, where junta soldiers were stationed

The Myaung Special People’s Defence Force/Myaung Special Drone Force (MSPDF/MSDF) reported on June 13 that it had used Shar Htoo Wow drone technology to attack the Kyauk Yit Police Station and Kyauk Yit Hospital in Myaung Township, where junta soldiers were stationed.

The MSPDF stated, “On June 12, at 6:23 a.m., the MSPDF led an attack on the Kyauk Yit Police Station by dropping two 450-g grenades on it. We also launched another attack on the Kyauk Yit Hospital, where military council troops were stationed, using one 450-g grenade.”

It is reported that following the attack, the enemy troops fired back with small arms and then marched out of the station to investigate. The causalities on the enemy side were still unknown, and the operation was said to have been carried out jointly by the MSPDF, Chindwin Coalition (Myaung), the CHU-PDF, and the Meiktila District No. 3 PDF Battalion.

5. A 100 million kyat fundraising campaign to support the Sagaing District No. 17 PDF Battalion (the Viper) has been launched

The OFP fundraiser announced on June 12 that a 100 million kyat fundraising campaign to support the Sagaing District No. 17 PDF Battalion (the Viper) had been started.

It stated, “The 100 million kyat campaign to support the viper comrades from the Sagaing District No. 17 PDF Battalion had already started on June 10. The Burma Spring Revolution (Utica), which is one of the OFP fundraisers, and Comic V2.0, which is no stranger to the revolutionary people, are jointly organising the campaign, and the OFP fundraisers around the world support it.”

The OFP fundraiser urged people to contribute to the campaign as much as they could and said that letters of appreciation would be received upon contributions.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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