Spring Revolution Local News – Jun 01 (Evening)

Summary of News

1.  Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng says that Myanmar’s Spring Revolution is a revolution in which the people of Myanmar will teach the world a new lesson

In the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Newsletter Volume 2 No. 4 published on May 31, 2023, Union Minister Dr. Tu Hkawng stated: “Our revolution is a revolution in which the people of Myanmar will teach the world a new lesson. We have nothing else to refer to. Only our methods will be imitated by the people of other authoritarian countries.”

The Spring Revolution emerged along with the public movement against the military dictatorship following the seizure of power by the military on February 1, 2021.

2. The NUG delegation, led by the Union Minister and Deputy Minister of Human Rights, visit the Parliament of Victoria and meet with responsible persons

On June 1, Khun Baham Htan, Deputy Minister of Human Rights, stated that he and Union Minister U Aung Myo Min had visited the Parliament of Victoria and met with responsible persons there.

“Yesterday, on May 31st, Union Minister of Human Rights U Aung Myo Min, I, and representatives of the CRPH/NUG Support Group Victoria visited the Parliament of Victoria to meet, discuss, and encourage some issues relating to Myanmar,” said the Deputy Minister.

According to Deputy Minister Khun Baham Htan, the topics discussed included humanitarian assistance for Myanmar, a resettlement programme for political activists and refugees, student visa issues, and parliamentarians for Myanmar’s affairs (Victoria State).

3. Union Minister U Htin Linn Aung notes that the Sagaing Forum is the first step towards the formation of a federal unit

The first Sagaing Forum discussed four sectors: political, military, local governance, and general, and decided to establish the Sagaing Region Consultative Council, a body where all political and revolutionary organisations in the region can collectively coordinate and make decisions.

U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister for Communications, Information and Technology, noted the following regarding the Sagaing Forum.

“Speaking about the Sagaing Forum, I see this as the first step to implement their federal system based on the on-ground organisations. Sagaing is a very strong region in this revolution. With the military council that is using weapons to rampage, there is no way to bargain with them, and we won’t be able to use words to ask anything of them either. So, holding on to the basic concept that only by fighting could they be able to get what they desired, they fought against the military council. In my opinion, they are taking a step toward implementing the federal unit from the ground up by convening such a forum in a situation where they are now able to develop liberated territories as far as they got them by fighting.”

(((((   U Htin Linn Aung, Union Minister   )))))

The Sagaing Forum held from May 30 to May 31, 2023, was attended by 173 partner revolutionary organisations.

The National Unity Government also stated in its statement addressed to the Sagaing Forum that it believed the Sagaing Forum will be able to strengthen the collective coordination of revolutionary organisations in Sagaing Division in order to make it stronger for the elimination of all kinds of dictatorship, including the military dictatorship, abolition of the 2008 Constitution completely, establishment of the federal democratic union and emergence of a civil government.

4. Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung says that boycotting military products is also a way to take part in the revolution

At the Talk Show program of the “Yaw Na Ka Victory” fundraising campaign held on May 31, Deputy Minister Daw Ei Thinzar Maung said the following urging the boycott of military products:

“According to recent news, they [the junta] have gone so far as to forbid the hanging of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s portraits in houses. So, there are people who take part in this revolution mentally or financially. If you want to take part in person, you can support the revolution by not using the military products and boycotting them.”

In Sagaing and Magway Divisions, if military products such as Myanmar Beer, Mytel SIM cards, and top-up cards are discovered, they are confiscated and destroyed. Indaw Township People’s Defence Organisation (PDO/Pa-Ka-Fa) in Sagaing Division announced on June 1 that it had destroyed military-product Beers that were seized on May 28 by smashing them with vehicles. 

5. Battalion 5101, the very first PDF battalion of the Yangon Sub-Military Region, has been formed today

On June 1, the People’s Defence Force (PDF) Yangon Sub-Military Region announced that Battalion 1501 was formed as its very first battalion to carry out military operations in Yangon Region.

The announcement stated, “The National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence established the People’s Defence Force (PDF) on May 5, 2021, and in order to eradicate the terrorist military council once and for all, various battalions and columns are being established in each military region and sub-military region across the country, and guidelines and instructions are being given in order to conduct continuous military activities.

In the past, the Yangon Sub-Military Region only attacked the military council’s pillars with urban guerrilla activities due to the territory situation and for security reasons. Now, according to the instruction of the National Unity Government’s Ministry of Defence to organise the battalions and units within the Yangon Sub-Military Region, battalions and units will be systematically established under the command of the Yangon Sub-Military Region in accordance with the military code of conduct established by the Ministry of Defence.

Therefore, in order to combat the terrorist military council more effectively, Battalion 5101, the first battalion under the Yangon Sub-Military Region of the People’s Defence Force (PDF), is formed on June 1, 2023, with well-trained and skillful comrades with full obedience in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Defence.”

6. The terrorist military council aerially bombards a security gate of the Kayan New Land Army in the western part of Mobye

The military council’s airstrike on the Kayan New Land Army’s security gate was reported by the Progressive Karenni People Force (PKPF) on June 1, along with images of the gate’s devastation: “This morning, the terrorist military council used jet fighters to launch air bombardments on a security gate of the Kayan New Land Army in the western part of Mobye.”

The extent of the damage to the Kayan New Land Army’s members was not yet known.

7. The “500 Mines” campaign by the Monywa District No. 1 PDF Battalion, with a mine costing 50,000 kyat, is launched

On June 1, the Monywa District No. 1 Battalion of the People’s Defence Force (PDF) announced the launch of the “500 Mines” campaign.

It stated, “In order to pressure the enemy more, we are planning and preparing to use low cost and effective landmines to counter-attack the enemy with guerrilla operations. Therefore, we would like to respectfully ask the people’s hand to contribute to our campaign, with each landmine costing 50,000 kyat.”

It was said that the campaign would run from June 1 to June 30, and contributions can be made through the MPDF Salingyi Subcommittee.

8. The “Dot of Light for Yangon” fundraising campaign launches today

On June 1, it was announced that the “Dot of Light for Yangon” fundraising campaign had been launched.

“The campaign ‘Dot of Light for Yangon’ will begin today. We would like to express our special gratitude to our supporters at home and abroad who came to our chat box and contributed to our campaign since before the launch of the campaign and ever since we first launched the campaign page. We also especially welcome new supporters who will support our campaign overwhelmingly,” said the campaign organiser.

The “Dot of Light for Yangon” campaign, which aims to raise USD 500,000 to support military operations in Yangon Region, will run for one month, from June 1 to June 30.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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