Spring Revolution Local News – Mar 23 (Evening)

Summary of News

1. The Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the Committee Representing Chin State Hluttaw (CRCH) held a meeting to strengthen parliamentary cooperation

The meeting between the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and the Committee Representing Chin State Hluttaw (CRCH) was held on March 22 via video conferencing.

At the meeting, Chairman of the CRPH U Aung Kyi Nyunt and Chairman of the CRCH U Pa Thang gave opening speeches, respectively. Then, members of CRCH presented the political, operational, organisational, and parliamentary sector work being done in Chin State, and they inquired about NDAA budget-related matters.

The Chairman and members of the CRPH as well as the Chairman and members of the CRCH attended the meeting.

2. Rehabilitation work is being conducted in areas where military council troops are out of reach in the Sagaing and Magway Divisions

Dr. Zaw Wai Soe, Union Minister of the Ministry of Education and Health, said the following during NST’s program this week:

“In Sagaing and Magway [regions], there are many places where the military council troops are out of reach. There is a need for rehabilitation in those areas; it is a must, and it is already underway.”

In February 2023, the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management of the National Unity Government provided a total of 378.11 million kyat worth of humanitarian assistance.

3. NUG’s Union Minister Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe wishes for the liberation of Karenni State as soon as possible

On March 23, Naw Susanna Hla Hla Soe, Union Minister for Women, Youths and Children Affairs, wished for the liberation of Karenni State as follows:

“The Karenni State, which is full of beauty…

May Karenni State be liberated as soon as possible.”

Military council forces are conducting operations in 3 columns in the eastern part of Demoso (Dimawhso), Karenni State. The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) has increased by 15,000 as a result of the current military situation in the eastern part of Demoso (Dimawhso).

The number of Karenni IDPs had surpassed 200,000 as of early March 2023, according to the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN).

4. NUG’s Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung encourages the public to study the Federal Democracy Charter

Deputy Minister U Maw Htun Aung encouraged people to read the Federal Democracy Charter, saying:

“In the world of human society, the human community works together to support the common welfare of the community in which it lives. Only the kind of government that derives its authority from the people can assure human equality, human rights, human dignity, and human development. The Federal Democracy Charter is an agreement document that guarantees the above governance. Let’s study it.”

The Federal Democracy Charter, Parts I and II, can now be read in multiple languages on the web application. You can either visit https://app.federaldemocracycharter.com or scan the QR code given to download the app.

5. Oktwin Township MP Daw Cho Cho asserts that she was not involved in the landmine blast that struck the train in Oktwin Township, as military lobbyists have been propagating

On March 23, Daw Cho Cho, MP for Oktwin Township, clarified, “I didn’t find out about the railway landmine explosion in the Oktwin Township until I saw it in the news. I feel very sorry for the two innocent people who were injured. I am praying for a speedy recovery for them. In my capacity as a representative elected and voted for by the people, I have not even thought about, let alone instructed, such an act that would hurt innocent people.”

On March 22, the No. 3 up-express train leaving Yangon for Mandalay was struck by a landmine when it arrived between mileposts 142/9–10, injuring two men on board.

6. Pa O People’s Defence Force – Kham Dom (PPDF-KD)’s drone operation killed 2 junta soldiers and injured 4

On March 23, the Pa O People’s Defence Force – Kham Dom (PPDF-KD) released its military operation as follows:

“The Pa O People’s Defence Force – Kham Dom (PPDF-KD) is developing military activities in cooperation with partner organisations, allies, and Ethnic Resistance Organisations (EROs) according to the respective military areas. When the PPDF-KD Drone Team, in cooperation with the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), the People’s Defence Force (PDF), and partner revolutionary organisations, carried out a drone mission, 2 military council troops were killed and 4 injured.”

The PPDF-KD called for people to provide support in order to meet the needs and improve military operations.

7. The junta troops opened fire at pedestrians and farmers heading to their farms near Inn Pat railway station in Khin-U Township, and set Mya Kan village on fire

“Starting at around 7:00 this morning, about 40 terrorist soldiers and Pyu Saw Htee members from Ywa Thit Kone village who were stationed at the Inn Pat turn market on the west side of Khin-U Township hid near the Inn Pat railway station and shot at pedestrians and farmers heading to their farms, and at 8:20 a.m., they entered Mya Kan village and burned civilian houses,” local news sources said.

The junta soldiers stationed at Ye-U Traditional Medicine Hospital also fired 6 artillery rounds to the west side of Khin-U Township, displacing residents.

8. The revolutionary fundraising project “The Fence,” which seeks to raise 1 billion MMK, will run through April 9

On March 23, the CRPH-OFP announced the following about the campaign of the project “The Fence” to support Karenni State:

“The campaign to support Karenni State, where there are a lot of clashes with the military council troops, has been launched. The project ‘The Fence,’ which aims to provide 1,000 million Myanmar kyats to replenish weapons and ammunition for the Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) Strategy-4 region within 21 days, will be run from March 20 to April 9.”

The project is organised by the KNDF, co-organized by OFP fundraisers such as the Citizens Support Center (CSC) and Support Our Heroes, and supported by many international OFP fundraisers, according to the CRPH-OFP.

The detailed information about the campaign and international fundraiser list can be found on the project “The Fence” Facebook page.

#Credit : Radio NUG


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